"Are you going to allow him to break the rules and not allow me to regain my place?"

"You said it's fair."

Fortunately, Gu Tingyan didn't want to make this matter known to everyone, so he let her suffer a few more times for nothing, leaving enough time for her to adjust to her current attractive state.

When the car stopped at the door of the villa on the top of the mountain, she returned to normal, pretending that nothing happened, took out the gift box from the car and walked in happily.

Zhai Lin was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, chewing a lollipop, and saw the car coming from a distance. He lazily walked down and stood at the top of the stairs, facing the door. The time was just right. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan walked in You can see him.

She did change her slippers and walked towards him, "I brought you a gift."

Zhai Lin tried his best to put on a nonchalant expression, glanced over again, and the candy stick he was biting on his lips bounced up and down, "What is it."

Jiang Nuannuan took out the scarf from the bag. It was in houndstooth style and had a cute little panda on the tail. "Lower your head."

Zhai Lin didn't look down, and turned to look at Gu Shizhou, who was sitting on the sofa and had paused the game at some point and turned back, "Do you have one for each person?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't see Gu Shizhou and said directly: "No way, I just bought you a scarf. I see that you always want art but not warmth in winter. What if you freeze?"

"Do you feel distressed?"

"I'm standing in the heating room looking at your neck, and my heart aches."

Zhai Lin turned around, stepped down the steps to the level ground, then lowered his head, "Okay."

As for Gu Shizhou, with a half-smile but not a smile, he spread his hands, "I'm sorry, my hand slipped. Did you scare my baby?"

Zhai Lin slowly straightened up. With his gloomy eyes and straightened mouth, he looked ready to fight with him at any moment.

"You're such a nuisance, you game loser."

Gu Shizhou: "Both each other."

Two men who came from the entrance joined the conversation one after another.

Zhai Heng: "Go change clothes and prepare to make a Christmas tree."

Gu Tingyan glanced at Gu Shizhou and said, "Pick up the handle."

Afraid that these two childish ghosts were going to fight, Jiang Nuannuan immediately took out a candy from her pocket and walked over and stuffed it into Gu Shizhou's mouth, "Don't be angry, eat candy."

Unexpectedly, the man's peach blossom eyes narrowed in anger. He bit her finger and said vaguely: "Eat candy? This trick only works for Zhai Lin, not me. You are not perfunctory and you only give him one." People buy gifts?”

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She has been stuck in this cycle of getting angry this way and that way lately.

There is no end to the coaxing, there is no end to the coaxing.

She pulled out her fingers, wiped them on the hem of his clothes, and pulled up the corners of his clothes. "Yours is different. Come upstairs with me and try it."

There was also a gift box bag in her hand. It was hard to tell what it was, but it did successfully attract Gu Shizhou. He raised his chin and followed Jiang Nuannuan upstairs.

During this period, Fei Jinzhao, who had been washing ingredients in the kitchen, stuck his head out and looked at the backs of the two people going upstairs, with a hint of haze in his eyes.

Because he has no sense of existence, is it forgotten by him?
She hadn't come to see him since she entered.

Jiang Nuannuan, who still didn't know she was in trouble, pulled Gu Shizhou into the house and threw the gift box bag in her hand to him, "I don't know if the size is accurate."


Gu Shizhou was very curious until he opened the package and looked at Jiang Nuannuan with meaningful eyes, "This?"

He picked up the thing with his fingers and said, "For Christmas, will you buy a scarf for Zhai Lin and red underwear for me?"

He walked over and pushed the person against the wall, his Adam's apple rolling, "What are you hinting at me?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately pressed against his chest and explained to herself: "What are you implying? I went to Wong Tai Sin Temple with you two days ago. Have you forgotten? You are too old this year. The master said you should wear red. I want to I bought it for you when I got up."

"This year has almost passed and I'm still buying it." He hummed softly.

Jiang Nuannuan: "It's never too late. Being healthy is the best. I hope you stay healthy and everything goes well."

Gu Shizhou's teasing thoughts faded away, and when his eyes were surging, he suddenly raised his hand and locked the door behind her, "Okay, I have something that is not going well."


The sound of the lock arousing Jiang Nuannuan's vigilance.

"Watch me change it." He took her hand, dragged her half-carried and threw her onto the bed.

Jiang Nuannuan's pupils were shaking, "Isn't this bad!"

As a result, the man had already knelt on the bed, took off his belt, and said with a lazy smile, "Do you only allow my brother to grow strawberries on you, but you are not allowed to touch me with your eyes?" Jiang Nuannuan asked. Shocked, she reflexively covered her neck, "We didn't do anything! Really! At least we didn't take off our clothes!"

