Chapter 70 Gu Tingyan is on a business trip

The three of them finished their meal here. Before leaving, Jiang Nuannuan was handed another secondary card by the waiter, which Zhai Heng had just issued for her.

She didn't answer, but just said, "Leave it at the front desk. You can always check in with your face later."

The waiter half-bent, his eyes flickering, as if he was frightened, "Of course you can, you can just go into the box next time you come."

Zhai Heng: "I'll take you home."

Feixin shook the car keys in her hand, indicating that she would take the first step.

Before leaving, she added Jiang Nuannuan as a WeChat friend.

"See you next time, Miss Jiang."


The two returned to the Bentley.

Jiang Nuannuan told Zhai Heng that she was going to take a job in the Zhai family's old house.

As expected, the man with a gentle face frowned and said in a disapproving tone, "Zhai Lin has mania. You will be hurt if you become his psychological teacher."

Like Gu Tingyan, they all thought she would be hurt.

She felt the same way, but 66 this chicken said that Zhai Lin was the male protagonist, the kind of male protagonist who only yelled at the female protagonist and barked at others. The reason why he told Zhai Heng was just to help him get some help later.

He didn't look surprised. Someone had probably told him this before.

Zhai Heng put his hand on his leg to prop up the cushion, turned half of his body to her side, and said, "Don't pay attention to it. Fu Shiliu's request to Gu Tingyan is their business and has nothing to do with you."

A scent of medicine followed, and Jiang Nuannuan slowed down her breathing unconsciously and whispered, "I owe Mr. Gu a lot of favors, and I have to pay them back."

Zhai Heng's lips moved slightly, and he said helplessly: "Why don't you owe me?"

"Huh?" Jiang Nuannuan blinked at him.

He smiled, took back his hand and sat down, "Come if you insist. Call me before you come."

Jiang Nuannuan breathed out and was almost stunned by his smile.

The Bentley stopped in front of Yunkun Community. Zhai Heng looked at the old community outside and suddenly said: "You said you would cook for me before, do you remember?"

Jiang Nuannuan stiffened. She forgot to buy furniture.

"I remember, but I'm still busy with the work at hand these days. Can I contact you when I'm free?"

"Is it my ring?"

"It's already been produced in France. It's a different job."

"Okay, see you next time."

Zhai Heng was easy to coax and didn't embarrass her at all.

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief and waved to him.

After the car was far away, she immediately took a taxi back to the jewelry exhibition, drove her little Audi and went straight to the furniture market, and found a few cleaners to tidy up the house she rented.

By the time the housekeeper had cleaned up the house, the truck transporting furniture had arrived.

It's just that big cars can't enter the alley, so all the furniture has to be moved in manually. I met a few men playing cards in the corridor before, and they enthusiastically came over and said, "I have a tricycle, please help you."

Seeing that they were borrowing cars and helping to carry things, Jiang Nuannuan immediately lost a little of her prejudice against these people.

While supervising the staff to arrange the furniture, a call came in. It was Lu Jin.

She went outside to pick it up.

"Ah! There are so many rich people in Linggang! Do you know how much the jewelry we sold today has? The value of your jewelry is really high, Nuan!"

Jiang Nuannuan took the phone farther away and received the compliment in a perfunctory manner.

A man who was helping in the community glanced at her and saw her going out. He immediately said, "Sorry, I can borrow a toilet." Jiang Nuannuan didn't hear her from outside. He didn't respond when he saw someone, so he immediately got into the toilet and locked the door. , took out the miniature camera that had been prepared long ago, and installed it in the heating blade on the top of the bathroom.

It took less than 2 minutes to complete a set of actions. Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone and came back. Others just came out, met her eyes and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I borrowed your toilet for a while."

Although Jiang Nuannuan was a little uncomfortable, she didn't say anything. After all, she took the initiative to lend her a car and help.

The man and his companion winked, and after helping for a while, they took the hard-earned drink Jiang Nuannuan handed them and left first.

After sending everyone away, she collapsed on the newly bought sofa from exhaustion.

After a while, she got up and walked to the toilet. She frowned when she saw a few drops of yellow urine splashed on the toilet.

The good impression I had on my neighbor coming over to help with the move was gone in an instant.

She made a new appointment with the housekeeper to come to the house tomorrow, and she left the house without looking back.

A few aunts who came back from dancing outside saw her going out again at night, and they started talking about her, and they couldn't hide their jealousy in their eyes.

"This girl has done so many shady things. A few days ago, she was given by other men. Today, she drives an Audi. It costs hundreds of thousands."

"I don't know what my parents thought when they saw it."


Gu Tingyan didn't come back at night, so Assistant Li took the initiative to call her. Jiang Nuannuan was quite surprised that he reported his itinerary to her.

"Mr. Gu is on a temporary business trip tonight. A big project in Haiping requires him to come over and take charge. Miss Jiang should go to bed early."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Did you say when you would come back?"

"It will take about a week, maybe longer. Things are quite troublesome."


After hanging up the phone, she thought Gu Tingyan was probably busy, so she edited a text message and sent it.

Before boarding the plane at midnight, he had time to read the incoming message.

[Ask Assistant Li to prepare stomach medicine before drinking. Over there, I see the temperature will drop and there will be rain in the next week. Remember to bring more clothes to avoid catching a cold. Call me when you get back. ——Jiang Nuannuan】

In the final analysis, Sunshine Huating was just a place he gave Canary to stay. There were only a few pieces of his clothes in it, and all his luggage was brought from the company's lounge.

He often worked overtime and spent a lot of time eating and sleeping there.

Gu Tingyan's fingertips caressed the text messages on the screen of his mobile phone. It wasn't until the flight attendant reminded him that he was about to take off that he slowly turned on airplane mode.

Jiang Nuannuan has a lot more free time.

The day Lu Jin called to say that the express had arrived, she stepped on the accelerator and went to Jiang's house to pick up the express.

But it was still a step too late, and the courier was taken in by the owner of the house first.

Jiang's mother, who came back from the hospital, was very happy to see her. She held her hand and said excitedly: "You are finally willing to come back, which worries me to death."

She pulled her hand back without leaving a trace, "I just came back to get something."

Jiang's mother didn't care about her indifference, and walked beside her and followed her upstairs, "Don't you live here anymore? I thought you were angry about what happened that day, but we are still good."

Jiang Nuannuan entered her room. Everything in it was untouched, including the notebook on the table. She picked up the things and turned around and asked, "I accidentally misremembered that a courier arrived at home. Where is it?"

Mother Jiang was confused, "Express delivery? There is only Xiaomeng's express delivery this morning."

"That's mine." Jiang Nuannuan walked straight to Jiang Meng's room and opened the door.

Jiang Meng stood in front of the mirror and turned around when she heard the noise. Her neck and hands were covered with necklaces and rings sent by Lu Jin.

Jiang Nuannuan's face darkened, "Take it off."

(End of this chapter)

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