Chapter 80 Zhai Heng gets angry
Zhai Heng comforted her: "I won't let anything happen to you, so don't worry about going back."

Of course she knew nothing would happen to her, because there was nothing in the video, but he would definitely know that she never lived in Yunkun Community.

When Jiang Nuannuan was put into the taxi by him, her heart was in a state of confusion, and she was so fed up with those two rogue neighbors who were doing bad things.

After her car was out of sight, Zhai Heng, who was standing at the door of the police station, grabbed his pocket with one hand and walked back slowly.

In the police station, two gangsters were pulled into the interrogation room to record the motive for the crime.

The two of them could tell each other with one look and one word.

"That bitch just moved in two days ago. While I was helping her move furniture, I went to her bathroom to pee and put the camera on."

"We just took a look and didn't want to do anything to her. It's not illegal."

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened, and the man in a suit hanging on his arm returned with the afternoon's strong bodyguards.

When the interrogator saw that the two gangsters' attention was drawn away, he knocked on the table and raised his voice to bring back the topic, "Is there any other use for the video you recorded? Are there any other cameras installed at home?"

"Of course not. It's just the one in the toilet, and it has no other use. The girl has only been back a few times, and I have never seen her go to the toilet."

This tone was a bit regretful.

I was caught and taken to the police station before I even saw anything. Thinking about it, I feel very unlucky.

Thinking that he would only be detained for a few days, one of them plucked up the courage and said to Zhai Heng, who had moved a chair and sat down:
"Boss, I think you are a boss. My mother has told me that the woman living in this house is a seller. Different men send her home every day. You have to be careful. Brother, I have advised you. Well, for the sake of this, you have to let me go and pay me some medical expenses, otherwise I will accuse you of soliciting prostitution."

The interrogator turned sideways and looked at the dignified man leaning against the back of the chair. Cold sweat was forming on his forehead. These two people were simply looking for death.

He quickly said: "Young Master, if you install a camera in someone else's home, you are suspected of illegally intruding into someone else's home. You will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 3 years or criminal detention. Do you think?"

Do you think it's suitable?

The last few words were not spoken, but they were enough to show that there was a possibility of a heavy sentence in this matter.

When they heard this, the two men jumped on the spot, "Three years?! Damn you! You officials protect each other, right? I only watch the news for ten days!"

Zhai Heng nodded his chin slightly and said warmly: "Thank you for your hard work, you guys go out first."

The two interrogators looked at each other and walked out knowingly. Someone outside thoughtfully turned off the camera in the interrogation room.

The two gangsters felt something was wrong, and saw the strong bodyguard following the man swing a long iron rod in his hand, and asked respectfully: "Young Master, how many legs do you want to remove?"

Zhai Heng picked up the hot tea cup on the table and took a sip of tea slowly, "Excuse me."

The bodyguard flexed his muscles and walked toward them, waving his windy baton.

The two gangsters were handcuffed into the seats, their legs pressed together, and they began to tremble subconsciously.

"You! What do you want to do! This is a society ruled by law, let me tell you!"

"Bang bang!—"

Several loud blows from the stick hit the legs of the two men.

The gangsters who were restrained to the point of being unable to fight back could only scream hoarsely, which was nothing compared to the beatings they received in the community.

The staff outside the interrogation room were holding coffee in their hands, and there was a row of afternoon tea desserts on the table.

An interrogator who came out asked in surprise: "Hey, a cake from Mingdu? Each piece must cost hundreds of dollars. Who sent so much?"

Another person waved, "The eldest young master of the Zhai family sent someone to buy us afternoon tea. It's free. We show sympathy for us grassroots workers. Come and have some." Several people gathered around the interrogation room to eat expensive afternoon tea, listening to the faint voices inside. The screams gradually gave rise to goosebumps.

"What's the background of that woman who can make the eldest son of the Zhai family so aggressive?"

"Didn't you see it just now? That woman is Jiang Nuannuan, the fake lady that the Jiang family kicked out."

"They are wealthy families, even if their status is gone, their friendship is still there."

"It is said that the young lady now lives in Yunkun Community, and the security there is quite poor."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. The director said that this matter should be suppressed and not make a big fuss. Master Zhai gave these to keep it secret. Don't make people unhappy."

The two gangsters in the interrogation room fell to the ground with their stools attached. They no longer had the strength to hum. The fear in their eyes had turned into despair. Their faces were swollen like pig heads, and blood seeped out of their pants.

Zhai Heng's tea cup was also empty, and he slowly asked the person to stop, and said gently: "Go and tell the Honor Bureau, inform their family members, choose between medical expenses or a few years' reduced sentence."

"Okay, sir."

It was not too early for Jiang Nuannuan to return to the community. She went to the mall again and bought some clothes and two suitcases to prepare for the filming of the program tomorrow.

When she entered the unit building, she also encountered two aunts with broken expressions and wearing square dancing costumes running out of the building opposite, both of them talking on the phone at the same time.

"What! My dear! You said you want millions of dollars in treatment fees? Are your legs and roots broken? Oh my god! Which bastard did this! My treasure!!"

Jiang Nuannuan paused for a moment, and before she had time to wonder, she received a call from Zhai Heng.

"Are you home yet?"

"We're home. Thank you for today, Zhai Heng." She became nervous again, fearing that he would ask her whether she had ever lived in Yunkun Community.

However, he didn't mention it at all, as if he didn't know at all. He only asked thoughtfully: "Aren't you considering changing to another community? I have many vacant houses under my name that can be rented."

Not letting her live in vain, but renting it, which gave her face and self-esteem.

Jiang Nuannuan thought that he probably hadn't looked at the contents of the memory card. She felt relieved and her tone became lighter, "Let's talk about it. I will contact you if necessary."

"Okay, have a good rest tonight."

Jiang Nuannuan: "You too, I must have frightened you today, go to bed early."

Zhai Heng hung up the phone, played with the memory card in his palm, and finally threw it out of the window, letting it be crushed by the wheels.

The bodyguard glanced secretly from the rearview mirror and found that the corners of his eldest son's lips were curled up, and he was in a beautiful mood.

Sure enough, the cuckold on Madam's head was securely on.

Afraid that there were still cameras at home, Jiang Nuannuan asked professionals to come and check the house overnight. After confirming that it was safe, she dared to actually stay here.

The next day, the program team called her in advance before visiting her door.

But when we first came to her place of residence, everyone was still shocked.

The cameraman and host were both shocked.

After doing so many episodes of the show, this is the first time they have encountered such a bad living environment for guests.

What is planted in the flower beds in this community?Green vegetables, spring onions, and eggplants growing around a row of bamboo poles were surrounded by many flying mosquitoes.

(End of this chapter)

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