Chapter 62 The secondary card changes its owner

Feixin held the cigarette with her fingers, stuffed it into the ashtray, and lowered her head, "You mean this sapphire? Do you know how much I spent to buy it from a friend? Do you dare to say it's fake?" "

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "Seven figures? It should be about 7 million, which is sold at the top price of 100 per carat."

Feixin looked up at her, she was right.

"What's the problem?"

"There are problems everywhere. This is not a natural blue diamond at all. It is usually blue-gray in color. But yours looks blue-green at first glance. It was artificially changed by irradiation. You must have fallen in love with a friend." Sure, I got my revenge."

After Jiang Nuannuan finished speaking, seeing everyone looking at her, she couldn't help but turn around to look for Gu Tingyan.

At this time, she didn't feel confident about going forward, but she was quite confident in her evaluation of the diamond. After all, the industry was not free of charge.

The man flicked his cigarette and asked, "Want juice or milk?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

You are talking about this in such a cold atmosphere.

"Milk, cough." She choked on the smell of his cigarette smoke and coughed accidentally.

Gu Tingyan glanced at her, turned his hand, put the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and snuffed it out.

Feixin touched the necklace with her fingers and glanced back and forth between the two of them. After a while, she said, "I'll go out and make a phone call."

She stood up, her face was a little cold, she held another lady's cigarette in her mouth and went out.

A woman who can go to the negotiating table with a big boss is very powerful.

Taking advantage of this moment, the senior executive of Baofeng Company who was sitting across from him stood up, picked up his wine glass, and tapped it on the table, "Mr. Gu, let me toast you."

This negotiation, worth tens of billions, is actually quite stressful.

Gu Tingyan raised his glass, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Jiang Nuannuan, who was already holding the juice and drinking it, and drank up the glass.

At the dinner table, the topic officially turned into price negotiation.

Looking at the attitudes of those people, she knew that this was probably going to happen.

When Feixin came back, the string of sapphires around her neck had disappeared. She noticed that the atmosphere had changed, so she sat down and crossed her legs, "It seems that I want to congratulate Mr. Gu tonight."

She picked up the wine glass and touched Jiang Nuannuan's juice glass. She didn't comment on the orange fruit inside, and just said: "You did me a favor, thank you."

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief: "You're welcome."

"There's a jewelry show tomorrow, are you coming? I'll give you a ticket." Feixin took a sip of wine, thought about it, and said to Gu Tingyan: "Buy me a necklace. Mr. Gu is willing to give it to someone, right?"

The business had already been given up. Gu Tingyan didn't need to talk about this matter. Jiang Nuannuan immediately answered, "Go ahead, I have an invitation letter."

Feixin handed her a business card.

Jiang Nuannuan took it and looked at the name on it.

Like Fei Jinzhao, both have the surname Fei.

She put the business card away calmly, finished her meal, and when all the guests dispersed, Gu Tingyan went out first.

Feixin stood up and patted her on the shoulder, "You are the wrongly raised daughter of the Jiang family, right? You have some skills, and you are much better than that idiot who recognized you."

This is not polite, Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips, "I think so too."

"See you tomorrow." Feixin picked up her bag and turned to leave.

When Jiang Nuannuan went out, the 530 box opposite was already being cleaned. She walked to the front desk and said, "I want to open a VIP card."

The person who received her was the waiter who had just asked her to wait at the door.

She said: "The starting price for opening a card here is 10, and the renewal deposit is 100 million."

The main business of Nanchun Hotel is wine. A bottle of good vintage wine starts at 20 yuan. The customers are either rich or expensive.

One million is not too much for a VIP card.

Seeing that Jiang Nuannuan didn't speak for a moment, she added: "It's okay not to open it. You just need to wait for your friends to take you in. Just like today, sit at the door and wait."

This was a fair statement, but it was slightly harsh and unpleasant.

"You want me to sit at the gate and wait like today?" Jiang Nuannuan threw out the card, "Okay, just transfer the money." Gu Tingyan came from the toilet with a suit cover on his arm and his hands in his pockets. Heard the conversation.

"You came early?"

A hoarse voice came from behind. Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and saw that his expression was a little pale.

When the waiter saw him, he stopped collecting the card and couldn't bear to look away for a moment.

There are too few mature men who have a successful career and are still handsome.

Jiang Nuannuan replied: "Ms. Fu invited me to dinner, but the owner of the VIP box did not have a name or phone number reserved. I couldn't get in, so I waited outside for a while. I thought it would be better to get a card if I come here often in the future."

Gu Tingyan walked behind her, very close, and the smell of tobacco and alcohol rushed to her back and entered her nose.

"How long have you been waiting?"

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "It's only about half an hour, it's okay."

"Why didn't you call her?" he asked, lowering his eyes.

"Can't get through."

Gu Tingyan nodded and looked up at the waiter, "Add her name to the cardholder of Box 530."

The waiter smiled quickly and said, "Mr. Gu, a VIP card can only be used for one supplementary card. The supplementary card you have now is with Miss Fu."

Gu Tingyan: "Void and replace it with her."

The waiter was shocked and said, "Okay, okay."

She quickly lowered her head to help change the cardholder's information, but after a while, a brand new 530 box access card was handed to Jiang Nuannuan.

At this time, Gu Tingyan went down first. She took the VIP card and her bank card, and was bent over by the waiter to deliver them to the door.

"Ms. Jiang, walk slowly. It's raining outside. Be careful of the ground being slippery."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced back at her, and the other party bowed again reflexively, not daring to raise her head, for fear that she would make an attack.

this attitude.


The transformation is really fast.

She repeatedly looked at the VIP card in her hand, feeling that Gu Tingyan just wanted to be angry with Fu Shiliu for taking matters into his own hands tonight.

These two must have a deep sadomasochistic love affair.

She walked out of the hotel. Before leaving the Maybach parked at the door, Assistant Li opened the car door and said, "Get in the car, Miss Jiang."

When no one was around, his title was changed.

Jiang Nuannuan got in and sat next to Gu Tingyan. He rested his neck on his head and closed his eyes to rest.

She didn't bother him, but asked Assistant Li, who was driving the car, to help him turn up the air conditioner.

As the temperature inside the car increased, Gu Tingyan opened his half-closed eyes, turned his head and looked at the woman wearing a hip-hugging skirt and floral shirt in the dark.

She is well-behaved and has such a tender face that she can pinch water.

He stared for a while, then turned to look out the window.

He wants to give his life to the woman.


It was really the first time.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what he was thinking, but she just felt that the look in his eyes was so aggressive that she had to pay attention.

She took the initiative to sit over and close the distance between the two of them, "What's wrong? Stomach hurts?"

"Yeah." The man hummed.

"I'll rub it for you." Jiang Nuannuan took away the suit jacket that was hanging on his legs. She leaned over and rubbed his hands together. When they became hot, she pressed his abdomen through his shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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