Chapter 609 Zhai Lin (17)

The partner decided to directly release the news and sue Jiang Meng. The other party is now a well-known figure. Making a wave of news and using media public opinion will bring great attention to their upcoming jewelry in advance.

Jiang Nuannuan also expressed her affirmation of their approach. Being recognized by East China Jewelry will give her, the original creator, corresponding exposure in the jewelry field, which will make her ability stand out.

On the day when East China Jewelry was to announce its awards and announce its cooperation with the winners, Jiang Meng wore a couture dress and deliberately exposed the bandage on her ankle. She was supported by Ji Yansen and walked slowly onto the stage.

She told about her difficult experience of persisting in completing her creations despite being injured, and about a member of her family who broke everyone's heart. She faced the camera and sincerely hoped that the member would go home soon.

The media all know about the strange thing about the Jiang family's daughter swapping, and how much the real daughter, who came from behind, likes the fake daughter who has a hot temper and often bullies her.

Everyone commented that she was a kind and generous person.

Jiang Meng and Ji Yansen held hands and looked at each other affectionately, "Of course, the reason that allowed me to persist to this point is because I have my lover by my side."

The speech was coming to an end. The person in charge of East China Jewelry smiled and presented a cooperation letter.

The top prize winners in this competition are all qualified to produce jewelry. After Jiang Meng signed his name, he was in high spirits, as if he had seen the scene where he would become famous in the future.

At this moment, the mobile phones of the crowded media below rang.

The person in charge from Pinxuan Jewelry posted a picture of Jiang Meng’s mysterious new product on Weibo that they have been preparing for more than a year and will be released soon.

[This necklace of teenage love is the final work that we have prepared for a whole year and will be released soon. Behind it is the planning and efforts of @江nuannuan and our entire team of masters. I would like to ask Miss Jiang Mengjiang to steal other people's achievements and even make a big show of it. Are you ashamed to take possession of it as your own? 】

As soon as the title came out, the media below instantly changed their expressions and went crazy. The microphone suddenly hit Jiang Meng's face where the smile froze.

"I would like to ask Miss Jiang, is your award-winning work plagiarized by Jiang Nuannuan?"

"As far as I know, the only family member you mentioned just now is Jiang Nuannuan. Now that you have been revealed to have plagiarized her work, do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Meng almost fainted from fright. The flashing lights made it impossible for her to open her eyes. She hid in Ji Yansen's arms in panic, denying loudly.

She never expected it!Never expected that!Jiang Nuannuan, a college student who is still studying in school, has been able to cooperate with jewelers and even sell things! ! !
The sirens outside were approaching, and the time was set just right. It was hard not to suspect that it was intentional.

Several policemen walked through the crowd and showed their IDs to Jiang Meng, "Please come with us."

Ji Yansen's face was extremely ugly now. He didn't expect Jiang Nuannuan, who seemed so well-behaved, to trick them back.

Under so many media cameras, he was embarrassed and could not abandon his girlfriend and run away. He could only protect her while trying to defend her to the police, "Did I make a mistake somewhere? This work was made by me watching Xiao Meng with my own eyes." It was not easy for her to achieve this by staying up all night in the hospital bed."

Seeing that the two men were cheating, the police officer said directly: "You can also be charged with assisting the theft. Jiang Meng is not the only one."

Ji Yansen was stunned. When he came to his senses, both of them were pulled into a police car in full view of the public.

This wave also directly damaged the reputation of East China Jewelry, and the person in charge was even more angry.

In order to cooperate with the police investigation, Jiang Nuannuan missed two days of classes at school and did not have time to say a few words to Zhai Lin, who had changed his major.

Of course, in order to appease his emotions, she would always call him on the way home to tell him what she was doing.

Zhai Lin would also listen patiently at this time, standing by the dark living room window, silently monitoring her every move.

In order to make things go smoothly, he also called the police station and sent Chen Guoqing from the company to Pinxuan's jewelry studio, preparing for them to formally prosecute him for theft and leaking trade secrets.

The person in charge of Pinxuan did not expect that the Zhai family would intervene in this matter. Although he was delighted, he understood that he was closely related to Jiang Nuannuan, and he became more and more interested in the long-term cooperation with her.

Not long after the incident, the police went to Jiang's house and found the computer left by Jiang Nuannuan. All the contents in it had been wiped out. Jiang Meng insisted that he had not stolen other people's designs.

The person in charge of Pinxuan Jewelry directly dumped the contract he signed with Jiang Nuannuan a year ago.

