Chapter 607 Zhai Lin (15)

It is filled with incriminating evidence of the two families.

Fang Tao's family manages an equipment factory for his boss. The factory boss has lived abroad for many years. He and his wife are acting factory directors and the other sits in the financial office. During shipment transactions, he and his co-boss often use their positions to facilitate private transactions. Taking kickbacks, out of the millions of money appropriated by the accountant and the invoices issued for the same amount, [-]% of the money was actually quietly taken away by themselves.

This matter could not have been exposed in the first place, but the Zhai family was so powerful that it only took one night to find out the factory's cooperative companies and find out what was going on inside.

The real boss of the equipment factory rushed back and jointly called Finance to conduct an audit. After careful investigation, they discovered that over the past few years, the couple had taken away as much as 200 million yuan from the company.

Not only was he jailed for committing a crime, but he also had to pay compensation accordingly. That's why Fang Tao's parents rushed to the school to beg for mercy.

Another family was in a similar situation. After flipping through the information, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but sigh, "It's so efficient in doing things."

She handed the document back to him, "So are you going to trade this? Let them issue a mediation letter for the fight, and then send the son suspected of spreading rumors to a detention center?"

Zhai Lin went to the vending machine and bought two cans of Coke. He opened one can and heard the sound of sparkling water. He handed it to her with a natural movement, "Of course not."

He looked at her, the scars on her cheekbones were scabbed and slanted like a cool battle-damaged wind tattoo, matching his lethal and vicious sneer, very bad.

"I'm a psycho, how can I go to jail?"

His legal team is the best at this kind of thing.

He pulled open his Coke can and touched it with hers, "This kind of rubbish is definitely my most tolerant approach."

Those vicious words, despicable tone, and expression that didn't care how much it would hurt her were all the fuses that ignited the fire in his heart.

"This is my world."

Zhai Lin murmured softly, raised his hand and touched her warm face, "You are standing in front of me alive, how can I let you be hurt again?"

The eyes full of sticky love came again, covering the eyes of a murderer, twisted together, and revealed a strangeness.

Jiang Nuannuan watched as he thought he was approaching quietly, almost touching her face, and the scent of ylang-ylang flowers in his breath was about to touch her lips.

She tried to divert her attention, "I know about your illness. Your grandma told me clearly."

Zhai Lin's nose touched her cheek, sniffing, touching lightly and ambiguously, and his lips were slightly opened, as if he wanted to bite her.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't bear the blow to his appearance. When she saw that he really wanted to kiss, she suddenly put her hand on his chest and said, "Zhai Lin, I'm just here to pick you up and take you back to school today."

After being rejected, Zhai Lin pursed his lips, lowered his head, and his eyes shimmered under his blond hair, "Do you mind my abnormality?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, endured it, and poked his porcelain white cheek, which was fairer than a woman's and could be broken by blows. "Zhai Lin, you should look in the mirror. I can't stand your impeccable appearance." Face, and you trying to do this over my will.”

He smiled slightly, like an angel, without any hint of darkness or irritability, "That's it."

Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly and turned around, "Let's go, it's getting late."

Zhai Lin followed her: "Where do you live now?"

There were many taxis waiting in line in front of the hospital. She directly pulled him into the car to avoid the problem, "The old community near the school is very messy at home. When I clean it all up, I invite you to come and sit."

After Zhai Lin was sent back to school, he went to find his teacher to change his major, while Jiang Nuannuan went to finish the last class in the afternoon. When he left the classroom, he was already waiting at the door on time.

Everyone focused on them. After all, Zhai Lin's fight over her made a big fuss. Everyone knew that Fang Tao and the boy who were still living in the hospital were going to be expelled from school, and there were a few other people spreading rumors. Anyone who has done so will be punished together.

Zhai Lin's identity has not been revealed yet, and everyone's curiosity about this handsome boy who returned from abroad has increased several times.Jiang Nuannuan walked straight over, "I want to eat braised chicken, what about you?"

Zhai Lin put one hand in his pocket and walked beside her, following the crowd, not bothering to pay attention to those eyes, "Same."

It was raining outside, so Jiang Nuannuan held up an umbrella and handed it to him, "Then let's order a big portion and eat together."


Zhai Lin took the umbrella, held it over their heads, and went to the cafeteria arm-in-arm with her. They didn't go any further, but they became intimate.

He was satisfied with the progress, but it was not enough. He wanted to get her faster and faster.

After eating in the cafeteria, Jiang Nuannuan sent Zhai Lin back to the men's dormitory, held an umbrella and walked out of the school gate to go home.

Not long after, Zhai Lin came out of school and got into a black car.

There was a thunderstorm at night. The news said that a typhoon was coming this way, and thunder was rolling in the heavy clouds. It is expected that the weather will be like this in the coming week.

Jiang Nuannuan got out of the taxi. The umbrella in her hand could no longer block the heavy rain sloping under the strong wind. Most of her jeans legs were completely wet. She hurried into the unit building and went home to take a shower and change clothes.

Arriving at the living room wearing light pajamas, she found that the window was still open, and the rain was pouring in.

When I walked over and closed it, a blurry figure under the warm light flashed past in the building directly opposite.

She paused and looked intently. The light had been turned off, blending into the rain and becoming pitch black.

After standing for a while, she took a mop and mopped the floor clean without paying attention.

And Zhai Lin stood in the darkness, quietly watching the girl close the window, watching her go to the small kitchen next to her, open the refrigerator, and take out a box of fruit to wash.

He was a voyeur with no limits, monitoring her every move.

Jiang Nuannuan put the washed grape bunches on the computer table, picked up the paintbrush and immersed herself in work.

The manuscript for the latest issue was finished that night and submitted to Party A, who we often cooperate with.

When she saw that it was already 3 o'clock in the morning, she pulled off the blanket and fell asleep on the sofa while yawning.

For several days, he watched her live her life so casually, not caring at all about her health.

Zhai Lin was very unhappy with what she did, but she didn't want the money he gave her and she worked hard on her studies. She would not accept help from others and would not relax at all.

Why is she working so hard?
All because she had no family to rely on and they all betrayed her.

Not wanting to go against Jiang Nuannuan's will and not being hated by her, Zhai Lin endured the heartache and anger that finally turned into revenge against the Jiang family.

He is good at solving problems at their root.

A new business district is about to be opened for investment, construction and investment promotion. It is rumored that the Zhai Group is very optimistic about the future.

The competition is fierce.

After the Jiang family heard the news, they started investigating to see if they could invest.
(End of this chapter)

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