Chapter 612 Zhai Lin (20)

The trash can in her home was covered with a white garbage bag, and the large amount of blood falling inside was shocking. Jiang Nuannuan's fingertips were all stained with blood, and her hairs stood up in panic, but Zhai Lin looked like nothing was wrong, Wen Nuannuan He asked her softly: "Is this a kind of proof?"

Jiang Nuannuan was almost confused. She just wanted to go to the kitchen to get an ice pack to put pressure on him, but she didn't hear what he was saying or what he meant.

Zhai Lin didn't care about his wounds. He held her wrist tightly to prevent her from leaving, and asked repeatedly: "Am I qualified now?"

Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly pulled his finger, "I've passed it, I've passed it. Now, let go of me immediately! I'll get you an ice pack and then take you to the hospital!"

She still didn't understand, Zhai Lin grabbed the back of her neck, and the blood on his fingertips touched her soft cheek, a gentle touch, "Can you be with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan's mind went blank, and she instantly understood what he meant.

He is crazy!
Those were just random words she said deliberately to provoke Ji Yansen away!He actually took it seriously!
Can feel Zhai Lin's true love, and Jiang Nuannuan can also understand how extreme he is.

She had been thinking about it for a long time, hadn't she? She was hesitating between trying to step out and retreating. Now this knife seemed to force her to step out and there was no turning back.

The palms of her hands became increasingly moist, and the blood dripped down Jiang Nuannuan's fingertips into the trash can. She couldn't care about anything anymore. She straightened up while squatting beside the sofa, grabbed Zhai Lin's collar with one hand, and kissed her. He touched his bloodless lips and licked them hard.

She said tremblingly: "Yes, I can be with you."

Zhai Lin's eyes burst into ecstasy. He didn't expect that she would kiss him. How long had it been since she kissed him?
Downstairs, a neighbor called 120 for Ji Yansen and arrived just in time. The ambulance siren kept blaring.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly let go of Zhai Lin, ran to the kitchen to find an ice pack, pressed his wrist and pulled him up, "Let's go!"

Two young men covered in blood came down from upstairs, startling the medical staff who came up with a stretcher. They saw that it was Zhai Lin who had slit his wrist. They were afraid that he had cut his own artery, so they immediately put him in the car. Emergency treatment was given first.

Fortunately, Zhai Lin didn't really want to die. He used the knife very carefully. So much blood looked scary, but in fact it didn't hurt any vital parts.

Seeing Zhai Lin receiving stitches from the doctor in the hospital without even frowning, Jiang Nuannuan felt extremely complicated.

Since I met him, I have been to the hospital too many times.After Zhai Lin's wrist was wrapped with gauze, the hospital specially sent him the neurologist who had previously treated him for a psychological examination.

The other party also just found out that Zhai Lin had a tendency to self-mutilate. All the previous treatment courses, including those abroad, showed that he was violent to others. This was the first time he had committed self-mutilation.

When asked the reason, Zhai Lin also said calmly: "It's nothing, just to prove my love."

Doctor: "."Madman!
He subconsciously looked at Jiang Nuannuan standing at the door, walked out, and asked her in a low voice: "Did you stimulate him? Manic patients are very likely to be stimulated and turn to self-mutilation, but Zhai Lin has been in this situation a few years ago. It hasn’t happened in years, and it seems to be in a deteriorating state.”

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "I didn't mean it."

The doctor said: "His psychology is abnormal, including his view of love between adults. He rarely thinks in a normal way. If you are not a serious child, it is too late to stop and run now, and I will contact you." The Zhai family is considering sending Zhai Lin to a mental hospital for hospitalization."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Zhai Lin who was changing clothes. His complexion looked snow-white due to excessive blood loss. When he turned his head to look at her to make sure she was still waiting at the door, his slightly curved gray face was full of love.

She sighed softly, "No, I have no plans to leave him, we are together."

She has deeply realized that for Zhai Lin, loving her is proof that he can sacrifice his life. If she leaves, she can't imagine what he will become.

The doctor also admired her courage and said, "Hold the rope well."

Zhai Lin put on clean clothes and came out, and the conversation between the two stopped abruptly. The doctor handed Jiang Nuannuan a bag of medicine, "Watch him take it on time."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and took the initiative to hold Zhai Lin's hand, "I'll take him back first."

Looking at the backs of the two people, the doctor's eyes were extremely complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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