Chapter 68 Her favorite food
Sure enough, when Jiang Nuannuan noticed something was wrong with Fu Shiliu's face, she closed her eyes and fainted.

Gu Tingyan was the closest to her and immediately reached out to pick her up. Another emotion was finally replaced in his dark eyes.

From Jiang Nuannuan's point of view, he was anxious. He was finally anxious.

Fortunately, for a jewelry exhibition of this level, doctors are always ready for logistics. He hugged her and hurried to the lounge without looking at her again.

Her lover Jiang Nuannuan was left where she was.

Her husband Zhai Heng was left where he was.

Chigua Feixin secretly lit a cigarette, feeling that her fingers were a little empty and lacked melon seeds.

Zhai Heng looked away, turned around and asked warmly: "Ms. Jiang, are you hungry? Do you want to go eat."

He looked as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Feixin choked her throat with a puff of cigarette, "Ahem."

Jiang Nuannuan reminded her first, "No smoking in the venue."

"and also."

Then she looked at Zhai Heng and said, "Shall we take a look? Miss Fu is your wife. If you go first, you will get tongue-tied."

There are so many people in the venue, she is leaving with Zhai Heng, and her wife is still staying with Gu Tingyan. There is no telling what the news will be like, so she might as well help the hero and heroine.

She emphasized the word wife, and Zhai Heng naturally understood. He pursed his lips and smiled, "I am too impatient."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, and to avoid suspicion, she put down the wine glass, raised her feet and followed Gu Tingyan before walking away.

Feixin, who was behind her, put her arm on his shoulder and said with interest: "My wife Hongxing cheated on her, and you want to poach her? You know that Jiang Nuannuan is Gu Tingyan's man, right?"

"Don't dig." I just want to take the whole pot away.

Zhai Heng slapped her hand away, put down the wine glass that he had not drunk much from, straightened his suit, and followed slowly.

in the lounge.

The pale Fu Shiliu was lying on the sofa. Gu Tingyan held her hand tightly and couldn't leave her for a while, so she had to sit down on the sofa next to her.

The doctor looked at it for a long time, took out a candy from his pocket, opened it and stuffed it into the mouth of the semi-conscious woman.

"It's just a little hypoglycemia. Just wait here until someone wakes up. I probably didn't have breakfast when I came here."


There was a silence in the lounge, and everyone looked at Jiang Nuannuan's belly.

Fei Xin smiled: "I didn't eat breakfast, so you didn't eat either?"

She covered her face in embarrassment and blushed, "Ahem, sorry, I didn't have breakfast this morning." She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to catch up in time.

Zhai Heng turned to the waiter at the door and said, "Make one and two portions of porridge, and add two portions of steamed buns."

"Mr. Zhai, we only have red bean paste buns."

Zhai Heng turned around and asked her, "Is it okay?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Okay, okay, eat less. Aren't you going to have lunch later?"

Gu Tingyan, who was sitting on the sofa, glanced straight at him with eyes like cold knives.

Since when do you need others to take care of your own people?

"Zhai Heng, come here." He suddenly raised the hand that was being held tightly.

Mr. Wen Run, who had one hand in his pocket, did not move, "Huh? What are you doing?"

It was as if he was blind and didn't see that his wife was holding another man's hand tightly.

It doesn't matter if he's really fainted or awake.

Gu Tingyan pressed the tip of his tongue against his teeth, and his temper became sharper as his beauty grew older.

"Shiliu needs your care, come here."

When the woman lying on the sofa heard what he said, her body trembled and her eyes opened, but tears blurred her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

The beauty cried, and Jiang Nuannuan's heart twitched when she saw it, and she muttered to 66, "Awesome, I could only cry out snot bubbles."


System 66 was also confused: "I don't know. Generally, there are addends like 0.5. Only employees who have received the heroine's script can receive them. They will follow the plot and the favorability will increase slowly. However, our cycle is short, so we usually only receive it. It will be increased by an integer.”

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

So she has been working hard for so long, but she originally got the script of The Rise of a Substitute as the heroine?

Is this 6 really reliable? She has already given me several kisses, but she has to be able to kiss them all.
It seems very good.

System 66 did not encounter this situation either, and suddenly there was no sound.

The conversation in my head is cut off.


When Fu Shiliu woke up, Zhai Heng asked warmly, "Shiliu, are you planning to keep Mr. Gu here with you?"

One word made Fu Shiliu let go, and she said fragilely: "I didn't pay attention, sorry Ting Yan."

No matter how the two of them are at odds, she knows how to behave outwardly.

It's just that what he said to push himself out just now was so heartbreaking.

Gu Tingyan took back his hand and saw that one of the shirt buttons on his wrist had been ripped open. He ordered Jiang Nuannuan, "Come here."

The sofa for three people is actually quite crowded.

Jiang Nuannuan was stared at dangerously by his black eyes, and she immediately straightened her back and walked over, "What's wrong?"

"Button it up." He stretched out his hand.

"Oh." She obediently bent down and fastened his loose buttons.

Immediately, the man stood up, held her wrist and walked to the side, "Have you bought the jewelry?"

Jiang Nuannuan responded obediently: "Not yet, Mr. Gu, will I accompany you to take a look now?"

Look how dedicated she is. I wonder if I can stop deducting the salary that I said during the day.

It happened that the waiter came in from the outside with two identical breakfasts.

One portion of pumpkin sweet porridge and one portion of red bean paste buns.

When Gu Tingyan's words came to his lips, he turned softly and said, "Let's talk after eating."

He let go and motioned for her to eat.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly took a piece of her own food and sat down to eat. She took one thumb bean paste bun in one mouthful and her mouth was stuffed.

Gu Tingyan stared at her, the corners of his lips curling up.

Those who don’t know probably think that they don’t give her food at home.

Feixin went out to smoke. Fu Shiliu, who had the strength to sit up after eating a candy, saw that it was pumpkin porridge and bean paste buns. He wiped away his tears and said with a trembling voice, "Take them away, I don't eat such sweet porridge and steamed buns."

Jiang Nuannuan silently swung the remaining bean paste buns into her mouth. Zhai Heng ordered them completely based on her preferences. He didn't even know what his wife liked to eat.

Alas, this supporting role is a bit crooked.

Zhai Heng indeed had no intention of following Fu Shiliu.

Seeing that her eyes were starting to turn red again, Gu Tingyan said softly: "Put some avocado and blueberries on top."

There was a lot of fruit at the venue, so someone immediately went down to prepare again.

Fu Shiliu also showed joy to him instantly.

He still remembered her two favorite fruits. Sure enough, it was just because of marriage that separated the two of them, and he still loved her.

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan finished wiping her mouth, Gu Tingyan put her long crossed legs on the ground and stood up, "Let's go."

Fu Shiliu sipped the fruit and subconsciously asked: "Where are you going?"

The man lowered his eyes, with no emotion in his eyes, "I'll take Jiang Nuannuan for a walk. You have a good rest."

(End of this chapter)

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