Chapter 625 Zhai Lin (34)

Zhai Lin took advantage of the situation and looked across the swimming pool. He remembered that his baby was also among the crowd of people, and his gaze paused for a long time. He couldn't find Jiang Nuannuan. His eyes suddenly became cold. He put the wine glass aside and knocked the glass bottom. Made a noise on the table.

It was just a very casual movement, but it made Fu Ying's heart skip a beat.

"None of you are talking nonsense in front of her." Zhai Lin turned back expressionlessly, and his pale face suddenly became gloomy.


"My girlfriend, Jiang Nuannuan." Zhai Lin introduced the person without any hesitation, and he was generous and generous, which directly put an arrow in Fu Ying's heart.

There was indeed nonsense, so Fu Ying deliberately omitted a few words. For example, her sister said that Zhai Lin likes lychee candy just because of the habit she developed.

She shook her head and smiled reluctantly, "You are not talking nonsense. You have already found your lover after returning to China for such a short time."

Zhai Lin responded, turned his head and said a few words to the person who came over to chat, planning to go over and find someone.

Now Fu Shiliu took it upon himself to speak, and Fu Ying herself came over. If she hadn't fed the candy into his mouth, you can imagine how much of a joke this would have caused in the circle.

Fu Ying lowered her head, feeling extremely ashamed in her heart. Many words came to her lips, and finally she said, "Sorry, forget about this game. My girlfriend is really, really not a good person."

It was she who was always delusional that she would become the special person in his heart. It was she who always thought that there was still time and he would not be able to fall in love with anyone else. But it turns out that liking someone is so simple for Zhai Lin. one thing.

Zhai Lin was too lazy to say comforting words to her pale face. He was more of a warning. He blocked Fu Ying's arm and walked towards the group of girls.

Fu Ying almost shed tears. Looking at his back as he strode forward, she had a premonition in her heart. She tremblingly said, "Jiang Nuannuan is fine. She just drank a little too much. She leaned on the chair to rest."

The recliner is tilted and people sleep on it, so it is really not easy to spot from a distance.

Zhai Lin's steps paused slightly, but instead of stopping, he accelerated past.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly heard a low scolding sound beside her, and the cold wind brought by people walking around hit her. Then, she was picked up.

The thin blanket wrapped around him fell to the ground, revealing the little marks on his arms and long legs, making people stunned.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly opened her eyes, subconsciously put her arms around the man's neck, and whispered: "Is it over with you?"

Zhai Lin hugged her and sat down again, picked up a blanket and covered her, looked around, and Shen Nu's voice softened, "Why are you drunk?"

He seemed to be talking to her, but actually he was questioning everyone.

In Linggang, where the Zhai family is the leader, he is the prince. No one around him dares to speak out and is regarded as the unlucky one. They all cast panic eyes on Jiang Nuannuan. Everyone knows that they have gone too far in gossiping and trying to poach the boss. Personal affairs, underestimated the status of this unidentified Jiang family girl next to the boss.

The lively party music stopped at some point, and the air was quiet. The slightly tipsy Jiang Nuannuan reacted slowly, leaned against Zhai Lin's shoulder, put her arms around his neck, and said lazily: "They are too You gossip, I always want to know how I fell in love with you." Zhai Lin raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

"I don't want to share my skills with them. I'm afraid you'll be kidnapped and I'll have to drink." She raised her head and kissed his face. "I'm hungry now. Let's go to the restaurant downstairs to have something to eat."

Although he knew clearly that she was trying to comfort him, Zhai Lin was still moved. With a smile on his lips, he leaned into her ear and said, "I'll give you a rope next time. I don't mind if you tie me up."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

The gazes around her were like fire, making her face turn red.

Zhai Lin hugged her and sat up straight, "We are playing a few rounds, I will take you to eat."

He joined the girls' game, and naturally Jos and other boys joined him.

Fu Ying followed slowly back. Everyone saw her failure. She also consciously picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all. Her stomach was burning, her eyes were moist, and she smiled, "Sorry, failed. I'll drink as a penalty."

Fu Shiliu wanted to hold her hand, but she sidestepped him and changed places with a man, sitting further away.

Seeing his sister ignoring him, Fu Shiliu was confused.

In every subsequent game, Zhai Lin seemed to have turned on a cheat, completely clearing Jiang Nuannuan's confused nerves, and was still stunned. He was obviously abroad but seemed to know the secrets of everyone in Linggang, as if he had turned on a cheat. These girls were told to keep drinking, and their faces turned pale with fear.

For example, he used the truth to force Ms. Hu to almost vomit out that she once had a one-night stand with someone in a bar and accidentally became pregnant with a child whose father was unknown. Ms. Yang's investment in medical beauty was not going well, and she had used the prepaid cards of the guests of the yoga studio she opened to fund it. Turnover, secretly losing hundreds of millions and about to go bankrupt, and Fu Shiliu of the Fu family. The family spent a lot of money to buy a foreign high education diploma. It is said that classical beauties have great insights into foreign literature. In fact, all courses and papers are written by Handwritten
Zhai Lin always used these questions to force them to tell the truth. If they didn't respond, they could only be punished with constant embarrassment, fined wine, or a big risk.

Compared with the punishment that girls always impose on men, Zhai Lin was more cruel. He mixed water with chili peppers, squatted in the sun, and recited a short article in English on the spot. When facing Fu Shiliu, he Pointing directly to the sea, "Jump down."

Fu Shiliu, who no longer dared to tell the truth for fear of being found out, turned around and took a big risk, felt like she was at the bottom of her heart, "I'll drink as a penalty."

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was being targeted by Zhai Lin, and the hand holding the wine glass was trembling slightly.

Jiang Nuannuan saw that everyone had drunk too much. Although she was still not satisfied with the gossip, she felt that it was enough. She tugged on Zhai Lin's clothes and said, "I'm very hungry."

Finally, the big devil took his little wife to the restaurant for dinner. Before leaving, he carefully picked up the sandals on the ground for her and put them on. He even tied the straps very skillfully, gently and carefully. Serving her is like holding the girl up as a goddess in the palm of your hand.

After the two of them walked away, someone said in shock: "Young Master Zhai, who has a terrible reputation, has subverted my opinion today. It turns out that such a man can turn into a soft man."

"I heard that he went to the same school as Jiang Nuannuan, and he went to study with her before. It seems that he fell in love with her very early."

"Do the Jiang family know about this? I heard that they threw this fake daughter out of their house."

(End of this chapter)

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