"This work was completed at least two years ago. As far as I know, you had just changed your major to study design at that time. How could you have such a highly completed work? We all worked on the manuscripts Jiang Nuannuan had in hand. After docking and communicating, both the style and lines are relatively young, but I can't stand the creativity, so after some modifications, I am going to use it as our new blockbuster product for sale this year. Now that you have been exposed in advance, you can still buy it at East China Jewelry They signed a production agreement after winning the award, how much money will we lose?!" Hearing the other party's scolding, Jiang Meng looked across the table at Jiang Nuannuan, who had a calm expression on her face, knowing that she could only rely on her family's support for this matter The means were suppressed, but she still refused to compromise. She just said, "I didn't steal at all! It was just the person in charge of your product promotion who was betrayed! I gave Jiang Nuannuan a full 20 yuan! She voluntarily followed me Ji Yansen also knows about the transaction!"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Ji Yansen, her lips curled up slightly, and she whispered: "Of course he won't hesitate to help you stab me in the back. After all, he also wants to enjoy the glory and wealth."

Ji Yansen darkened his eyes and looked sad, "You can't act like this because of emotional differences. We agreed on the phone, didn't we?"

"Have we entered into a contract? Are there remittance records? Are there transaction monitoring?"

Jiang Nuannuan very generously agreed to let the police follow her to the bank to check the bank statements and check the surveillance. Chen Guoqing followed him all the way.

She glanced at the other person twice, knowing that it was Zhai Lin who arranged it.

The results of the investigation also made Jiang Meng angry. The Jiang family had long frozen all the bank cards that could be used in Jiang Nuannuan's name. Every payment on her newly opened account came from various major banks. None of the commissions for large and small design drawings could be matched with Jiang Meng's account.

Jiang Mengcai realized that when Jiang Nuannuan asked her to pay 20 yuan in cash directly, it was not because her bank card was frozen, but because she had dug a hole and was waiting for her to jump into it.

Who can check the cash flow?

"Jiang Nuannuan! I clearly gave you 20! Why did you say no! Why did you harm me like this! "

Even if the bank was asked to check Jiang Meng's bank card transactions, the huge sum of 20 was withdrawn in installments by different banks in order to prevent Jiang Nuannuan from reporting her and for fear that she would report it to her, and the amount was not at all correct. No number.

The two sides are scheming against each other, and the protection she thought she had has suffered a lot, and it is even enough to destroy her future!
Pinxuan Studio was also assisted by Chen Guoqing. The advice he gave was that he was suspected of leaking trade secrets and the amount was huge. He should file an appeal for compensation and bear criminal liability.

Hearing that he was going to jail, Jiang Meng finally lost control and wanted to climb over the table and hit Jiang Nuannuan, who was always watching the show as a weakling.

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she looked at the couple with a provocative look.

The Jiang family was in distress for several days. When they heard that their biological daughter, who had finally come back, was going to jail, they tried every means to bring her back, but all ended in failure.

Originally, they had some friendship with the police chief and also knew the local judge. At this moment, these connections were deliberately cut off. They could not be contacted at all, and all the gifts they gave out were returned.

They really didn't expect that there would be someone behind a small jewelry studio.

Chen Guoqing also accepted interviews from the media in his own office at Zhai Lin's request.

Jiang Meng's false label of cherishing her family was completely torn away. Jiang Nuannuan, who was still in college, not only lost two families and all sources of income, but also had her boyfriend stolen by Jiang Meng. The leak of the design draft was due to cheating The ex-boyfriend was causing trouble.

As soon as this incident came out, the children who grew up in a compound with Jiang Nuannuan received a large amount of money transfer, and they also broke the truth of this incident to the media.

"Jiang Nuannuan and Ji Yansen were childhood sweethearts. At that time, Jiang's family was starting businesses in other places. She had a nanny at home who followed him every day. The two of them grew up together. If Jiang Meng hadn't suddenly intervened, they would have been eight. You need to get married in Chengdu.”

"Ji Yansen's family is in average condition, but his parents are greedy for vanity. Now that Jiang Nuannuan is no longer a rich man, he goes to find Jiang Meng. In my eyes, it's normal."

"Ji Yansen, I didn't expect him to backstab his childhood sweetheart."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the so-called ugly side of Jiang Nuannuan that was deliberately exposed to the media for them to see was all fake.

Whoever it was, her boyfriend was snatched away, her family was snatched away, and her bank card was frozen. It would be strange if she didn't hate Jiang Meng.

"What qualifications does Jiang Meng have to be such a good person? She's too bad."

More and more people in the school are fighting against Jiang Nuannuan. All the rumors in the past have disappeared, and the process of things getting better has been unexpectedly smooth.

She had no class in the afternoon that day, but Zhai Lin had a class, so she sent him a location, which was her home address.

Jiang Nuannuan was going to go to the market to buy things, and then went home to treat him to dinner in the evening.

After receiving the message, Zhai Lin looked at the list of addresses that had been engraved in his heart for a long time.
(More updates tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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