Chapter 76 Zhai Heng rushed back
After sitting on the sofa for nearly an hour, Zhai Lin knelt in front of her and rested his head on her thigh and passed out for an hour.

A Bentley drove in at the gate of the manor. The man inside stepped down with long legs and walked quickly.

The housekeeper saw him coming back and hurriedly came forward to greet him, "Young Master, are you back so early?"

"Is Miss Jiang here?"

"Already in Master Zhai Lin's room."

"You didn't stop me?"

When the housekeeper heard the tone of his question, he was stunned for a moment and said, "No, the young lady has received her. She is at work right now."

Zhai Heng's expression tightened and he quickly went upstairs.

Wu Ma, who had been guarding the door, looked surprised when she saw him coming. Didn't the young lady say that the young master would not come back even if he went out this morning.

How is this going?

She quickly stepped aside and greeted him respectfully, "Young Master."

Zhai Heng hummed, put his hand on the handle of the mahogany door, pressed down, and pushed in. The door did not move at all.

Wu Ma saw that the always gentle young master had a cold face.

His eyes were filled with coldness, "Did you lock the door?"

Wu Ma was caught by his gaze, her hand shook, and she quickly took out the key from her trouser pocket, "It was the madam who told me to lock the door and not to disturb Master Zhai Lin's psychological treatment."

Zhai Heng suppressed his anger, took the key from her hand, pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing this, Wu Ma secretly thought something was wrong, rubbed her hands, and quickly went to Fu Shi Liutong to report the news.

One look at the young master's face just now, and she knew something was going to go wrong.

"A Nuan."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment when she heard the urgent call of intimacy, and quickly turned her head.

Zhai Heng's frown relaxed for the most part after seeing that she was intact.

She waved to him, "You're back so soon."

The sun was deflected during this hour, and it happened to shine on the sofa where she was sitting. Zhai Lin fell asleep on her lap. The two of them were bathed in the sun. The picture was harmonious and unexpectedly dazzling.

Zhai Heng walked in and saw his younger brother sleeping. His worried eyes changed into surprise, "He didn't make things difficult for you."

The gentle man's chest was rising and falling heavily, and he was slightly out of breath. It seemed that he was anxious when he arrived.

When Jiang Nuannuan saw him like this, she quickly worried: "Go sit on the sofa, I'm worrying you."

Fu Shiliu said that he went to the company. When she sent him a message to say that she came to work, she never thought that he was not at home, nor did she expect that he would come back. It was purely in response to what he said last time.

Looking at his appearance, it turned out that he had put down his official duties and rushed back?

For a moment, Jiang Nuannuan's mood was a little complicated.

If she had known earlier, she would not have told him. She did not forget that he was still a sick patient.

Zhai Heng bent down, close to her face, lowered his head and looked at Zhai Lin, "Is he asleep?"

The familiar scent of medicine entered the nasal cavity, and Jiang Nuannuan told the truth, "No, I brought an anti-wolf stun device and accidentally stunned him."

Zhai Heng looked at her, and the coldness in his eyes was replaced by a smile. He curled his lips, and he became gentle, "Good idea."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head to look at him, "I'm sorry, I was just trying to protect myself. The door was locked and he wanted to hurt me, but I couldn't help it."

"You're right." He put his palm on the top of her hair and rubbed it, "It was my fault that locked you in."

Jiang Nuannuan watched his Adam's apple roll, and her face felt hot.

Zhai Heng quickly put down his hand and called the housekeeper outside to come in.

"The young master is asleep, carefully put him on the bed."

The housekeeper quickly called for someone and quickly carried the man lying on Jiang Nuannuan's lap to the bed.Their movements were not small, and they didn't wake up a person who was not sleeping well. The housekeeper couldn't help but ask Zhai Heng, "Young master, is the young master sleeping a little too hard? Do you want to wake up?" The doctor comes to take a look."

It didn't look like he was asleep at all, but more like he had passed out. This had never happened in previous psychotherapy sessions.

Zhai Heng: "It's rare for him to sleep so well that there's no need to wake him up."


The housekeeper looked at his eldest young master and was a little speechless for a moment. His eyes never left Miss Jiang on the sofa. He still knew what he was talking about. Whose relative was that on the bed?

"Then I can finish today and go back early." Jiang Nuannuan zipped up the canvas bag. Her thighs were numb from not moving for a long time. As soon as she stood up, her legs went weak and she fell back down.

Seeing this, Zhai Heng bent down again, "Are your legs numb?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "A little bit, I'll take it slow."

He hummed, "I'll be home from now on, and you can come again."

The housekeeper, who had just raised his feet to go out, heard what he said and looked back at his young master, full of doubts in his heart.

He shouldn't want to cuckold his wife.
Jiang Nuannuan waved her hands and shook her head, "No, no, no, I'll just watch my own time from now on."

But she couldn't send him any more messages. She confirmed that he had interrupted his official duties and rushed back today.

She tried to stand up again with her bag on her back. Her legs were still shaking a little. A hand held her arm in time, and a warm voice whispered in her ears, "Come and tell me later. I've been in good health recently and only made a few trips to the company." , usually at home.”

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and found that his face was indeed much better than before. She pursed her lower lip and said, "Are you worried that Zhai Lin will bully me?"

"Not obvious enough? He is dangerous." He raised his eyebrows and smiled on his lips.

"I won't suffer a loss." Jiang Nuannuan did not refuse his help. She took out a copy of the contract from her bag and handed it to him, "I have already planned it."

Zhai Heng took her to his study room and sat down before he had time to look through the contract.

After reading it, he smiled softly and said, "You have a good sense of precaution."

Jiang Nuannuan scratched her hair and felt a little embarrassed, "As long as you think it's okay."

It's too late if there is a problem.

Zhai Heng returned the contract to her, "Will you stay for lunch?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I think Zhai Lin won't want to see me when he wakes up. I'll go back and cook for myself."

"Did you go to the supermarket to buy food?"

She subconsciously replied: "There is nothing in the refrigerator, I want to buy something."

"Yeah." Zhai Heng nodded, stood up, "Let's go."


She blinked.

He walked up to her, with a smile in his eyes, "You won't invite me to dinner?"

Jiang Nuannuan remembered her promise to him, "Okay, but doesn't it matter if you don't eat at home?"

"Shiliu and I have different tastes, so it doesn't matter." He walked to the door and made another gesture of invitation, "Can you go? Miss Jiang?"

The voice of Ah Nuan that she just called out in Zhai Lin's room seemed to be an auditory hallucination that she had experienced.

Jiang Nuannuan went down to the first floor with him carrying her bag. Fu Shiliu was a little surprised when Wu's mother called her back from the garden outside.

Zhai Heng saw her and signaled Jiang Nuannuan to go out first.

She did not participate in their family discussions and went to wait in her little Audi.

"Aren't you in the company? Why did you come back temporarily?" Fu Shiliu put his hands on his abdomen, looking a little nervous, as if he had done something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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