Chapter 627 Zhai Lin (36)

He was afraid that Fu Shiliu would say something misleading to her, so he told her about his unfamiliar relationship with Fu Ying. He was so scared that they were just neighbors separated by a wall and classmates in the same classroom.

Jiang Nuannuan saw the worry in his eyes, and her face showed a relaxed expression, "To be honest, I don't have any misunderstandings about you now. I have never considered the possibility of you having an affair with another girl. Those words won't hurt." to me."

"Why?" He lowered his head and said in a pleasant tone, "You know I can't live without you, right?"

"You're so smart."

Jiang Nuannuan did think so. After all, even if she could sleep now, his arms would be tied up like chains and pressed against the innermost side, and she could not leave his eyes in any move.

When she first met him, he was so arrogant and rude. She didn't realize that he could be such a paranoid man in private.

Then she thought about how Zhai Lin had viciously asked Fu Shiliu to jump from the boat into the sea this morning. She didn't think he was trying to scare people at that time. Out of concern for the safety of the Fu sisters, she patted his arm and said, "These days Just be by my side, don’t worry about other people’s affairs.”

Zhai Lin didn't want it, and he didn't like Jiang Nuannuan participating in those gatherings with many people. It was too annoying for her to be surrounded by people talking, not to mention, he was afraid that those people would input some bad things to her.


Fu Shiliu, as always, was the woman he had hated for two lifetimes. She was indeed a nuisance, but Jiang Nuannuan had no memory of her previous life. She was so kind and did not want him to do bad things at all. He could endure it and maintain his obedience. image of.

During the last few days of the cruise ship, Jiang Nuannuan was either in the house thinking about the design for Joes, or on the deck basking in the sun and playing board games with Zhai Lin. The large party turned into a world for two and no one dared disturb.

On the penultimate day, a friend of Zhai Lin was going to celebrate his 24th birthday on the boat, so the two of them dressed up and attended.

"This is a matter of etiquette." Jiang Nuannuan tightened his tie up until it got stuck on his long neck. Zhai Lin tilted his head and coughed uncontrollably.

She let go of her hand and pulled it down again, "This is my first time, so I'm not good at the business."

Zhai Lin didn't care, "It's okay if you use more force."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Seeing that she stopped buttoning his suit, Zhai Lin came over again and touched her face, "Must you go? It's actually boring."

"Don't you know how to go before?" Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him, "I think you guys look very familiar."

Zhai Lin moved his lips: "I will go."

If he doesn't like her now, it's entirely because the atmosphere of being alone with her, being intimate and chatting with her anytime and anywhere, is too appealing to him and likes her, so it doesn't matter if he abandons her as a friend or something.

Jiang Nuannuan hooked the end of his tie, turned around, and pulled him out of the door as if holding a leash in her hand.

"Let's go then."

Although Fu Shiliu spends most of her time abroad, she is very familiar with the people in the country. She even knows that there are two very playful characters on the ship this time, and the story of love affairs is the occasional after-dinner gossip for them.

I saw that they brought two very beautiful strange girls with them this time. They had an aura that was different from that of a rich girl. With her eyes, she could instantly see through the peripheral identities.

Fu Shiliu found the two girls and chatted, "They all say that Qin Zhen is not good in bed. Is that true?"

The girl noticed that she was dressed luxuriously and even took the initiative to talk to them. Normally they would look down on her profession.The girl calmed down her expression and decided to save some face for her boss, "I think it's pretty good."

Fu Shiliu hummed, took off a ring from his finger and handed it to her, "To be honest, we are all very interested in his affairs. After all, he is also a marriage partner that we need to consider in the future."

The girl's eyes lit up and she clasped her fingers, "That's it, then I advise you rich ladies not to think about it. He only has one minute of patience. He is afraid of losing face with us, so he will take some medicine every time, something strong. I can keep going for a while, but the overall experience is really bad, and I also have the problem of being abused in bed. If one aspect is not good enough, I have to use the other aspect to make up for it.”

I had long heard that Qin Zhen relied on drugs to help him feel happy. Now that it was confirmed, Fu Shiliu smiled and asked, "Is there any more medicine?"

The girl's expression suddenly changed, "You want it? What for?"

Fu Shiliu pointed to the ring in her hand, "The total price is 50. Isn't it difficult to shut up, don't ask questions and just do things?"

"50 million!?"

I thought it would be expensive, but the girl never thought it would be so expensive. How much does it cost for her to go out once?
Soon after, Fu Shiliu successfully obtained the medicine bag, poured in two glasses of wine, and found Fu Ying sitting alone in the corner in the bustling place.

"Are you so depressed because you are worried that Zhai Lin will completely hate you?"

Fu Ying glanced at her, turned away, and landed on Zhai Lin not far away.

The man lazily leaned against the bar under the bright spotlight, tilting his head and looking somewhere in the darkness. Looking over, he found that he was looking at Jiang Nuannuan. The beautiful girl was mixing drinks behind the bar. It looked like he was playing unskilledly.

Fu Yingyan completely ignored what her sister said next to her. She only saw that Jiang Nuannuan wanted to make a cup of Kemenbodan, a classic beautiful cocktail. She had seen Zhai Lin often ordering this wine, and she knew it very well. The specific gravity of the wine recipe.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was unskilled, put too much orange wine. Zhai Lin saw it and didn't say anything. He put the back of his hand on the side of her face and stared at the smile on her face with his beautiful gray eyes. His heart was sore and he let it go. She mixed the free wine and served it in front of him.

Fu Ying only saw Zhai Lin saying a few words to her before she smiled. She was stunned for a moment when she saw that smile. It did not contain any sarcasm, disdain, or emotion, but was so tender and affectionate, an expression she had never seen before.

The knife in her heart was rusty and astringent. She wanted to persuade herself not to look at it, but her eyes were glued to Zhai Lin as if she was masochistic. Watching him drink the cup with a smile must have tasted bitter. liquor.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned on the bar and approached him, "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Zhai Lin swallowed it without changing his expression, "It's okay, can you try it?"

He took another sip of the wine and put it into his mouth, holding the back of her neck, their lips touching, and drank the bitter wine.

Jiang Nuannuan was disgusted by the smell of herbal medicine. When it grew a little, she gave it all back to him. A lot of it flowed out from the corners of her lips. Zhai Lin wiped it with his fingertips and smiled happily, "You can do better next time." good."

Friends passing by all felt goosebumps aroused by the ambiguous pink bubble atmosphere.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that her lips were extremely sticky, so she pushed him away and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Under Fu Shiliu's pull, Fu Yingcai turned her face back in despair, "What's wrong?"

"I figured it out." Seeing how sad she was, Fu Shiliu sighed, "The game thing was indeed my intention. I wanted you to get back together."

"It's not easy. How can I come back?" Fu Ying sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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