Chapter 610 Zhai Lin (18)

Ji Yansen was detained in the police station for several days. At first, he thought that with the Jiang family's parents' status and financial resources, it would be a matter of time to get him out. But now, his parents rushed to the police station in a hurry. The police station met with him and gave him a slap in the face.

The Jiang family couldn't get him out, not only him, but even Jiang Meng couldn't get out.

There is a bigger force behind Pinxuan Jewelry Room, which makes all the connections and money useless.

Chen Guoqing, the lawyer in this case, is also a feared presence in the legal community. The Jiang family's lawyer said bluntly that this battle was unwinnable. No matter how you looked at it, Jiang Nuannuan didn't leave anything to do. The handle of the article is that everything was planned by their children. The best result is civil compensation, plus a prison sentence of less than three years.

"Son! If you don't defend yourself, you will go to jail!" His mother looked sad.

Does he want to accompany Jiang Meng to jail for three years before coming out?After coming out, can he still be with her and become the son-in-law of a wealthy family?

Ji Yansen's mind suddenly became active. Jiang Meng's reputation was completely ruined now, but if he could survive it, there would be benefits.
He told his mother his idea.

After hearing what he said, the woman across the glass did not agree very much.

"The Jiang family doesn't seem to have a lot of money recently."

His mother leaned close to the window and whispered: "Your father heard that the Jiang family wanted to acquire a piece of land in a new business district and invested a lot of money in it. It was originally said that the Zhai family wanted to invest in the construction of the land. , when the railway passes, it will also be prosperous, but now for some reason, their family has said that it will not do it. The business area is inexplicably not optimistic, and many bosses who are clamoring to invest are actually not doing it at all. Not even a penny was thrown in, but the Jiang family foolishly invested in it."

Ji Yansen felt something wrong with Zhongpin. How could he be plotted against?
"How much did you invest?"

"It seems like several hundred million."

The Jiang family now mainly operates shopping buildings in urban areas, and if they can directly generate a few hundred million in cash flow, they will definitely have all their money.

Once you lose money.

Ji Yansen turned blue when he thought about it at the end. He studied economics and was very sensitive. He knew very well that once this matter came to light, the Jiang family would lose money, and maybe even the shopping mall would be lost.

If he makes the wrong choice and makes the wrong bet, after three years in prison, not only will he have nothing, but he will also have to bear a criminal record. The price is really high.

That night, after much thought, Ji Yansen changed his confession to the police.

Anyway, all the substantive evidence only points to Jiang Meng. He is at best an accomplice. He can get away with it as long as he beautifies himself.

He told the police that Jiang Meng followed Jiang Nuannuan to learn jewelry design because he saw that Jiang Nuannuan liked it. He and Jiang Nuannuan didn't even count as a normal separation because they had never been together officially. To put it harshly, they were in a relationship. The previous cheating was a bit immoral.

As for the computer password, since Jiang Nuannuan did not admit that he had told them on his own initiative, Ji Yansen also took advantage of this and explained that he had accidentally told Jiang Meng that there were many design originals in Jiang Nuannuan's computer. , she defrauded the computer password in the name of wanting to study.Later, because Jiang Meng was his girlfriend, he couldn't bear to have her hurt after the incident, so he took cover.

Police: "So you are sure that you want to change your confession and that Jiang Meng is the mastermind behind the theft of corporate trade secrets."

Ji Yansen nodded.

After being detained for a period of time, he was finally released from the police station due to lack of evidence, and ran to Jiang Nuannuan's school without stopping. He was not a student of this school. He waited outside for almost two hours with his eyes fixed. Without blinking, he finally caught sight of Jiang Nuannuan coming out of school.

He took out the cigarette from his mouth and put it out, stepped forward and followed quickly.

Jiang Nuannuan traveled to many places and realized that Zhai Lin was a precious and sick guy. She made a special trip to the seafood market to buy some expensive seafood that was several times higher than the market price and some wine.

It was already evening when we returned to the community.

She carried her things and walked into the stairs. There was no access control downstairs in the old community unit near the school. Jiang Nuannuan had just walked up the second floor when she heard footsteps following closely behind her. She accidentally glanced down from the corner of her eye and saw that she was facing the door. The man raised his face.

It's the unshaven Ji Yansen!
Why did he get out of the police station? !Did you follow her all the way?
Jiang Nuannuan tensed up and sped up her pace to run up. The man below also sped up his pace, shouting: "Nuan, stop for a moment, let's talk!"

The moment she opened the door, Ji Yansen slapped the door panel with one hand and closed the door with a bang. He blocked the door with his whole body, staring at her with burning eyes and gasping: "Let's talk. "

The seafood bag in Jiang Nuannuan's hand fell to the ground, splashing salty water all over her body.

She took a step back, her eyes filled with disgust, "Are you following me? Get away."

"Listen to me." Ji Yansen tried to hold her hand and said sincerely: "I just want to come to you to apologize. I was temporarily confused by the prosperity in front of me. I will no longer favor Jiang Meng. I also made it clear to the police that it was me who was wrong before and I am sorry for you. Please come back and let us be together."

Jiang Nuannuan feels that something worse than a dog cannot understand human speech.

She stared coldly, took out her cell phone, and prepared to call the police.

Ji Yansen saw through her intention and immediately rushed to hold her wrist, gritting his teeth and smiling, "We are childhood sweethearts. I know what you said before from the recorder. I know the reason why you did this. Take revenge on me, blame me for betraying you, but I only love you, I really only love you."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't break free, calmed down, and said with sarcastic eyes, "What can I do? My standards for liking people have changed now."

(End of this chapter)

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