Chapter 611 Zhai Lin (19)

Looking at the girl's face up close, apart from the look of disgust that made Ji Yansen's heart tingle, the rest was so beautiful.

He has been his childhood sweetheart for so many years. He really likes her, but she is far less important than power. Now his intuition tells him that the Jiang family is going to collapse, and there is no one around to climb up. He sees the potential of Jiang Nuannuan again. .

Now the news is all about her, and some headlines directly tout her as a genius girl.

He had known that she was beautiful and outstanding. He wanted to go back to the past with her and just treat everything as a thing of the past.

Ji Yansen was eager to express himself and said, "I can follow your standards and pursue you again. You give me a chance."

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "Then you go die once."

Zhai Lin walked to the platform at the corner of the steps and heard her say this.

"I'll die once. There's no need to pursue me. I promise to fall in love with you."

Ji Yansen's face turned ugly, "What."

Jiang Nuannuan raised one lip and said, "Prove that you love me. After all, you have betrayed me, right?"

She pretended to open the door behind him again, "There are knives in the kitchen, wait until I get one for you."

Ji Yansen grabbed her arm again, "You just want me to retreat in spite of difficulties. Who would do that?"

Before Jiang Nuannuan could answer, the collar of his neck was picked up by a hand that suddenly appeared from behind. His whole vision was spinning. Then his knees hurt and he was kicked and rolled down the stairs.

Jiang Nuannuan's pupils shrank, and she saw Zhai Lin walking over, grabbing Ji Yansen, and punched him in the stomach. The ferocious look in his eyes could not be suppressed. Not only was Ji Yansen unable to fight back, he also punched him in the stomach. His back was stepped on several times with great force.

Knowing that Zhai Lin never worried about the consequences when he hit someone, Jiang Nuannuan quickly put down the remaining things and ran down the steps to grab his hand.

"It's alright, it's alright!"

She opened her arms, twisted herself into a rope, and wrapped it around Zhai Lin's body, holding his panting body tightly.

"Zhai Lin, calm down and take a deep breath."

She was afraid that he would be charged with murder if he got excited, so she freed up a hand to touch his heaving chest, "It's just garbage, just let the garbage truck pick it up."

Hearing what she said, Zhai Lin finally looked away from the wailing Ji Yansen's face and asked her: "You don't like him, right? You won't get back together, right?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head vigorously, knowing that he should be aware of her confession at the police station, so she said: "Those words were all said by me to deceive Jiang Meng. We have never been together. At most, we are childhood sweethearts. Stabbed me in the back.”

Zhai Lin was coaxed to soften his expression, pulled her to the door of the house, picked up the seafood scattered on the floor, and entered the door.

Ji Yansen's scream as he fell to the ground also made the family downstairs open a crack in the door and come out to watch. They kindly gave him 120, so that he would not really die of pain here.When they just pushed, Jiang Nuannuan had a lot of smelly seawater sprinkled on her body. She piled things in the kitchen. Unable to stand the unpleasant smell on her body, she opened the refrigerator and put the things she had bought before. He took out the fruits at home and put them on the coffee table, and then checked Zhai Lin again.

After confirming that there were no wounds on his body, she pointed to the fruit on the table, "You go ahead and eat some fruit. I'll take a shower and come out."

Zhai Lin nodded and watched her enter the bathroom before turning back and telling him: "Don't go out and fight with people anymore. Just sit here and eat fruit and wait for me."

Zhai Lin heard the tone of patiently coaxing the child and nodded, "You go and wash it."

Listening to the gurgling sound of water in the bathroom, he took stock of his surroundings.

After hiding in the dark and peeping at the small house for a long time, Zhai Lin finally came in openly. It was filled with the smell of Jiang Nuannuan and solitary belongings. He sniffed the faint sweet fragrance in the air and touched the soft fabric under him. The sofa, recalling the many nights she had stayed up late to work, would lie on it and sleep.

Zhai Lin turned sideways and lay down with his cheek next to the place where she had slept. He looked at the computer and fruit on the coffee table and felt better.

After a while, he moved his eyes to the knife placed in the fruit bowl.

Under the green leather sheath is a knife specially used for peeling and cutting fruits.

What Jiang Nuannuan had just said to Ji Yansen was suddenly recalled by Zhai Lin in the quiet living room.

What he is least afraid of is hurting others and self-harm. In his previous life, self-harm is a good way to relieve anger. When there is no punching bag, he can also point the knife at himself. wrist.

Now what Jiang Nuannuan said made him undoubtedly see a shortcut that others could not do but was extremely simple for him.

He wanted everything about her, her love, and wanted to keep her by his side forever, watching her 24 hours a day.

Zhai Lin slowly sat up, touched the leather cover with his long fingers, then rolled up the sleeves of his sweatshirt to his elbow, held the handle of the knife, and took off the cover.

The gleaming knife was cold against his skin. His indifferent expression slowly raised the corners of his lips when the sword cut open his wrist and saw blood. His dark gray eyes were extremely excited.

It's not like doing a scary thing, but a very happy, joyful thing.

The force of the knife tip was not small at all, it even penetrated deeply into the skin, and continued to pull the skin open, causing the wound to bleed.

In order not to stain the floor and sofa at Jiang Nuannuan's house, Zhai Lin even used his feet to hook the trash can before the blood dripped.

Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that he would wait too long, so she simply washed and changed clothes. It only took 10 minutes. When she walked out, she was still asking: "I bought crabs and oysters. How about eating one braised and one steamed?"

She turned around halfway through her words and sharply raised her voice a few times, "Zhai Lin!"

Jiang Nuannuan's complexion changed drastically, and she rushed over and snatched the knife from his hand. She frantically pulled the paper on the table to press his bleeding pale wrist, and loudly condemned: "Are you crazy! Are you crazy? ! Suicide in my house?!"

(End of this chapter)

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