It turned out that he had just seen it.

Gu Shizhou said again: "Isn't that what you said? It's fair."

Jiang Nuannuan's calves were shaking, but she couldn't resist his penetrating eyes. Finally, she pursed her lips and nodded, "Then change quickly, there are still people waiting for me to make dinner below. "

"How can it be so fast?"

"Look carefully."

Gu Shizhou said this. Later, he trapped her on his lap, grabbed her hand and reached down, groaning in his throat, "You decide when to go downstairs."

Until half an hour later, Zhai Lin came up and knocked on the door. Gu Shizhou threw the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, opened the window, responded unhurriedly, took Jiang Nuannuan off the bed, and buttoned it up. The straps of her underwear were neatly arranged for her.

He opened the door, pushed the girl out, and muttered, "Can't you bear it for a while?"

Just as Zhai Lin was about to refute, Gu Shizhou closed the door.

The smell there is really bad. As men, they know it best. Of course, he can't tell the truth. After all, this is the treatment he got secretly.

But Zhai Lin is not stupid. Looking at Jiang Nuannuan's red face, you can tell that they have done a lot in the past half hour.

He wanted to be angry, wanted to go downstairs and ignore her, but Jiang Nuannuan took his hand and pressed her against the railing, "We just kissed in the room, do you want to make it up?"

His Adam's apple twitched, "Nothing else?"

"No, he's too clingy and not as good as you."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head decisively, then held his face and released her almost unconscious lips.

After finally settling everyone down for the time being, she walked into the kitchen to help Fei Jinzhao, but found that he was silent and in a bad mood.

She quietly walked over and hugged his waist from behind, "Thank you for your hard work."

Fei Jinzhao didn't look back, but replied indifferently, "You have worked hard too. You have been very busy since you walked in."

Originally, Jiang Nuannuan said that she would cook the whole time today, but he helped make three dishes before she arrived late. You can imagine what she had just done with others upstairs.

These words were simply praising her.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, put her fingertips into the hem of his sweater, and hugged him in front of him. Fei Jinzhao's slightly cold fingers moved slightly, "Why are your hands so cold?"

At this moment, he thought that she was extremely squeamish, and she had just come back from the outside and was probably freezing, so he softened his tone and lowered his eyes and said, "Go out and warm up, I will do the rest."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and whispered, "I'm with you."

He didn't respond, but his body movements showed resistance.

She tightened her arms and said, "I want to sleep with you at night."

Fei Jinzhao couldn't help it anymore, turned around and looked at the girl in his arms, "Didn't you say you are still in the inspection period?"

It would take absolute fairness for each of them, let alone sleeping with her.

"Secretly." She stepped up and bit his Adam's apple, "I'll open the door for you."

After being coaxed to this extent, Fei Jinzhao finally let go of his temper, and he really couldn't bear to give up the temptation of sleeping with her.

The room where six people stayed was always crowded and filled with the smell of gunpowder. At any rate, Jiang Nuannuan had a warm and joyful Christmas in the end, and the Christmas tree outside was lit up all night.

At midnight, the light still illuminated the floor in the corridor, illuminating a figure quietly entering Jiang Nuannuan's bedroom.

The whole villa is in wooden style, and the sound insulation between the rooms is not that good. When Jiang Nuannuan was pressed in the bathroom, there was a splash of water. She bit the towel on her red lips, held the mirror with her fingers, and looked at the strong figure behind her with tears in her eyes. The perfect man.

My thighs are going to be bald again.

And this kind of thing happens almost every day.

She sighed inwardly.

Jiang Nuannuan actually thought about calling a stop to stop this ridiculous selection competition, but in the end she found that they actually knew each other in their hearts. No one wanted to be abandoned, and everyone wanted to be the only one. However, they never mentioned the truth after all this time. Whoever she chooses, they will be entangled with her, and she will never be able to get rid of them in this life.

Just spend your whole life like this.

The absurd years only come once, no matter what the final outcome is, she is always miserable and happy now.

Jiang Nuannuan knew that she was so philanthropic. She just wanted to give men a common home. What was wrong with this?
(End of full text)
(Thank you to the little cutie who has been accompanying me through this story since the beginning of the article. The story belonging to Jiang Nuannuan and her men will continue in their world in the future. There have been many controversies about this article until now. , it is undeniable that I still have a lot of shortcomings to learn. I hope that the next new article will improve, and we will be lucky enough to meet again in the future. Goodbyeヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~.) (End of this chapter)

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