Chapter 624 Zhai Lin (33)

Sure enough, the sisters Fu Shiliu did not come to say hello to her, while Fu Ying sat down by the recliner as if she had lost her soul. She really did not expect that this morning she was still thinking about who could bully a beautiful girl like this. It turned out to be Zhai Lin.

Did Zhai Lin do it?

She tilted her head, and across a square swimming pool, she could vaguely see a blond young man wearing a casual vest and shorts. It was just a side profile, but he was outstanding enough for her to recognize him.

Fu Shiliu saw her alone in sadness and daze, and couldn't help but patted her, "Go to him to reminisce about old times. Why are you standing there in a daze?"

"I don't have the courage." Fu Ying clenched her fingertips, lowered her head and took a sip of wine.

Fu Shiliu hated the iron and gave a wink to Rulu, the sister next to her.

After receiving the signal and knowing that the atmosphere was going to be lively, Rulu called all the girls around her together and asked, "Have you ever played truth or dare?"

Her status in the rich circle is not high, and she colluded with Fu Shiliu to start this, mainly because she wanted to enter the circle of boys and increase her chances of finding a future partner.

She sat next to Jiang Nuannuan and patted her long legs wrapped in a blanket, "Let's play together."

It's a boring game, it's old-fashioned and has no new ideas, but everyone is interested in it.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sunbathing in the sea breeze, felt embarrassed. She sat upright while half-lying and offered her seat to the girl walking next to her. "Okay."

Fu Shiliu seemed to have seen the light in this game, and forced Fu Ying to come and participate.

But things always involve luck. After the bottle was turned four times, Jiang Nuannuan came first. She always chose to tell the truth, and all the problems she had to face were related to Zhai Lin.

The first three questions were all normal, until a girl asked directly: "We all know that Zhai Lin is a violent maniac. No matter how handsome he is, we don't dare to provoke him easily. How did Miss Jiang capture him?"

"I don't like the word violent maniac." Jiang Nuannuan frowned slightly, "He is very obedient."

"Obey?" Fu Ying was shocked, "How could he be obedient? He has always had his own way of doing things."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled at her and said, "That's the next question."

In Fu Ying's impression, obedience is not a word that should appear in Zhai Lin. He has always been associated with rebellious, irritable, gloomy, and unruly.

She was a little confused, her eyes focused on Jiang Nuannuan's face. She didn't know if it was true, or if she was deliberately exaggerating to appear as proud as she had tamed a beast.

Fu Shiliu signaled Fu Ying to calm down and stop panicking, and then the bottle was turned around again, finally reaching Fu Ying's place, but she also chose to tell the truth.

Fu Shiliu pinched the soft flesh of her waist angrily, with a cold look on her face, "Okay, tell me something you like that people like to eat."

Fu Ying: ".Lychee candy."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes finally moved away from the sparkling sea and turned to her face.

Fu Ying felt indescribably embarrassed and uncomfortable, and did not dare to look at her.

Fu Shiliu turned her attention to her small bag, took it and stretched her hand inside, and sure enough she grabbed a handful of lychee candies. She immediately used the topic and said with a smile: "You have been carrying this candy with you since high school. That boy's habit is to be fed by you." It came out." Without giving Fu Ying a chance to shake her head and deny it, Fu Shiliu thrust the bottle into her hand and said, "Try it."

At this time, everyone was very curious. Those who knew Zhai Lin and heard about his deeds probably didn't know that he liked sweets the most.

The girls all felt the fierceness of the Fu girl. Jiang Nuannuan still looked careless and calm. She felt that this older sister was more anxious than her younger sister, and she was deeply afraid that Zhai Lin, the big fat fish, would slip away from her hands.

However, Jiang Nuannuan was unlucky the next few times. The wine bottle seemed to have been enchanted, and it was her turn to make the choice every time.

After she chose to tell the truth several times, she stopped choosing. These girls were very interested in her ability to tame Zhai Lin. Every question touched on the emotional point of private feelings. She didn't like to share her private life. I also don’t want to expose Zhai Lin’s weird and morbid methods.

For this reason, Jiang Nuannuan chose a big adventure, but their adventure games were all related to men.

Either asking a man for a watch, asking a man for a hug, or even more outrageous things like diving into the water with someone in his arms. Jiang Nuannuan knew that once she took these risks, Zhai Lin would definitely not be able to coax her into something as simple as blowing up her hair. fixed.

She tried to avoid all punishments and ended up drinking as an apology.

It wasn't until his stomach started to burn and he drank several cocktails that the bottle rolled around a few times and changed people.

Fu Ying couldn't stand the low pressure from her sister this time. Of course, she really wanted to go to Zhai Lin, say hello to him, and see what kind of reaction he would have.

She rarely did anything out of the ordinary, at least this time she just said hello and wanted to see him up close, so it wasn't anything too extreme.

"Adventure." She took a deep breath.

Fu Shiliu immediately winked at the little sister who was spinning the bottle, and the other party said: "Go to the lollipop boy, ask him if he eats candy, and feed it to his mouth with your own hands."

It was considered a mild punishment. Everyone's eyes were focused on Fu Ying's red and timid face. She mustered up the courage to stand up. Before leaving, she glanced at Jiang Nuannuan with her peripheral vision and saw that she was lying on her stomach. On the recliner, her eyes were slightly hazy, knowing that she was a little drunk.

Fu Ying clenched her fists, walked around the swimming pool, through the crowd, came to behind Zhai Lin, and patted him gently.

The man was holding a wine glass and talking. When he felt someone else's touch, he frowned and turned sideways. Seeing him turn his head, Fu Ying immediately raised a smile and said hello with a bright smile, "Hi~"

Zhai Lin's mood was light and he looked at her without saying a word.

Fu Yingdun felt the pressure, took a deep breath, suppressed the trembling in his heart, raised the lollipop in his hand, and said with a smile: "You didn't say goodbye to me when you returned to China. I thought we were friends. .”

To be fair, Zhai Lin doesn't dislike Fu Ying. The past has faded away and is not worth recalling. His impression of her has long been blurred and he has never cared about her in his life.

"So." He replied perfunctorily, but Fu Ying knew that this was the greatest tolerance he could give himself.

She took another step closer, her eyes twinkling, "Since half an hour ago, we have a girl over there who always comes to play games with you. This time it's my turn. The punishment is to feed lychee candies to men who like to eat them." Lollipop, you can”

She paused: "Let me feed you."

(End of this chapter)

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