Chapter 75 Almost killed her
Wu Ma nodded and put the keys in her pocket, "Okay, miss."

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan stepped into the dark room, the door was locked. She looked back and sighed helplessly.

So it is such a terrible thing to be hated by the heroine.


Zhai Lin's bedroom is very large, probably twice as big as her luxurious bedroom in Sunshine Garden.

The indoor temperature is very low, and the only light source is the copper-colored flower-shaped wall lamp on the wall, which emits a warm orange light and dimly illuminates the room.

As you can see, there are paintings everywhere on the walls and floor, and there is a smell of paint that is not yet dry.

She bent down and picked up a painting, which contained a young and lovely face.

Fu Ying, the heroine who fell off a cliff and disappeared.

During the long period of time when Zhai Lin was away from people, he continued to draw this picture, as well as many messy landscape pictures.

It's too difficult to get goodwill from him.

The only half-open curtain in the front let the sun shine in, covering the man in the white sweater, and his half-length golden hair was dimly illuminated with a halo.

At first glance, the back looks like an angel.

Jiang Nuannuan silently took out the electric shock device from her bag, put her hands behind her back, and whispered, "Zhai Lin."

The pale finger holding the paintbrush stopped, the man's slightly curved back straightened, and he slowly turned half of his thin and delicate face sideways, like an old movie being played live.

He opened his lips slightly and said word by word, "It's you, Jiang, Nuan, Nuan."

A chill spread from the bottom of my heart, and the angel filter was instantly torn apart and replaced by a devil.

Jiang Nuannuan stood still and said, "I am your new psychology teacher. The last time we met was not very friendly."

He made a slight noise in his tone, with a protracted ending, and then he dropped the pen, straightened his crossed legs, and stood up with his palms on the ground.

"Yes, we have already met."

Zhai Lin turned around, and his light gray pupils were strangely blank in the sunlight. On his front, the white sweater was covered with red dye, like a pool of blood.

Draw a painting to look like a murder scene.

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed her saliva and cursed 66 in her mind, why was she assigned such a crazy male protagonist?

He walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, folded his long legs, and apologized to her: "The last illness left a bad impression on you, sit down."

She had to carefully avoid the scattered paintings, walked to the sofa opposite him and sat down, with the electric shock device always ready behind her.

Zhai Heng's eyes drifted as she sat down, resting on her delicate neck, and said, "I'm ready, come and enlighten me."


She won't enlighten a mad dog.

Zhai Lin held his chin with the back of his hand, staring at her until her scalp went numb.

"I think your landscape paintings are very good." Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath after sitting down, "I was amazed when I came in. You were also amazed when you sat among the rose bushes last time."

He smiled and replied: "Really, you like those paintings very much?"

Seeing that the person seemed normal, she nodded and glanced at the untouched breakfast on the table, "Would you like to have breakfast first?"

Zhai Heng: "No appetite."

He carefully looked at the woman in front of him who had ruined half of his life, and his tone suddenly turned gentle: "Originally, painting could heal me for a moment, but now that I have you, I feel that I will be fine soon."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart trembled with fright, "Why do you say that?"

Zhai Lin stood up and walked from the sun into the darkness. He controlled the prosthetic leg smoothly and came to the sofa where she was sitting. His hands suddenly pressed the armrests of the sofa on both sides and got close to her face.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank back and immediately pressed the switch button of the electric shock device, ready to go.Immediately afterwards, I saw that the smile of the man in front of me became more and more exaggerated, the curve of the corners of his lips became abnormal, and the softness he pretended to be twisted instantly became cruel.

He whispered, "Killing you will heal me, so please, let me kill you."

His pale fingers pinched her neck at a rapid speed, and Jiang Nuannuan, who also reacted quickly, kicked his prosthetic leg.

One of Zhai Lin's legs was amputated in a car accident, and one of his lower legs was a prosthetic leg. He never expected that she would dare to do this, and she kicked him very accurately.

Completely unprepared, the man knelt down on one knee in front of her with a plop. The hand on her neck hadn't even relaxed at all, but he forcefully pulled her forward.

Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to release the electric shock device first and hold his shoulders with both hands, but it was too late. Due to the inertia, her lips pressed against the other person's eyes, kissing the curled eyelashes tightly.

Before she could feel that her lips were contaminated, Zhai Lin's extremely angry growl penetrated her ears.

"Go to hell!"

He simply knelt half on the ground, pressing her thigh with one hand, pinching her neck with the other and pushing her into the single sofa. He had the ferocious aura to strangle her to death on the spot.

After kicking him unsuccessfully, Jiang Nuannuan made a quick decision, took out the electric shock device from behind, and stabbed him directly in the chest.


There was a sound of electric current passing through her body, and Zhai Lin grunted. The hand on her neck was loosened, and he fell into her arms with a bang, and his whole head hit her chest.


Jiang Nuannuan screamed in pain, grabbed his blond hair, quickly pushed his head to his legs, and covered his chest that was about to be dented with a twisted look on his face.

The feeling of that moment almost passed away.

Tears almost hurt.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

She bit her lip, her eyes were red, and she cursed the mad dog hero ten thousand times in her heart.


A murderer? This is not it.

damn thing.

System 66 also comforted himself at this moment: "This is more difficult to deal with. Think about the 100 billion and bear with it."

"Hold on, first tell me if the half of the 0.5 in front of you have figured out what's going on."

System 66 put its phantom limb on its forehead and said, "I checked it and asked my colleagues. It's no problem. What you got is the stand-in script, not the stand-in counter-attack heroine script. Just do the task peacefully. Don't worry about the 0.5."

Jiang Nuannuan: "You are all rubbish, and so are your colleagues, right? Are you reliable?"

System 66: "." After asking this question, it seems to be uncertain again.

After the pain subsided, Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to support Zhai Lin's head, trying to push him to the ground.

But just halfway through the movement, she stopped again and pushed his head back onto her lap to rest on it.

Now that the door is locked, it would be troublesome if someone outside opens the door and comes in thinking she hurts someone. It would be better to wait until the door opens and he wakes up first. It will be easier to explain.

The instructions stated that the duration of the electric shock device was approximately three hours, so what was written in her contract was three hours of psychological counseling.

But this thing was uncontrollable. She lowered her eyes and looked at Zhai Lin's fainted profile, which looked like something out of a comic book. She couldn't help but let out a light tut.

She also forgot to consider that this was a sick person. The electric shock device might be accompanied by other complications, so it could not be used on him every time he came.

I have to think of a safer method next time.

(End of this chapter)

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