Chapter 608 Zhai Lin (16)

After the typhoon passed, the school's long-delayed outing was finally held as scheduled.

Zhai Lin's major change won't be until next month, so they can still travel together.

They will first take a flight to the mountains to see the most primitive jade and mineral mining, visit the famous Queen's jewelry series displayed in the exhibition hall, and listen to the explanations and creative ideas of industry experts.

However, Zhai Lin was all in a lack of interest. Following Jiang Nuannuan and occasionally listening to her explanations could dispel most of the boredom.

On the day they were looking at all kinds of rough jewelry in the mountains, after visiting in the morning, they had to complete a report in the afternoon to write down their experiences today and analyze the quality of the raw materials.

The accommodation environment in the mountains is not very good. You can always smell a faint smell of earth and moisture when sitting in the room.

Jiang Nuannuan simply took her notebook and went to the open space outside.

One side is a mining area, and the other side is a rolling mountain forest stream. The original environment is very good.

She chose a quiet place where she could hear running water, opened her notebook and started writing her homework.

Zhai Lin followed her all the way without disturbing her. He found a stone and sat down, looked at her, opened the sketchbook in his hand, and started writing slowly.

A classmate who also came out looking for a place to stay because of the poor accommodation environment discovered them. They stopped for a long time because of the beautiful picture and took photos.

Hearing the rustle of shoes stepping on grass blades, Jiang Nuannuan separated from her homework, turned her eyes, and saw the person on the stone, her pupils shrunk and she was stunned.

Zhai Lin didn't know when she sat on a big rock seven or eight meters away from her. The sunlight just shined through the broken green leaves. The light dust was still in the air as if it had substance. The boy's short golden hair shimmered. , the facial features softened by concentration are so perfect that one can stop breathing.

Compared with the amazing allure of appearance, his disease can also become a part that can be ignored.

If she would be his collar, his rope, his handcuffs
Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, her heartbeat was a little too fast.

After finishing the stroke, Zhai Lin raised his eyes, looked into her eyes, stretched his long legs, jumped down, and walked over.

"You've finished writing."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and watched the angel approach.

"not yet."

Zhai Lin pointed to the extra piece of newspaper next to her, "Should I sit next to you?"

"Okay." She sat aside and made room for him.

The painting that was about to be completed also came into her sight.

It's a sketch of her.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, took out the gummies from her bag and stuffed them into him, "Thank you for painting me so beautifully."

Zhai Lin curled his lips slightly, bit into one piece and chewed it. He put one hand behind her and relaxed his body.

By the time she took a little more time to finish her homework, Zhai Lin had already finished the sketch and had eaten the whole candy bar. Now that he had nothing to do, he held his chin and tilted his head to stare at her.

Jiang Nuannuan waved her hand and put the painting in before closing the notebook, "I will keep it."

Zhai Lin moved and put his chin on her shoulder. His breath fell on her ears, and the sweet breath enveloped her completely.


Jiang Nuannuan's body stiffened slightly, "Then go back and sleep for a while?"

Zhai Lin put a hand on her knees and snorted, "It's smelly and dirty in there."

"so what?"

He pressed his fingers on her legs and said softly, "Let me lie down."

He wanted to rest his head on his knees.

Jiang Nuannuan did not dare to turn her head, fearing to touch his lips that were so close. She lowered her eyes and stared at the big hand, which had a shallow scar from a previous beating.

She relented and followed his strength to flatten her legs, "Half an hour at most."

The two newspapers placed side by side were only about the same size. Zhai Lin stepped back and lay half of his body on the grass. He slept on her lap as he wished, looking satisfied.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at his long legs outside, thinking that he didn't mind at all that the grass outside was dirty because of mosquitoes.

The sun was a little bright, so Zhai Lin turned sideways and rubbed against her body.

Jiang Nuannuan took off her cardigan jacket, gently put it on his face, touched his hair, took out her mobile phone, adjusted the volume, and prepared to read a novel.

Originally, he just wanted to get closer to her, but the tip of his nose was filled with the lingering scent, and Zhai Lin really fell asleep.

It took half an hour as promised, but by the time the sun was setting, Jiang Nuannuan's legs were numb and she didn't want to wake him up.

She gently took off the clothes that covered Zhai Lin's face. His eyelashes were very long and there was a light cyan color under his eyes. He didn't seem to have slept well.

She touched his eyes, the bridge of his nose, and finally his lips. She stared at him for a long time, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart.

Gradually, Jiang Nuannuan stared at him in a daze, until the man noticed the wind blowing on his face, taking away the faint fragrance, and woke up from a sweet dream, hazy and really opened his eyes.

The fiery red sunset fell behind them across a creek.

Suddenly, Zhai Lin raised his body and placed a soft kiss on the corner of her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and was confused.


Zhai Lin held her face, "Did you touch me?" Jiang Nuannuan blushed and slapped his hand away, "Let's go, the temperature has dropped."

She wanted to stand up, but her legs were numb from sleep, and the sore feeling made her take a deep breath.

Zhai Lin stopped his smile and turned it into annoyance. He picked her up and said, "You should have woken me up a long time ago."

"That doesn't mean you slept soundly."

Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly hugged his neck to protect her notebook.

Zhai Lin held her in his arms and walked down a slope with steady steps. This was something that he could not do in the past when his stump was tortured by prosthetic limbs and turned into pus.

He hugged the person tightly, raised his lips and said, "I can also run on my back."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't understand why he suddenly said that, so she softened her voice and said, "Next time."

The two returned to the student camp. The stove in the kitchen on the top of the mountain suddenly broke down and they could not provide food for them. The teacher wanted to take them by car to a mountain spring hotel halfway up the mountain to have a meal and then return.

The hotel halfway up the mountain is much better than the one at the top.

The reason is that there are so many classes to visit, the school has a limited budget, and the family circumstances of some students must also be taken into consideration. The room rate of several thousand a night is definitely not enough, so we can only stay in relatively cheap hotels. .

The hotel has a buffet. During the meal, the roommate whispered to Jiang Nuannuan: "Are you two so tired now? You are almost inseparable. If you say you are not in love, it is a bit too much."

Jiang Nuannuan did not deny it this time, "We are still in contact."

The roommate immediately laughed and showed her the photo on his phone, "The beautiful photo of you two looks like a vampire couple in the Twilight Saga. Everyone said you have good looks that could make a debut, haha, you have such a face."

Jiang Nuannuan took a look and stopped. She didn't know who had taken such a good angle. Zhai Lin was wearing a black sweater, with pale complexion, golden hair, and unusual gray eyes, looking at her attentively while painting, in the forest. and sunshine, they are like figures in the painting.

"Send it to me," she said.

"Do you like it?"


Jiang Nuannuan silently collected the photos and then went to find Zhai Lin for dinner.

After this whole week of visiting and studying, she could feel that Zhai Lin's mental condition was very stable. Occasionally she would see him impatiently rejecting passers-by's attempts to strike up a conversation, but when she came back, his bad face would be back to before.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that she was like Zhai Lin's emotional stabilizer. His mood always fluctuated depending on the distance between him and her.

And she had never experienced this feeling of being overly cared about by others since she was a child.

Her parents started their own business in the early years, and she was raised by a nanny. She had a childhood sweetheart. During those days, she basically followed the other boys' butts willingly. She finally got through high school and the family reunited and lived together. Not long after the pampered life, Jiang Meng's arrival destroyed everything.

She became a homeless person with nothing.

Zhai Lin is unique in her heart now.

There was still a lot of uncertainty about him, but the qualities that attracted her far outweighed the potential danger.

On the way back, the boy next to her fell asleep again. He was sleeping soundly with his head pressed against her temples. His fingers fell on her legs intentionally or unintentionally, hooking her little finger.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and thought seriously about how much pressure she would have to endure and the courage to fight once this relationship started.

Jiang Meng, who had been silent for a long time, reappeared on the news page. The big news was that she participated in the jewelry competition despite the pain of her lame leg and won the Best Newcomer Award.

The title created a big buzz, and he was even hailed as one of the top designers with the most potential in the future of East China Jewelry.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan saw this news during recess at school, her phone was buzzing with calls from her collaborators.

They thought Jiang Nuannuan had no spirit of contract and sold the design draft a second time, but her tone was innocent and her eyes were full of surprise, "No, what I gave you is the original design draft. I didn't sell it to a third party. I suggest you Call the police immediately to find out what happened.”

She was summoned to the police station that day. She didn't even have time to have lunch with Zhai Lin, so she hurriedly sent him a message and left the school.

The people at the police station were a little frightened when they saw Jiang Nuannuan. They knew who was behind her. Someone poured her a cup of hot tea and patiently and gently asked what happened.

Facing the cross-examination, Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and finally said: "After I left Jiang's house, I didn't take anything with me except some clothes. Among them, I kept a computer at home that I used to draw design drafts. The two works that were sold were originally created on that computer. After I left, I only took copies of the works without taking the computer with me."

Policeman: "Don't you have a password set on your computer?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Of course there is, and there is also an email account that I specially tied to it. It cannot be unlocked if it is different."

To unlock her computer, one had to either create a new account or flash the computer, but neither method could obtain her original computer data.

The policeman reacted quickly and asked: "Who did you tell your computer password?"

Jiang Nuannuan pretended to think seriously. After a while, her face turned ugly and she felt a little embarrassed.

"I told someone."

She was working with a female boss. Seeing that she was unwilling to mention it, she was a little anxious and said, "The series you gave us will be released soon. We can't just throw it away. What's going on?"

Jiang Nuannuan gritted her teeth: "I showed it to Ji Yansen, who is Jiang Meng's current boyfriend and my childhood sweetheart."

Speaking of her childhood sweetheart, her eyes turned red and she tilted her head, unwilling to face the reality, "Now we have no relationship. He cheated on her before we started dating."

The female boss was anxious at the beginning and then became furious. How could anyone not understand what was wrong?

"Is this man stealing your work just to please Jiang Meng and to help her stand out in the competition?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded hesitantly, "Otherwise, I really can't think of anyone else. I will only tell him the computer password. After all, we have known each other for so long and I trust him the most."

Anyone who is exposed to this matter will feel angry.

(End of this chapter)

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