His inner anxiety was not shown, and he temporarily agreed with her approach.

Except for class time, they really stayed together 24 hours a day this time.

Zhai Lin moved all the clothes from the school. Of course, he didn't move them to Jiang Nuannuan's small house. When he learned that she wanted to change the dilapidated rented house to a bigger one, he also had this intention. He led her to a suburban villa about three kilometers away from the school. It wasn't too far away, and it was several times more spacious.

He stood in the brightly lit living room and mocked her renting an apartment, "When I went to bed that night, I felt cockroaches crawling over my head. It was so disgusting."

After the relationship advanced, Jiang Nuannuan no longer felt that it was wrong to live in her boyfriend's house. Not only could she save a lot of money, the conditions here were indeed better than her rented house. There was a study room dedicated to her work and a handful of The very expensive ergonomic chair can protect her waist and head very well and prevent her from getting tired after working for too long.

She agreed with Zhai Lin's words and was disgusted by the cockroaches running around, but there was nothing she could do about it in the old house. Sometimes even the wooden door was full of cockroaches.

"I thought so too."

Then, she separated their luggage and said, "From now on, you sleep in this room and I will be next to you."

Another feature of a large house is that it has many rooms.

Zhai Lin realized that she wanted to sleep separately, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Not sleeping together?"

Jiang Nuannuan pretended not to understand: "You have a soft bed, why do you have to squeeze into my room to sleep on the floor?"

That's right, Zhai Lin regretted it.

There's nothing wrong with breaking it a little, cockroaches can tolerate it, and he can still squeeze into the bed anyway.

He bit the lychee candy until it made a clicking sound, venting his dissatisfaction.

Forget it, we were under the same roof, he could wait a little longer.

Gradually, people in the school discovered that Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin not only ate together, but also went in and out together in the morning and evening. They were obviously living together outside.

Every day, a black car comes to take the two of them to and from school. Zhai Lin occasionally helps Jiang Nuannuan carry a bag, and they hold hands openly and openly.

Jiang Meng's design plagiarism case, which had been making a lot of noise outside, was finally decided in court. In addition to the loss of 1000 million yuan from the Pinxuan Jewelry Store, she was also sentenced to one year in prison.

After all, it involved the leakage of trade secrets, and the Zhai family was watching from behind. No one dared to make small moves to let Jiang Meng off the hook. She was actually sent to prison for reform.

The overwhelming negative news from the outside world has affected the market value of Jiang's shopping building. Pinxuan Jewelry Studio took this opportunity to launch a series of jewelry [Teenage Love] designed by Jiang Nuannuan.

Because of its special design and creativity, only [-] pieces are available for pre-sale, and they are all sold out online in one second. Everyone is looking forward to it.

Jiang Nuannuan's name is completely familiar in the jewelry industry. She dressed up to attend the new product launch conference on the day of the product announcement. She also gained a number of beauty fans because of her superior appearance and temperament.

After learning about her family background and tragic life experience, everyone knew that the Jiang family was blind and ignored such a bright beauty, and went to indulge their own daughter in plagiarizing works. To this day, they have not apologized and have no regrets.

Until this afternoon after school, when Jiang Nuannuan was about to go home with Zhai Lin, she was blocked by two bodyguards from the Jiang family.

Her mother, who had given up, now wants her to go home and have a meal, probably because there are more and more voices online.

The door opened, and there was only one driver sitting inside.

She was invited to dinner, but no one came to pick her up to show sincerity. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes couldn't help but be sarcastic.I still feel that everything is her fault, and that there is no shortage of elders that should be displayed.

Zhai Lin didn't want her to go, so he blocked her behind him like a chicken and said harshly: "What are you going back for? Go back and eat garbage?"

Jiang Nuannuan was convinced and stuffed a candy into his hand, "If you don't eat garbage, let's go home and eat. If you don't have to hold a parent-teacher meeting for the people in the evening, how can you have time to talk to them."

The two bodyguards still wanted to stop them, but a few strong bodyguards in plain clothes rushed out from nowhere. Foreigners, tall and powerful, stood in front of the two bodyguards. The difference in body shape directly represented the difference in force.

Not daring to stop him any more, the Jiang family's bodyguards had no choice but to retreat and tell the boss the situation.

There is a great person beside Jiang Nuannuan.

Not only did he beat Ji Yansen until he was hospitalized, with two broken ribs, but he also took Jiang Nuannuan to live outside.

The gossip from the school fell on the ears of the Jiang family. Everyone thought that Jiang Nuannuan had given up on herself. After cheating their own daughter, she turned around and found a rich second generation to support her.

It is said that there was a time when a rich second generation got into a fight in school and was hospitalized. It was because there were rumors that Jiang Nuannuan was messing around in school, and finally the matter went to court and the matter calmed down.

While Jiang's mother felt sorry for her biological daughter, she also hated Jiang Nuannuan for doing things so decisively.

She didn't come for dinner tonight, so she decided to go to the school in person to see how crooked her daughter, who had been raised for many years without any blood or family ties, had become in the past few days.

Jiang Nuannuan was at a loss when she saw the nationals for the first time, or even came into contact with such a special class for the first time.

In a small class in a kindergarten, all the lovely children are disabled.

She had never been in contact with such a group of children, and her first reaction was sadness, especially sadness.

Zhai Lin noticed her emotions, held her hand tightly, and walked towards a little boy in the corner.

In his previous life, his brother died young and he never married. He only raised Guo Guo, a child who came out of a mountain village.

He is very ambitious, has great talent in painting and has held many art exhibitions. He is also smart and has never fallen behind in his studies. As an adult, he has taken over many internal affairs of the company.

The people also always remember Jiang Nuannuan. They accompany Zhai Lin to visit the grave every year and stay there for several days.

He always remembered the beautiful sister who would give him sweets and take him to the amusement park to buy him clothes.

They were not related by blood, but they did live together as relatives for half their lives. However, Zhai Lin died early. His condition deteriorated rapidly after the death of his lover, and his depression could not be reversed.

At the moment of his death, the story of his life was played before Zhai Lin's eyes, and the hoarse cries of the people were heard in his ears. He felt extremely regretful.

Fortunately, he could do it again. Zhai Lin had no way to return to China early, but he had sent people to find nationals for as long as he could remember. Unfortunately, his parents were working in other places at that time. Because they worked overtime in factories or construction sites, they could not go home during the Chinese New Year. .

There is only one old man staying alone at home. Because they are poor, they cannot afford a mobile phone, have no contact information, and have no information. They are completely looking for a needle in a haystack.

When Zhai Lin finally found Kuomintang, he was still a step too late. At that time, he had just broken his leg.

When the memory came back, he led Jiang Nuannuan to the front of Guomin and introduced gently: "The child I adopted, Guomin, now has my last name." (End of Chapter)

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