Fortunately, Auntie didn't care. She turned her attention to Jiang Nuannuan and asked, "Are you two living together as a couple?"

Are you asking for privacy when you come up?
Jiang Nuannuan nodded hesitantly, "What's the matter?"

"I was just going home to tell you, and I happened to meet you here."

The aunt smiled sheepishly, "That's it. My daughter suddenly resigned from Australia and came back. Some unpleasant things happened there, but she told me before it was okay. It was so sudden. There are still things in the house I live in now. The son and daughter-in-law have to take care of their children, so of course she has no place to live, so she wants to take back the newly rented house, and we will pay the compensation according to the contract."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't understand for a while. She clearly remembered that her landlord was a young man, about thirty years old. She said, "Is he a family member of Mr. Liang Jiadong? He is the landlord of my house."

The aunt was also confused, "No, am I right? This young man even came to see the house that day. I am the only rent collector in my family."


Zhai Lin didn't eat breakfast either, so he got up and pulled Jiang Nuannuan away.

She was still holding the table when she was lifted up. She glared at him, stopped forcibly and turned back to ask, "Auntie, how many houses do you have?"

After listening to her aunt's self-reported address, Jiang Nuannuan, who was already familiar with the structure of the community, knew of course that the building she mentioned was directly opposite her house!

Directly opposite, still on the same floor, in the same location!
No wonder that several nights at night, she always had the inexplicable feeling that someone was watching from the opposite floor. She always thought it was because she was too tired, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"The house will be withdrawn."

Jiang Nuannuan put down these words and strode forward with her bag on her back. Zhai Lin panicked when he saw her expression on her face, so he grabbed her waist and dragged her into the alley next to her.

"do not be angry."

"do not be angry?"

Jiang Nuannuan hit him hard on the chest, "Do you still want to wear electronic shackles on my feet? Always pay attention to my whereabouts?"

After knowing the truth, she not only didn't understand, but also felt uncomfortable with this special relationship. Even though she was mentally prepared, she never thought that she would lose even a little bit of personal privacy in the rest of her life.

Zhai Lin fell silent. Seeing that he was actually thinking about the feasibility of such a thing, her face almost turned red.

Seeing that she was really angry, Zhai Lin was also very irritable. He couldn't control his perverted possessiveness and impulse at all. He pursed his lips and said, "You can also handcuff me."

"What?" Jiang Nuannuan didn't hear clearly.

Zhai Lin said: "You can handcuff me and monitor me."


Jiang Nuannuan was dumbfounded for a while, and finally realized that she couldn't communicate with him in a normal way. She calmed down and warned herself to be steady, trying to understand his excessive and frightening desire for monopoly, "Are you afraid that I will leave you?"

Could it be caused by childhood trauma?But Zhai Lin grew up well-fed and well-off, and his family seemed to care a lot about him. He was always willing to get whatever he wanted. Doctors said that his problem was innate, and it didn't look like there was any trauma.

"Too many people like you and I'm angry."

Zhai Lin lowered his head and rubbed the skin of her cheek with the tip of his nose, sniffing her gently like a wild dog, relying on her, "I must rule out those dangerous possibilities." He was afraid that a new love rival would appear, that she would fall in love with someone else. , the first time he saw her after returning from abroad, Zhai Lin felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

He knew that he had never been her only choice, and that he was not the most important person in her eyes, but to him, Jiang Nuannuan was his heart, and every move he made could affect his nerves and occupy his entire being. Reason, let him maximize his emotions.

Zhai Lin always wants to do it again. If he doesn't work harder, care twice, and like her twice, how can he get her.

Love has long been twisted into abnormal paranoia, and he is a complete and unscrupulous madman.

Jiang Nuannuan was amused because he was just jealous and afraid of cheating on her. Most of her anger was weakened. She held his face and carefully looked at every inch under his puzzled eyes.

Celebrities who dye their hair blond will look a little immodest, and ordinary people who dye their hair blond will feel unconventional. Zhai Lin uses this unique face to control this dazzling hair color, without any deviation in temperament, and nailed it. On the noble label.

His superior family genes make his three-dimensional facial features the same as those of Europeans. He is tall and has long legs, and his sack looks like a high-end fashion show.

"Why do you think they are better than you? Will I look at other crooked dates after I have you?"

Is Jiang Nuannuan really asking questions out of incomprehension? Is he really unaware of his invincible beauty?
"You may not know that if you weren't so rude when we first met, I would have fallen in love with you at first sight."

"Love at first sight?" Zhai Lin's voice suddenly went into his throat, becoming vague and shocked, with secret excitement in his dark gray eyes.

She seemed to see a transparent tail swaying in a spiral behind him.

what happened? !
God gave him a perfect face, why did he still look so inferior?Is it hard to believe that any beautiful woman would like him?

There were quite a few girls in the school who secretly glanced at him every day, and Zhai Lin was absolutely dazzling.

Is it because of illness?This is also possible. Dangerous mental illness can indeed push many friends away from him, even if he likes them, they dare not approach him, leaving him alone.

Jiang Nuannuan's expression gradually softened, and finally she figured out that she had to take responsibility for the blame.

She had no choice but to try to change him.

separate?That was even more impossible. She knew that he had done many things for her secretly, and she also knew that such paranoid emotions were only for her.

Jiang Nuannuan put her hands through his waist, slipped her bag onto her wrists and hit his back, hugging him, "Okay. I don't care about your excessive behavior, but Zhai Lin, you know there is a little guy on WeChat Can the program share my location in real time? You don’t need to spy on me at all.”

After her demonstration, the two initiated location sharing.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her phone, "You can see me wherever I am, is that okay?"

Zhai Lin pursed his lips. He thought it would be better to stare at the two overlapping small icons on his phone.

Seeing what he was thinking, Jiang Nuannuan put away her phone and put it in her bag, pinched his face, and sighed, "Forget it, I'm homeless now anyway, and you have to live with me, except during class time , I think we won’t be separated, and you don’t have to live across from me anymore.”

She was explaining the current situation, but Zhai Lin was thinking about the longer term. What about her future business trips?what about work?What should I do if there are more men around me? (End of chapter)

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