Chapter 69
Fu Shiliu's smile froze on his lips again, his eyes slowly turned to the woman in the black dress with a slim waist, and said bitterly: "Okay, you go."

He always has many ways to avenge her ruthlessness.

She admitted it, as long as he still loved her.

Seeing this, Jiang Nuannuan knew that she was hated again.

She sighed inwardly and greeted Zhai Heng: "Then I will accompany Mr. Gu to choose jewelry first."

After walking out of the door, Gu Tingyan couldn't hold it back. He pulled her to his side and pinched her waist, "Are you choosing jewelry for me?"

There was a bit of questioning in her tone, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't know if she heard it wrong. She responded obediently: "What else? Tell others that you gave me money to buy jewelry for yourself? Can we talk about the relationship? "

Soul asked back, Gu Tingyan choked and looked at her seriously.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Isn't that right? I'm doing this for your own good, Mr. Gu."

So those ambiguous lovers' behaviors can be done in private.

The hand on her waist relaxed, and the man promptly concealed the emotion he shouldn't have and said coldly: "This doesn't mean you can have contact with Zhai Heng. I don't like my belongings to be tainted with the smell of others. "

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Nuannuan responded obediently, "I know, I have very professional ethics."

"Do you know how to design jewelry?" Gu Tingyan slowed down for a moment. He had never paid attention to her personal life. What did she know? The words at the wine table last night were a surprise.

"This is my hobby. It's a pity that my parents forced me to choose financial management when I was choosing a major." Jiang Nuannuan led him to his counter.

"I like the jewelry that Sister Feixin bought here just now." Jiang Nuannuan pointed directly to the most expensive necklace she had ever designed, "Buy it for me?"

Gu Tingyan didn't even bother to look at the string of zeros on the quote, or even which luxury brand it was. He handed over the black card and paid 0 million.

Making crazy money!Making crazy money!
The smile on Jiang Nuannuan's lips couldn't help but rise. Gu Tingyan saw her eyes shining, and the discomfort caused by Zhai Heng in his heart was quickly smoothed away.

The two of them walked around, and he had to answer the phone that had been vibrating for a long time. After a few words, he hung up and put it away, and asked her, "Is there anything else you want?"

It seemed that he had something to leave. Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and said, "No, it's a waste of time at the court banquet."

The names have been changed, and it looks like she really likes her.

Gu Tingyan also raised the corners of his lips inexplicably, "Go home for lunch?" Even he didn't notice that the words "Sunshine Huating" were abbreviated.

Jiang Nuannuan: "I made an appointment with Sister Feixin today to have dinner with her and then go back."

"Okay, I'm leaving." He finally took back his hand on her waist.

Jiang Nuannuan sent her to the door. The car was parked outside. Assistant Li stood by the car door and opened the door with surprise in his eyes.

This morning's meeting was suddenly postponed for an hour. His boss was here to buy jewelry with Jiang Nuannuan?
The boss finally stopped hanging himself from a tree?

Good things, good things, good things.

Assistant Li felt relieved and gave Jiang Nuannuan a big encouraging smile. She didn't know why, so she only smiled back.

Arriving at the venue, Zhai Heng came out of the lounge with Fu Shiliu who had recovered. The two of them walked one behind the other, keeping their distance.

When Zhai Heng saw that she was holding Qiao Lin brand jewelry, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Gu bought Qiao Lin jewelry?"

Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly and pretended, "He likes this one. He asked me to take it first and send it to his office later." "I like it very much too."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at his neck and said, "Don't buy it, you will have something better."

Upon hearing this, the gentle man's smile became more eye-catching and beautiful, "Okay, let's have dinner together?"


The four of them got into Zhai Heng's Bentley. Jiang Nuannuan looked at the destination and was speechless.

Why is it Nanchun Hotel again?

There is no other noble and good restaurant in Linggang.

However, Zhai Heng probably came less often, and it was normal for him to stay here. Feixin was not particular about food and said nothing.

When the four of them passed by the front desk, Fu Shiliu remembered his replaced secondary card and called out to Zhai Heng, "Zhai Heng, can you have a VIP card?"

Without saying a word about tying my secondary card, the man turned to the front desk and said, "You reminded me, I still have an auxiliary card that has been idle. Please tie it to Miss Jiang's account."

Fu Shiliu dug her nails into her palms and looked at him in disbelief.

What is he talking about!

Jiang Nuannuan also wanted to ask what he was talking about!It's so blatant to cuckold his wife and not wear it. Gu Tingyan just tied the secondary card to her, so why do you need so much?

"I don't need it." She wanted to refuse.

Zhai Heng directly ignored her words, but did not ignore the surprise on Fu Shiliu's face, and said casually: "In the future, if Miss Jiang wants to invite Shiliu to dinner, there will be an empty box."

This sentence seemed to be a reminder to her not to be too harsh on Jiang Nuannuan.

Fu Shiliu couldn't hold back his temper any longer, and said with a pale face, "I have a bad appetite. I'm not very hungry yet. I'll go back first."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her fleeing back and murmured, "Is that the opposite of what I said? She should ask me to dinner."

Feixin patted her shoulder, leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Did you and Fu Shiliu have dinner together last night?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Ah."

Fei Xin understood: "She bullied you."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Zhai Heng and shook her head, "No, I just sat in the hall at the door for a while." There was no real bullying.

Even if it was really because of this, how did he know.

Zhai Heng's face returned to its usual gentleness, "Let's go, Shiliu won't eat if she has a bad appetite."

Last night he saw in the company's work group that the photo of Jiang Nuannuan hanging at the door was entertainment gossip secretly taken by his own executives at the Nanchun Hotel, and was forwarded to the wrong group by mistake.

I rushed to the jewelry exhibition early this morning, knowing that Jiang Nuannuan, who likes jewelry, would definitely go.

I'm really angry, just leaving her outside like this.

The girl he had regarded as light since childhood was treated like this.

(End of this chapter)

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