Chapter 619 Zhai Lin (28)

The students who were listening to the gossip couldn't stand it. They had all seen what happened in the school for so many days, what was on the news, and how miserable Jiang Nuannuan was.

Everyone stood up and accused the parents of being misbehaving.

"If you want to protect Jiang Meng, you must also rely on facts. Senior Jiang has a boyfriend who is a rich second generation, but they did nothing except help her prove her innocence. Why Jiang Meng got into trouble is not entirely her own fault. She plagiarized other people's works. When your work was entered into the competition, you still criticized it and said that Senior Jiang asked her to steal it on purpose? It's not too far off the mark. Senior Jiang pressed Jiang Meng's neck and forced her to do it? She has already been kicked out of the house, right?"

"And Senior Jiang once had a boyfriend who was poached by Jiang Meng, right? Why do you parents always turn your elbows outward to favor other people's daughters?"

"The Jiang family has cut off Senior Jiang's financial resources a long time ago. She had to work part-time to cooperate with Pinxuan Jewelry. Can she still control Jiang Meng to find the sold work on her computer? Someone else has done it. When times are tough, you parents don't jump in to help, and Jiang Mengdu is sentenced to jail. Instead, you become anxious on behalf of other girls, which is really disgusting."

"If I had such parents, I wouldn't recognize them. They don't believe in the fairness of the law. I just think that my daughter is in the wrong."

With one word from each other, the couple was so punished that they couldn't even raise their heads. They looked at Jiang Nuannuan and hesitated to speak.

"It's not like this."

Even if they wanted to refute, their voices became softer, knowing that they actually couldn't stand.

"We kept you in the Jiang family because we knew the conditions at home could not support you." This was the mother's final stubbornness.

The student next to me was still merciless, "I think it's natural to let your daughter go to someone else's house to be a vampire."

Jiang Nuannuan was cold-hearted and cold-eyed, "If you really cared about me, you wouldn't call Jiang Meng every week to ask about his safety, instead of asking me."

"We thought you were living a good life and you wouldn't need it." At the end of the sentence, the parents shut up, their eyes a little hurried, "Nuan Nuan..."

"Stay away from me." Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said the last thing, "If you bother me again, you will tear up the house."

Zhai Lin had classes during the day, so he came to her class in the afternoon and found out what had happened.

He grinded his teeth, wanting to find some way to vent her anger, but Jiang Nuannuan's biological parents lived in poverty with only a few acres of land. Occasionally, the Jiang family would send some money. In this regard, it really didn't matter. But it's lost.

"They are all blind, don't worry about it."

He squeezed her hand and tried to cheer her up, "What are your plans for the winter vacation?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked sad: "I don't know."

"How many days will you go on a cruise with me?" He said, "It was organized by a friend, for a week."

Not wanting to deal with the Jiang family again, she agreed.

Zhai Lin has his own circle of friends, and this is the first time Jiang Nuannuan has met him.

Most of them are handsome foreign guys with blond hair and blue eyes, the kind who play cool style. Even if there are a few domestic faces, most of them are compatriots who grew up outside.

Of course, they are also very good at summoning friends, and they have managed to win over many young masters from rich families in Linggang.

When Jiang Nuannuan boarded the ship on her first day, Zhai Lin put his arm around her shoulders and led her to meet many people.

Fu Shiliu was also among them. She was extremely surprised to find that Zhai Lin, who had grown up with her sister, had a new girl around her. In an instant, alarm bells rang in her heart.

You know, their family has always made plans for getting married to the Zhai family in the future.Such an incident made Fu Shiliu unable to bear it any longer. When Zhai Lin was called away by her friend, she took the initiative to walk to Jiang Nuannuan and lay on the railing with her while chatting in the sea breeze.

"Are you the daughter of the Jiang family? You have been in a lot of news on the front end, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan twirled the wine glass and looked at the cheongsam beauty in front of her, "It's me."

Fu Shiliu smiled, with an unclear emotion on her gentle face, "I'm quite surprised that Mr. Zhai suddenly secretly returned to China to study, and there was a girl by his side. I thought only my sister could bear his violent temper."

Jiang Nuan warmed her hands and said, "Sister?"

Fu Shiliu nodded: "She should get on the ship at the next temporary docking point. She and Mr. Zhai have grown up abroad together since childhood. They must be childhood sweethearts."

Hearing this, Jiang Nuannuan already understood that the purpose of the woman in front of her was to test her relationship with Zhai Lin.

But she really didn't expect that Zhai Lin also had a childhood sweetheart, and he never told her.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that she had never asked about his past, and she knew nothing about his life abroad.

Breathing in the sea breeze, Jiang Nuannuan's newly comfortable mood deteriorated again, and she asked casually: "So, he has a girlfriend abroad."

The real owner was on the boat, and even Zhai Lin's bad-tempered Fu Shiliu knew the consequences of talking nonsense. He said ambiguously: "I don't know, my sister doesn't like to talk about the two of them."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Okay, then I'll ask myself when I have time."

She lost interest in talking, and Fu Shiliu was surprised that she would choose to ask directly. This was different from what she had imagined. So, was the girl in front of her not just a female companion that Zhai Lin could bring to the ship?

Zhai Lin, who came back after just saying a few words to his friends, looked at the two figures side by side on the deck railing. After recognizing who the woman in the cheongsam was, his face quickly darkened and he strode over.

Just as Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of wine, a hand suddenly wrapped around her waist and pulled her away from Fu Shiliu.

Behind him, Zhai Lin's extremely vigilant voice came, "What are you doing staying with her?"

Fu Shiliu didn't avoid Fu Shiliu's words, which made her very embarrassed. She just smiled awkwardly and said, "We met on a boat. Let's have a quick chat."

"What's the point of talking to you? How did you get on the ship? Are you on the invitation list?" Zhai Lin said in disgust, guarding her with a vigilant aura as if he were guarding against thieves.

Fu Shiliu's face was completely frozen. She was also afraid of Zhai Lin's temper. She pursed her lips and lowered her head in embarrassment, "Qin Zhen invited me as a female companion."

Follow the host, so no invitation is required.

Zhai Lin didn't hide his dislike at all, didn't bother to say any nonsense, and left with Jiang Nuannuan in his arms.

Obviously a second ago, the other party said that his sister was Zhai Lin's childhood sweetheart, but now it seems that it is completely different.

That's too rude.

When Jiang Nuannuan was taken away, she asked him, "Isn't that your childhood sweetheart's sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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