Chapter 628 Zhai Lin (37)

Fu Shiliu choked and handed her two glasses of wine, "Okay, in short, I still respect your decision. You sitting here alone can't solve his unhappiness with you, can you? Go and have a drink to make up for it. Sin, just pretend it never happened and bless them."

Fu Ying looked at the cup for a long time, sighed quietly, and her temper towards Fu Shiliu became better, "Sister, it seems that he is really not destined to belong to me. No matter how long I stay with him, it can't be worth the first sight of him." Enthusiastic."

She picked up the wine glass and stood up, "But it's a good thing. Finally, someone who can restrain him and make him happy appears. That girl is indeed beautiful. "

Fu Shiliu doesn't understand the pure love in the little girl's heart. What does it mean to be happy?Marrying into a wealthy family is the real happiness.

On her face, she nodded in agreement, "You go ahead, I'll go to the bathroom."

Fu Ying brought two glasses of wine, came to the bar, and pushed one to Zhai Lin. When his eyes softened, she smiled bitterly, "My sister did say some bad things when we were playing games that day. Wait until your girlfriend comes over. , I apologize to her."

Zhai Lin pursed his lower lip and held the glass of wine over.

Fu Ying lowered her head and took a sip of wine, "I'm not that kind of bad woman, and I never wanted to disturb your relationship."

But at the beginning, she still held on to a glimmer of hope. He was talking about a relationship that she didn't care about with an indifferent attitude, and she could give it another try.

She has her own little ideas, but she doesn't want to leave a bad impression in front of Zhai Lin and knows how to stop losses in time.

After two lifetimes, Zhai Lin also knew her character. There was always a difference between her and Fu Shiliu, and she really couldn't do anything bad.

Thinking of the ending that belonged to her in her previous life, Zhai Lin's eyes moved slightly and he clinked his wine glass with her to reconcile.

"We are still friends." Fu Ying smiled.

Zhai Lin nodded slightly and said calmly: "In this life, you live your own life."

Fu Ying wanted to cry, but held it back, "Of course, but I've also heard about some situations at Jiang Nuannuan's family. Will your grandma agree?"

Zhai Lin thought of his grandmother with gentle eyes, "I don't need to listen to anyone's advice, but she will definitely love the house and the bird."

Jiang Nuannuan washed her lips and chin in the toilet room, and used the remaining powder to set her makeup. Fu Shiliu walked into the toilet next to her and invited her sincerely: "Miss Jiang, can you come with me to the deck for a chat?" What?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know that Fu Shiliu was stalling for time, but she didn't refuse her request. She knew very well that Zhai Lin would come to find her if she found that she hadn't returned to him for a long time.

She and Fu Shiliu left the cabin and went to the upper level.

As time passed, the strong drug effect gradually took effect on Zhai Lin's body. Fu Ying also felt abnormal, but before she could ask her question, the man next to her got up and called Jiang Nuannuan irritably.

It's been a long time, why hasn't she come back yet?

The cell phone ringtone rang inside the bar.

The bartender brought up the mobile phone that was placed on the table and handed it to him. Jiang Nuannuan probably put the mobile phone aside when she was just making drinks, and didn't take it away when she left.

Zhai Lin rubbed his throbbing temples, bypassed Fu Ying, and headed straight for the toilet.Rulu was the little sister next to Fu Shiliu. She always remembered her sister's instructions. Seeing Zhai Lin leaving, Fu Ying was about to slip off the wine table again. She quickly walked over to help him up, dragging Fu Ying softly with great effort. The body walked in the direction of the living cabin.

Fu Ying already felt that something was wrong with her. Her throat seemed to be burning with flames, her hands and feet were weak, and she felt an inexplicable itching sensation in her abdomen.

She groaned and turned to look at Rulu with blurred vision, "Am I drugged?"

Rulu dragged her into an empty bedroom and said, "What are you talking about? I just saw that you were tired and sent you back to your room to rest."

All the way into the bedroom, Fu Yingcai pushed her away staggeringly. With red eyes, he asked tremblingly: "Fu Shiliu drugged me, didn't she? Did she drug Zhai Lin too? Really!"

At this moment, the great fear actually defeated the desire in Fu Ying's heart. She knew Zhai Lin's character very well. If he knew that she was plotting against him, he would definitely know and it would be over.
"Is Fu Shiliu stupid? Go find a doctor!" Fu Ying screamed, going crazy and trying to rush out.

She didn't expect Zhai Lin to come here at all. She was afraid that if something happened to them and it was settled, what kind of revenge would he take on their family out of anger.

He is a person who is extremely clear about love and hate.

Contrary to Fu Ying's fear, in Fu Shiliu's mind, the most important thing for a wealthy family is face. If Fu Ying was found in bed by many friends, Zhai Lin would have to admit it even if he gritted his teeth. The Fu family must successfully marry them.

Rulu settled Fu Ying and immediately went to the toilet to look for Zhai Lin. Seeing that he didn't find anyone inside, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zhai, are you looking for Miss Jiang? I seemed to have seen her just now."

On the deck, Fu Shiliu criticized Jiang Nuannuan's birth, family, and her destined ordinary future. She labeled the woman in front of her as worthless.

She almost said that her mouth was dry. Jiang Nuannuan, who was standing next to her blowing the sea breeze, was criticized to this extent, and her mood did not change at all. If it were the only thing left, it was ridiculous.

She propped her chin up and looked at Fu Shiliu, "Miss Fu, you have approached me again and again to talk like this. Then, has your sister ever told you about Zhai Lin's mental illness?"

The topic suddenly jumped to Zhai Lin. Fu Shiliu thought about it and said, "I mentioned it a little bit."

It's just that this man has some psychological problems, but he is generally healthy, and his bipolar disorder will have no impact under the control of the doctor.

It sounds like she never really understood the disease.

Jiang Nuannuan smoothed the hair that was blowing to her cheeks, "Zhai Lin has many psychological complications. During my relationship, he would secretly monitor me and want to kill anyone who tried to touch me or slander me. Man, his disease is not cured when controlled by medication, but maintained in a state where it does not worsen.”

She took a step towards Fu Shiliu and looked at her with strange eyes, "Remember when Zhai Lin wanted you to jump off the ship in Dare? It was not just a verbal joke to embarrass you, understand?"

Fu Shiliu's expression gradually stiffened, "What."

"He really wanted to throw you away because you offended me."

"Although I find it incredible, it's hard to talk about feelings. After we fell in love, I became a collar and a shackle to control him."

(End of this chapter)

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