Chapter 67: Too partial to her

System 66 also felt something was wrong at this moment: "Yes, this supporting character is too special for you, he has been getting close to you from the beginning."

Jiang Nuannuan: "You are still in a different situation than me."

System 66: "Okay, I admit that I am a little bit of trash."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Heh."

After just a few seconds of daze, Fu Shiliu came over on his own initiative, put his hand on Zhai Heng's arm and held it weakly, "Why didn't you say anything to me when you came? Didn't you say you had a doctor's appointment this morning?"

He replied warmly: "I changed my mind temporarily."

I changed my mind temporarily and came to see the jewelry exhibition.

Not only Fu Shiliu felt strange, but Fei Xin, who turned around to say hello, also felt that there was something wrong with the sick man's head.

The young master who took a few steps to catch his breath didn't want to be healthy and went out to visit the exhibition hall.


"Ms. Jiang, do you have any recommendations?" Zhai Heng turned his attention to Jiang Nuannuan again.

In the first instance, his wife bought her arch-enemy's jewelry, but in the second instance, he asked her for recommendations. Isn't this really a slap in the face?

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Fu Shiliu, the smile on her lips could hardly be maintained.

Feixin pointed at the bag hooked on Fu Shiliu's finger, "Zhai Heng, the couple's necklace your wife bought for you is in the bag. Didn't you see it?"

Zhai Heng didn't even take his eyes away from Jiang Nuannuan's face, and smiled gently on his lips, "Look at something else."

A silent slap hit Fu Shiliu hard on the face.

She took Zhai Heng's hand and put it down. She couldn't stay any longer and forced a smile on her face, "Then please ask Miss Jiang to show him more, and I'll go see other things."

Without even looking at Zhai Heng, Fu Shiliu walked away without looking back, with anger visible on his back.

When Feixin saw this situation, she winked and said, "It seems that you haven't been able to fall in love with the little wife you brought back to celebrate your happiness in two years."

Jiang Nuannuan felt that the two of them were quite familiar with each other.

Zhai Heng walked behind her and looked down at the display cabinet, "There are some people, there is no need to touch them head-on."

In a circle, everyone knows what happened in the past.

Feixin put a cigarette in her mouth, and Jiang Nuannuan stopped her immediately, "No smoking here, Sister Feixin."

The sister closed the distance and shouted sweetly. She put the cigarette back and pointed at the string of sapphires that represented lucky zeros. "Just that one. This number happens to be my lucky number."

The waiter who came out immediately helped her pay and pack.

Jiang Nuannuan also asked curiously, "But why are you so anxious to buy a new one?"

Feixin snorted coldly, "The one you said was fake was given by the person you've been dating for a year. It's bad luck."

Jiang Nuannuan shut up immediately.

I was deceived for a year, which is quite miserable.

Zhai Heng saw her expression was very interesting, and raised his hand and called her, "Come and show me which necklace suits me."

Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to walk over and reminded him secretly, "Actually, Miss Fu Shiliu bought, um, a couple's model."

"Can I only be given fake products?" Zhai Heng asked, leaving her speechless.

The jewelry that Lu Jinyun came to display were all of very good quality and design concepts in the store, with prices ranging from one million to tens of millions.

After Feixin finished buying, she felt something was wrong, so she stabbed Zhai Heng, "You are so cool, a man wearing a necklace."

She attacked Gu Tingyan last night and Zhai Heng again this morning. Jiang Nuannuan was a little impressed.

The boss is indeed a boss.

Zhai Heng glanced at her and replied warmly: "When you have time, go and take care of your hair, like a man."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Actually, I don't think you need to buy any more, sir. A shirt and tie are just fine." The key point is that Zhai Heng often goes to the hospital for medical examinations, and wearing them is useless, so there is no need to call him. He will waste this money again.

Zhai Heng asked: "Do you like shirts and ties?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "No, you have to look at the person wearing anything."

If you like it, even if you dress like shit, you will be blinded by it.

Zhai Heng nodded and said, "Ms. Jiang, will you be free when the meeting is over? I'll treat you to lunch."

This is the only reason he came here today.

Not wanting the invitation to fail, I had a little more expectation in my eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his misty eyes, her bones softened, and she responded faster than her brain, "Okay, okay, let's have a meal together if we rarely meet."

She couldn't refuse such a man.

Personality and appearance are all based on the XP you want to love.

Zhai Heng raised his lips slightly, with a smile in his eyes, "I'm going shopping with you."

Feixin's eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them. She felt something was wrong before, but now it's outrageous.

"You're not going to stay with your wife, but stay with us?"

What a messy relationship.

Zhai Heng raised his eyes and looked forward, his smile remained unchanged, and his lips became a little colder for no reason, "No need."

Jiang Nuannuan followed his gaze and saw Fu Shiliu standing next to Gu Tingyan, a beauty in a suit and leather shoes and a cheongsam, very suitable.

The two of them were still lying on the same bed in the morning. Jiang Nuannuan didn't have any emotions when she saw this scene. Even when the man looked over, she didn't look away without any trace, pretending not to see it.

She kept in mind what 66 said to create opportunities for the male and female protagonists at any time. She was just an unlucky and miserable substitute.

Hope there can be progress.

Zhai Heng suddenly put his hanging hand into his trouser pocket and touched her with his arm, "Do you want to hold your arm with me? As my jewelry taster."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and sighed in her heart.

Why is he so good at seducing people?

She put her hands into his arms and hugged him, "Thank you."

Feixin, who felt a bit like a lightbulb, snorted and saw the pair of beautiful women approaching one after another not far away. The unhappiness in her heart dissipated, and she quickly became interested again.

From afar, Gu Tingyan saw the thin white arm resting on Zhai Heng's arm. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped in front of the two of them with steady steps.

This confused identity and position have also been reversed.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, are you here to see the jewelry?" Jiang Nuannuan had clear almond-shaped eyes, and she greeted him in a serious tone. It was impossible to tell what the two of them were like in private.

He gave her money to buy the jewelry she liked, but now he pretended to have an unfamiliar superior-subordinate relationship and held someone else's arm.


Gu Tingyan was very unhappy, very unhappy.

"Did you buy what you wanted?" He asked, immediately closing the distance between the two of them. Fu Shiliu, who was standing beside him, looked as pale as paper.

He came here just to see if her substitute had bought the jewelry he wanted?

As for the real owner, he spent more than half a year's savings on a necklace called Beloved for 888 million yuan.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, so she took her hand out of Zhai Heng's arm, and promptly added: "Not yet, let me help Sister Feixin and Mr. Zhai Heng look at the jewelry first. I haven't had time to help you look at the jewelry yet."

So this jewelry is not for her. Mistress, please don’t look so ugly, she will faint just looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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