Chapter 79 Police Station
"You stand inside." As soon as she put her hand on the handle, a slightly cold palm pressed down on the back of her hand.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes. Now he could just lower his head a little and kiss her forehead, but he quickly resisted this desire.

"I'm not trash."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head. The lights in the bathroom were not turned on. She couldn't see his expression clearly, but she also felt that she had hurt his self-esteem.

She was speechless and clenched the kitchen knife in her hand, "I just don't want you to get hurt. I really don't mean anything else."

"Why?" Zhai Heng got closer to her little by little. Even though the door outside had been opened and someone broke into the living room and made noise, he was so focused that he didn't move his eyes away.

"No reason, I just have a desire to protect you." Jiang Nuannuan was a little anxious, and the toilet door was not kicked very often, so she simply pushed open the glass door of the bathroom, and the two of them got in together.

Now, it's really crowded.

"Where are you hiding, you bitch! We called the police, right? Where's the camera? Hand over the camera and memory card!"

There was a loud bang from the toilet door.

"Damn, hide here!"

"Bang!——" Another kick.

Jiang Nuannuan's body trembled reflexively, and she leaned closer to him, "I don't know where the police are."

Zhai Heng's breathing was a little heavier, "You don't have to wait for the police."


Before she could understand it, there was new movement outside.

It was the two neighbors who shouted to others, "Hey, who are you! I'm telling you not to get involved, and you should know better and go home!"

Before Jiang Nuannuan could ask who else had come to the house, the man in front of her leaned against her and pushed her against the wall.

"Zhai Heng?"

She was startled by this situation, and put her hand that was not holding the knife on his waist to push him away. The man's fragile words made her give up the idea instantly.

"I am a little uncomfortable."

Jiang Nuannuan's hand that wanted to push immediately turned into a hug, "Are you okay? There's not much air circulation here."

Zhai Heng bent one hand to support the wall and enveloped her in his arms. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Well, let me take it easy."

Afraid that he would fall down later, Jiang Nuannuan held his waist with one hand and did not dare to let go. She pressed her face against his chest, feeling extremely guilty, "If I had known better, I would have treated you to a meal outside."

"I'm so glad to be able to come to your house." He lowered his head, his lips brushed her earlobe intentionally or unintentionally, and all the hot breath in his breath hit her ears.

Jiang Nuannuan blushed, "What are you glad about?"

"The camera discovered it early." He said softly, with a sharp look in his eyes that hid the darkness.

"I really want to thank you for this." She patted his back and comforted him: "Take a deep breath, we will be out soon."

Zhai Heng nodded, enjoying the hard-won hug.

Outside, a muscular man was holding a stick, and he hit the two gangsters with several sticks, causing them to moan and scream in pain.

"I was wrong! I was wrong, brother! Stop fighting!"

"Stop fighting! Ouch! My hand is going to be broken! I'm going to kill someone! Help!"

The original arrogant voice gradually turned into a plea for help. Jiang Nuannuan heard it clearly and tugged on Zhai Heng's clothes, "It seems to be the police."

But it sounds like that's not the case. The police can't come up and beat someone.

Just as he was wondering, the toilet door was kicked open.

The light from outside flooded in, and there stood a particularly strong man in the backlight. His height was almost as high as the door.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart froze when she saw this physique.

Who is this?

"Young Master, are you okay?" The bodyguard turned on the bathroom light and saw Zhai Heng holding a girl in the bathroom, and his anxious voice stopped abruptly.

Damn it, the young lady’s head is covered with green grassland! ! !

It's over, and his career is over.

The bodyguard suddenly rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, took a step back silently, and pretended not to notice, "The person has been taken care of, young master."

"My people." Zhai Heng slowly straightened up, hiding his unfinished emotions, and said warmly: "Don't worry."

Jiang Nuannuan's hand holding the knife loosened most of her grip, "Your bodyguard arrived just in time."

He smiled and pushed open the bathroom glass door, "I'm not in good health, so I always have people around me when I go out alone."

So when he came back in his Audi car, someone was following and protecting him.

The usual method of wealthy families, Jiang Nuannuan nodded, her tense nerves relaxed, and she felt soft all over, "That's good."

She followed him out. Zhai Heng's cheeks were a little red, which was very conspicuous on the porcelain white skin. Jiang Nuannuan thought he was uncomfortable, and said quickly: "Go to the window to breathe in the fresh air, and then slow down." slow."

In the living room, two men were tied with their backhands and fell to the ground. They were still tied with professional zip ties.

It seems that Zhai Heng's bodyguards often encounter this kind of thing.

"I'm going to sue you."

"I'm going to kill you, you stinky bitch, don't think I don't know what you do!"

When the two stunned men saw Jiang Nuannuan, they began to speak rudely again.

Before the police arrived, Jiang Nuannuan stepped on the face of one of them, and twisted the toe of her shoe back and forth a few times in frustration before she gave up.


Zhai Heng sat back at the table and called her, "Come and eat."

Having just experienced a crisis, the food was almost cold. Jiang Nuannuan sat back obediently, "Would you like to ask your bodyguard to eat some with us?"

Zhai Heng glanced at the man at the door.

Having worked with the young master for many years, he can understand what this means with just one look.

He immediately put his hands behind his back, coughed slightly and said, "I've eaten."

"Okay, thank you for what happened just now." Jiang Nuannuan ignored him and gave Zhai Heng some chopsticks to eat.

After all, the food on the table was not wasted. When the two of them were full, the police came belatedly and took them away.

The two people who were beaten along the way screamed and asked for a lawyer. Judging from their posture, they wanted to use their injuries to blackmail Jiang Nuannuan.

Zhai Heng made a phone call on the way.

This was the first time Jiang Nuannuan was invited to the director's office for tea.

She stole a glance at Zhai Heng, who pushed the tea cup to her and said, "Drink some ice water. It's a bit hot all the way here."

The director looked serious, but he was very polite when he spoke, "It's rare for young master to come here when he has free time. How are you doing, madam?"

Zhai Heng nodded, "My friend is in some trouble."

"I know. I just said it on the phone. Just make a note. I will ask someone to take care of the rest without bothering you."

Jiang Nuannuan was called out to take notes alone and provided evidence.

Throughout the whole process, no matter how loudly they screamed for a lawyer, no one paid any attention to the two people pressed next to them.

The policeman said to her politely: "I will inform you when the outcome of the matter is finalized."

Zhai Heng came out of the director's office. He took off his suit and hung it in his arms. His shirt collar was opened a few times, looking casual and casual.

"I won't send you back. You have to stay and deal with something."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little nervous, "The things in the memory card."

(End of this chapter)

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