Christmas Eve.

Linggang Street is bustling with activity.

Jiang Nuannuan held a bunch of strawberry-flavored candied haws in her hand and looked at the shops with strong Christmas decorations on both sides of the street with interest, "The Christmas tree Shi Zhou bought is almost taller than the house. We have to Buy lots of socks and crutches and little gifts.”

Zhai Heng saw her looking left and right, and the strawberry wrapped in sugar in her hand poked her chin several times. The stick was pointed, and he felt really uneasy. He held her wrist and took the bunch of candied haws, " If you want to eat, I’ll feed you.”

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, "Why?"

"Looking left and right will hurt you." Zhai Heng wiped her chin with his thumb, and the sandalwood on the wooden beads brushed the tip of her nose. His gentle and helpless eyes made Jiang Nuannuan's face blush.

She put her head closer and said, "Then I want to eat now."

Hearing this, Zhai Heng handed the candied haws to her mouth. Jiang Nuannuan bit down half of one. Unexpectedly, this one was so sour that her teeth were almost sore. She looked at the handsome man in front of her and held back her bad thoughts. He kept his face and said vaguely: "It's delicious."

There were a few tears in the corners of my eyes, but I insisted that it was delicious.

Zhai Heng didn't seem to notice her thoughts and bent down slightly, "Is it really so delicious?"

Jiang Nuannuan pushed the candied haws back, "You want to try it?"

Those twinkling lights were hung all over the trees on the sidewalk. People came and went, and their outstanding appearance attracted a lot of attention.

Zhai Heng stared quietly, his beautiful eyes seemed to be able to see everyone through and through. Jiang Nuannuan was a little afraid to joke, "Okay, actually it's quite sour."

The sour words behind her were not spoken, and the man's warm breath rushed towards her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on the hem of his clothes in an instant, and the gentle lingering made her almost drown with her eyes closed when a harsh brake sound came to her ears.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground quickly approached.

Jiang Nuannuan was still immersed in the passionate kiss. As soon as Zhai Heng released his grip on her waist, her shoulders tightened and she was pulled back two steps. She fell unprepared into the familiar arms of the man behind her.

In my ears, there was a deep male voice that was cold to the bone, "I just worked overtime for two more hours, and you are messing around with people on the street?"

Zhai Heng smiled softly and wiped the water stains on the corners of his lips with his fingertips in front of Gu Tingyan, "Relax, don't hurt her."

Just as Jiang Nuannuan was about to cry out in pain, her big hands on her shoulders relaxed. She turned her head and looked into the narrow eyes that were dark and burning with flames.

"You're off work." She smiled reflexively and patted the wrinkled black suit on his chest.

"What did you promise me?" Gu Tingyan had a sullen face. His resolute features and aura were very oppressive. With the bodyguard standing beside the car, pedestrians passing by had to go around before they dared to walk.

"Before you make a choice, you are not allowed to be intimate with anyone." Jiang Nuannuan knew she was wrong and lowered her eyes, staring at his rising and falling chest, and asked Zhai Heng for help out of the corner of her eye.

To be honest, he had a hand in this matter. He clearly knew that she was so beautiful that she couldn't stand teasing.

After receiving her resentful look, Zhai Heng coughed slightly and said when Gu Tingyan was about to carry him into the car: "There are still some Christmas decorations that I haven't bought yet. Let her go back after shopping."

Gu Tingyan lowered his head, Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were filled with mist at the right time, and she pursed her lips: "There are still a lot of hot pot ingredients that I need to buy for dinner. Don't you like to eat grouper recently? I also want to buy it and cook it for you. "Her coaxing tricks worked well every time. No matter what, Gu Tingyan didn't dare to do anything to her with several wolves staring at her behind. When he heard that she was going to make grouper for him, he felt a little better. , glanced at Zhai Heng next to him, whose smile had obviously faded, and the corners of his straight lips slightly hooked, "Okay, I'll go back after I finish shopping with you."

There are three people at home, so it would be nice to stay outside for a while.

As a result, Jiang Nuannuan had a rich and powerful young man next to her. She was caught in the middle and had to bear the envious looks of many girls in the mall.

But most people only see their relationship as brother and sister.

After all, in this society, we have never seen the main character and the mistress get along harmoniously and even go out together, and the gender is still male.

"Excuse me, can you add me to WeChat?" The little girl blushed and raised her phone in front of Zhai Heng.

The three of them stopped, Zhai Heng smiled gently, took Jiang Nuannuan's hand, "Sorry, my girlfriend is here."

The girl groaned, probably because she didn't expect it, but another girl next to her asked for Gu Tingyan's contact information, and she heard another sentence that shocked her to this day.

"This is my girlfriend."

Two men held the hand of the same woman in the middle.

Faced with the shocked look, Jiang Nuannuan could only show an awkward but polite smile.

Yes, she is the one who is riding two gold-encrusted boats. Let her die in society.

After finally finishing all the hard work, she bought a lot of things and wanted to go home. Two luxury cars parked at the door put Jiang Nuannuan into a difficult choice again.

She bought so many things that she filled the trunks of Gu Tingyan and Zhai Heng, as well as part of the front seats. There were two bodyguards in Gu Tingyan's car, and he and one person could only sit in his car, while Zhai Heng's The same goes for the car because it is full of stuff.

To be fair, Jiang Nuannuan hoped that Gu Tingyan would leave one bodyguard behind, so that three people could sit in one car. As a result, the man who was over 30 years old frowned, and there was a hint of resentment in his dark eyes, "I haven't been very safe around me recently. I have a bodyguard. , it’s easy for something to happen.”

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Zhai Heng subconsciously, "Then I..." It would be safer to take his car.

There was no chance to say the next words. Gu Tingyan held her hand and said coldly: "You have been out with Zhai Heng all day today, and now you are not willing to follow me on the way back? "

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Fairness, everything is for fairness!
She bit her lip, waved resolutely to Zhai Heng, and said apologetically: "Then I and Ting Yan will leave first."

Fortunately, Zhai Heng always seemed generous and would never embarrass her. He nodded, "I'll be right behind, it'll be fine."

Finally, one bodyguard drove the car, another bodyguard sat in the passenger seat, and two people, Gu Tingyan and Jiang Nuannuan, sat behind the Maybach.

As soon as the car started, it quickly left in front of Zhai Heng.

Jiang Nuannuan had just sat down, when the man next to her handed her a bottle of water. "Rinse your mouth, there are sugar stains on the corners of your lips."

She didn't think much about it. The candied haws were indeed sweet and sour. After rinsing her mouth and wiping her lips, she noticed that the car's fender was slowly rising. (End of chapter)

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