Chapter 623 Zhai Lin (32)

The ladies spa is public, with five small beds in a large room.

Fu Ying lay down inside to do it first. She heard the waiter outside quietly inviting people to come in. Someone was lying down on the bed next to her. She turned her head and glanced. What she saw was the hickeys made by sucking on the arm of the woman Bai Yu. Looking up When it comes to the neck, the sucking marks spread to the chest, hidden in the tube top, and become more intense.

She thought that the man could bully the girl like this, and that man really used his strength.

Fu Ying secretly smacked her tongue, feeling a little envious for no reason.

After the spa was over, the two of them came to the outside to have breakfast at about the same time. Just now, Fu Ying could not see clearly in the dim light. Now Fu Ying could clearly see Jiang Nuannuan's face, without any makeup, and with a smile as she thanked the waiter. Hitomi's eyes are curved and extremely beautiful.

A rare beauty.

Fu Ying, who doesn't often live in Linggang, didn't recognize who this was. The two looked at each other across a table, greeted each other politely, and chatted for a few words, which was harmonious.

After Fu Ying got in touch with her, she was very fond of this girl who looked gentle and gentle. There was nothing she couldn't handle chatting with her. She also believed that compared to her pretentiousness of being a classical beauty, she actually had nothing in her belly. Ink's sister is much better.

After finishing the spa, Fu Yingduo asked Jiang Nuannuan, "I heard there is a party going to be held by the swimming pool in the morning. Will you go?"

After sleeping for more than ten hours, Jiang Nuannuan, who was numb from sleep, now had loose muscles and bones, nodded, "I'll go."

"I'm going there too, see you later."


When Jiang Nuannuan returned to the bedroom, Zhai Lin had just gotten up and came out of the bathroom. She left so lightly that he didn't even notice.

"Where are you going?" He came forward to hug her.

"Have a spa."

Zhai Lin lowered his head and smelled her shoulder. There was indeed a scent of magnolia essential oil. He pinched the back of her neck and admired the traces on her exposed skin. "You must have been very tired last night."

Jiang Nuannuan glared at him, opened the cabinet and took out the swimsuit inside, "There is a pool party on the top floor in the morning, let's go and have fun."


The two people who had not shown up all night gave them many ambiguous looks as soon as they appeared in the crowd.Jiang Nuannuan thought to herself that it was lucky that she had put a thin blanket on top of her swimsuit, otherwise the traces that could not be covered would really make people gossip loudly.

She looked around and aimed at the row of sun loungers in the girls' area. She pushed away Zhai Lin's hand on her waist and said, "Go and play with them. I haven't seen you guys have a good chat in all these days." "

Zhai Lin's attention was glued to her wherever he went. When his friends or brothers saw her, they did not move forward to avoid being scolded.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to create some independent space. Zhai Lin thought for a while, then looked at the pile of women with long hair, and slowly let go of her hand, "Have fun."

It seemed that yesterday's threat worked, and Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"have fun."

She came quite early, and there were many girls who were not there in makeup. Everyone knew that she was Zhai Lin's, no one dared to bully her, and the chat was quite pleasant.

Knowing that Fu Shiliu was coming with Fu Ying, both of whom were wearing exquisite makeup, he immediately spotted Jiang Nuannuan, who was especially charming and naturally beautiful, among the crowd.

Because she played too much with Zhai Lin yesterday, she didn't have much strength to hold her fingers, and her arms were so sore that they would shake when she raised them, so she simply skipped makeup and came here without makeup. It was this behavior that made her invisible It has become a conspicuous package among fans.

There are really not many people who can look so good without makeup.

Fu Ying walked towards Jiang Nuannuan and said to Fu Shiliu, "This is the friend I met when I just went to the spa."

After Fu Shiliu saw who she was referring to, her expression was even more incomprehensible. She looked at her sister like she was looking at an idiot, "The one who deliberately didn't wear makeup to attract attention? She is Jiang Nuannuan, Zhai Lin's current female companion."

Fu Ying stopped, and the expression on her face seemed to Jiang Nuannuan to be like a landslide, and the earth was falling apart.

She knew Fu Shiliu next to her, and naturally, she quickly guessed from their expressions that they were sisters, the legendary childhood sweetheart of Zhai Lin.

Thinking of the contact in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and sighed in her heart.

I thought I could make a reliable friend, but now it seems that I am completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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