Chapter 63 He Has a Fever
Time has not left any trace on Gu Tingyan's body. He pays great attention to body management. When she pressed her fingers on it, she could only feel the bumpy and tight muscles.

in fact
This is where she took advantage.

This muscle feels so good.

The small white hands rubbed the stomach in circles through the clothes. It was as soft as if there were no bones. Wherever the fingertips passed, they brought a wave of heat.

Gu Tingyan pulled off his tie, breathing a little heavier on the back of her neck.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank her neck, raised her eyes to look at him, and saw that there seemed to be desire rolling upwards in her eyes.

She asked hesitantly: "Is it better?"



She really felt uncomfortable in her stomach. This would be another test from two different levels. But after a while, Gu Tingyan grabbed her hand and said in a dumb voice: "That's it."

He didn't let go of his hand immediately, but grabbed her wrist and pinched her fingers and palm a few times.

As seen, very soft.

He looked like he was observing.

What to observe?
Jiang Nuannuan didn't withdraw her hand. She didn't lose any flesh when she squeezed him. She just treated it as compensation for touching his muscles just now.

Gu Tingyan's cell phone rang suddenly. She thought he would let go and answer the phone, but he didn't.

He only had one hand free to answer the phone, and his voice was a bit lazy, "Shiliu."

Fu Shiliu sat in the car, listening to his voice, with mixed feelings in her heart, "You stopped my card at Nanchun Hotel? Did the waiter there just call me by mistake?"


Those two simple words shattered her original hopes.

Her throat was blocked, "Why? It's because I took the initiative to invite Jiang Nuannuan to dinner tonight. Are you angry? For a lover? She is my substitute, isn't she? You don't care, don't you?"

Gu Tingyan: "Zhai Heng also opened a card. You tie the secondary card to his card."

"I've been using that card since we were together!" Fu Shiliu suddenly raised her voice, "You want me to use Zhai Heng's card now?!"

It was just a card, she shouldn't be so angry, but watching him lead Jiang Nuannuan tonight, she was really jealous.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was very close, heard it. She used a little force to pull her hand out of his palm, moved her butt obediently, and sat on the other side by the window.

The hand was empty, Gu Tingyan glanced at her, and she turned back quietly, with no emotion in her eyes.

He looked back, put down his hand, and said in a softer voice, "You're married, Fu Shiliu."

Therefore, it is only natural to change the card to my husband’s name.

"Do you have to care so much?"

There was no reply from the other party. Gu Tingyan pinched his brows, his emotions not fluctuating much.

Two years have passed, and there are some things that he has to let go of. He seems to be too lazy to pay attention to them anymore.

When she didn't get an answer, Fu Shiliu hung up the phone and burst into tears, crying uncontrollably.

When the car arrived at the Sunshine Courtyard, Jiang Nuannuan entered the house holding her suit jacket. The two of them walked in front of each other quietly.

She had nothing to ask, and there was no need for him to explain anything.

"I'm going to make some hangover soup." Jiang Nuannuan put down his suit in the living room and entered the kitchen.

The man sat down at the dining table by the door, loosened his tie and threw it on the table, quietly looking at the figure under the warm lamp inside.

He rarely saw this scene. The only few times he saw it were when his mother was still healthy, and she would cook and be busy inside.

System 66: "Alipay received 100 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 21%."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, "Is my cooking so good?"

System 66: "It should be recalling the past."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Fu Shiliu doesn't know how to cook. What does he remember?"

System 66: "I don't know. I can't figure out all the minor settings of the supporting characters."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Honestly, I suspect that you are among the worst models in your system. You dare to bring me here even if you are not clear about it. You can't go wrong with your stand-in mission." After all, you have to collect things when you are a stand-in. The favorability level is really weird.

Suddenly an arrow was stabbed in the heart, and 66 lacked confidence, "You were calling me "darling" before, but this second you think I'm a low-class, scumbag."

"Jiang Nuannuan:"."Sure enough, it's rubbish."

She made sobering soup, took out the stomach medicine from the cabinet, and took it out.

Gu Tingyan rolled up his sleeves and put the cuffs on his elbows. He was sitting there casually and casually, but his brows were furrowed, showing some discomfort.

"Take medicine." She pushed the tray over, touched her growling stomach, and went into the kitchen to make a pot of noodles.

When she came out with the noodles, Gu Tingyan was still sitting there, staring at her with a pair of black eyes, exactly in her bowl.

"Want to eat?" She had no choice but to walk over again and push the bowl to him.

An ordinary bowl of scallion oil noodles.


Gu Tingyan picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head to eat. The picture was quite eye-catching.

Fortunately, she had made more, so she went back and filled a bowl, and the two of them sat next to each other and ate it all.

Feeling much better in his stomach, Gu Tingyan wiped his lower lip with a piece of paper and said, "I'll go to the jewelry show tomorrow and take pictures of what I like."

"I know, you told me." Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

"I may not come."

"It's okay, you're busy." She put down her chopsticks and responded obediently.

There was nothing to say for a while, and he sat for a while, then got up and walked upstairs, his pace a bit chaotic.

Jiang Nuannuan saw him holding his forehead and disappearing around the corner. His expression was not normal even after taking medicine.

She put away the dishes and came out of the kitchen. Still feeling something was wrong, she went upstairs and walked to his bedroom door.

The door was ajar and unlocked.

As soon as he opened the door, he met a man covered in moisture coming out of the bathroom. His wet black hair stuck to his forehead, and his handsome face was abnormally red.

Gu Tingyan stopped where he was and asked in a hoarse voice: "Why did you come in?"

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and raised her hand to touch his forehead, feeling the temperature on it.

It's too hot, much hotter than her.

"You have a fever."

Jiang Nuannuan immediately wanted to go downstairs to get her cell phone to make a call. As soon as she turned around, she was grabbed around the waist and pulled back.

"Gu Tingyan?!"

He loosened his hand and turned her around easily, looking down at her, his wine-stained black eyes a little blurry.

"do not move."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to move, she just put her hand against his chest, and her open V-neck and good figure were clearly visible.

"doing what?"

what to do?

I really wanted to do it in the car just now
Gu Tingyan thought for a few seconds, then held her chin, pressed her thin lips down, and placed a kiss on the corner of her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned by the sudden kiss, and she pushed him smartly, "Gu Tingyan, you have a fever now. You have to go to bed and lie down. I'll call the doctor for you."

The man pinched her waist and pulled her into his arms without any explanation, until the two bodies were inseparably attached to each other.

His body was as hot as a furnace.

"Ginger is soft, it's quite soft, hehe."

The low and hoarse voice exudes sexiness.

Jiang Nuannuan suspected that he had burned out.

(End of this chapter)

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