Chapter 618 Zhai Lin (27)

He spoke sincerely. He unbuttoned his collar and took off his clothes. Every inch of his thin and white body had just the right amount of muscle lines. It was particularly attractive under the small light that was turned on by voice control at the top of the entrance.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes, and his hand was taken by him and pressed against her chest. The skin that fit her was warm and firm, and her heart trembled slightly.

"Are you okay?" He lowered his head and leaned closer, licking her earlobe.

Not bad indeed.

But there is always the illusion of being forced to take the bait.

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her fingers and put her arms around his neck, "Let's go upstairs."

Zhai Lin suddenly raised his lips, put his arms around her waist and picked her up.

The two beds were just made, and in the end he rolled into her bed without even sleeping for a few days.

Although he didn't do anything more outrageous, the kiss under the quilt and the heat in his body were enough to make people suffocate.

Jiang Nuannuan was tightly restrained in Zhai Lin's arms. When the kiss went deep, he put his palms into her pajamas and hesitated behind her back, caressing her skin inch by inch. There was always an inappropriate hum from his lips.

Even though he didn't make it to the last step, it seemed even more touching.

Finally, she pushed him away panting, unable to hold on any longer, "Sleep."

Zhai Lin didn't know what to say, but he obediently stretched out his hand and put it around her waist.

They stayed together like this until late at night. Jiang Nuannuan woke up with a little sweat on her back and couldn't move at all.

She raised her head slightly from his arms and could see that beautiful and peaceful sleeping face.

Yes, it is used as a comfort pillow again.

She sighed softly and fumbled for the remote control next to the bedside. She lowered the temperature of the air conditioner. When it got a little cold, she unceremoniously stuffed her legs between his legs and closed her eyes to absorb the warmth.

Hearing that their daughter Jiang Meng, whom she had raised for more than ten years, was sent to prison just a few years after she returned to Linggang to enjoy her life, the couple in the countryside rushed back and forth many times to Jiang's house to find an explanation for her arrest. come out.

After learning that it was his biological daughter Jiang Nuannuan who sent the person in, and no one except her could do anything about it, the two elders had mixed feelings in their hearts. In the end, they couldn't help but Jiang Meng, who had raised him for more than ten years, called and cried from the prison. I found the university where Jiang Nuannuan was studying and asked the class teacher for her current address.

On this weekend, Jiang Nuannuan didn't pick up any work, and she and Zhai Lin were reading and painting on the terrace, living a peaceful and comfortable life.

The security guard at the door called in and said that there were two old people waiting at the door claiming to be Jiang Nuannuan's parents.

The call was answered by Zhai Lin. He glanced at Jiang Nuannuan who was concentrating on reading, turned his head to the other side, and replied in a low voice that he didn't recognize her.

He had long known that her biological parents were also blind, and he didn't want them to see her and ruin their mood.

However, this was not over yet. Jiang Nuannuan went to school the next afternoon and met her rural parents squatting at the door.

"Warm and warm."

With a call, a jar of pickles was handed over, and the second elder gave him a very unfamiliar greeting.

"Yesterday we went to look for you at your door, but the security guard stopped us from entering. This is a freshly made pickle jar. Take it back and try it." As soon as she said this, she knew it was Zhai Lin who stopped us. of.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't reach out to take it, and said calmly: "I asked the security guard not to let her go. Don't ask me for Jiang Meng's affairs. She made a mistake on her own and admits it herself. "

She turned around to leave, but the old mother behind her hurriedly grabbed her wrist, "Nuan Nuan, our two families have exchanged daughters, but they are each other's flesh and blood. She can also be regarded as your sister, you..."


She threw away her hand, turned her head, her eyes were extremely cold, "My heart is not as biased as yours. She, Jiang Meng, is the only one who has been changed and her life is miserable. I deserve to be cheated by her."

After all, she didn't mean to change her life. Why are the two of them looking for a sense of presence in her?
After learning her true identity, her biological parents had no intention of taking her home from the beginning. Since she was still a student and needed money from adults to go to school, she had been keeping her head down since Jiang Meng came back. She did take someone else's place and tolerated everything, until finally Jiang Meng went all out and cut off her boyfriend, instigated her parents to freeze her bank card, deceived her in every way, described her as a jealous fake daughter, and described her as a fake. Forced out of the house.

She finally managed to live a stable life on her own, so she didn't provoke Jiang Meng. In the end, she would still care about her design works and lay out another layer of wedding dress for her.

How could Jiang Meng not be allowed to vent her dissatisfaction when so many good things were taken care of by herself?

After experiencing so many things, she gave up her family and no longer expected anything. But at this time, her biological parents jumped out again and accused her. It was not easy to protect Jiang Meng's life.

It's not easy for her, Jiang Meng, to be alone in the world. She, Jiang Nuannuan, is tough and doesn't care how she gets hurt.

"And this pickle jar." Jiang Nuannuan glanced down and smiled sarcastically, "Your good daughter said in front of me that this is cancer-causing garbage that even dogs will not eat. Why do you think I will accept it? "

The two old men were stunned.

"Nuan Nuan. Xiaomeng is not like this. She is very good. You misunderstood."

"Don't call me so intimate."

Jiang Nuannuan said with disgust: "I didn't give her eye drops in front of you. To be fair, I don't like having parents like you and pickles. I won't eat them in the first half of my life and I won't eat them in the second half of my life." If you don’t eat, since you never thought of contacting me and asking me to go home in the first place, don’t come to me in the future.”

The families on both sides have only one suffering Jiang Meng in their eyes. They all think that Jiang Nuannuan has had enough food and clothing since she was a child and is living like a princess. She no longer needs their care and affection. Instead, she should repay her previous good life. Life must be harder and harder to make everyone feel comfortable.

She is not.

They can do whatever they like.

"Jiang Nuannuan! You can't continue to be stubborn like this!"

Her mother came forward excitedly and grabbed her. Her voice was a little loud, and it was at the school gate, which attracted the attention of many students.

"Do you think that if you send Xiao Meng to prison, the Jiang family will let you go back to being a princess? She is their biological flesh and blood. Wake up! Don't step into the house before they are willing to recognize you. Go astray and do bad things.”

"Going astray?"

"I know you are being taken care of by a rich second generation, and he must be helping you deceive Xiaomeng behind your back." The mother said sadly, "The Jiang family has told me that you are really too selfish and don't love yourself."

Jiang Nuannuan almost laughed angrily and felt pathetic.

"You would rather believe other people's words than see the truth of the matter. The police investigation results, the court's judgment, and the fairness of the facts are really disgusting."

(End of this chapter)

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