After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 81 It’s a pity that this face doesn’t belong to the entertainment industry

Chapter 81 It’s a pity that this face doesn’t belong to the entertainment industry
"It seems that our first guest lives in a very simple environment." The host laughed, avoiding the aunt riding a scooter, and walked into the unit building where a briquette stove was used to boil water.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that they would arrive earlier than the agreed time. They were still brushing their teeth with a toothbrush in their mouths, and the other party came.

"Hello." She opened the door and took a step back, saying something vaguely. She quickly turned around and went to the toilet to rinse her mouth and face. Her beautiful face without makeup was also captured by the camera for the first time.

The staff member carrying the camera looked at her and her heart skipped a beat.

It's a pity that this face doesn't belong to the entertainment industry. It's no wonder that the great actor Gu deigned to come to the variety show and specifically wanted her.

The small house is simply furnished and can be seen at a glance, and there are no expensive things.

Thinking of her former wealthy status, everyone felt a little sad.

When Jiang Nuannuan wiped her face and tied her hair up, she appeared in the camera wearing a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants.

The host said: "We are just here to see what you plan to bring to the location of the new season. By the way, we have brought you a blind identity box."

Jiang Nuannuan packed a big box last night and stacked it in the living room. She pointed inside, "I brought some bibimbap sauce and some hot pot base ingredients. I'll see if I can use them then. "

The host joked: "Are you afraid of the situation where no one cooked last time?"

This meant something, but Jiang Nuannuan was too lazy to offend Lu Ling, "It's just the omnipotent kitchen's menu."

"Okay." The host didn't bother much about this matter. She handed her the prepared blind box, "That's it. This box is assigned roles such as the leading chef captain, waiter and purchaser. You You need to draw your own identity from the box, and if you draw the captain, you need to shoulder the responsibility of the captain, pick up all the team members at the specified time and rush to the airport to board the plane."


Jiang Nuannuan never thought that she would be so unlucky, and she would get a captain card as soon as she made a move.

The plane's departure time is next Monday night, which means that after attending Jiang Meng's wedding, she has to pick up people at the airport and rush to the airport to go abroad.

After sending the program crew away, she held her forehead tiredly.

Gu Tingyan must have finished his business trip by then. If he had time to attend the wedding, she would have to think of another excuse.

On the weekend, Fei Jinzhao sent her a message early in the morning asking: Spicy chicken and spicy hot pot, what else should I eat?
Jiang Nuannuan: Beer
Fei Jinzhao's input in the conversation box paused again, and it took him a long time to reply: Milk bar.

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips.

Before going to his house, she bought a dozen beers and carried them to the door.

The old town in Linggang Jiangbei is more smoky than the residential areas in Jiangnan, and there are particularly many elderly people walking around in the streets.

Wearing a hat and covering her face, she quickly found Fei Jinzhao's residence, while he was standing outside the door, washing things in the old stone pool.

Grandma Yang sat at the door, fanning herself, and greeted her with a smile, "Come to play with Jinzhao."

This time she didn't identify the wrong person, but she also miraculously recognized Jiang Nuannuan as the girl in the red dress that night.

She was recognized even though she was wrapped tightly, and she was quite curious.

"Grandma Yang is good."

Fei Jin turned her head and saw a young girl wearing a white T-shirt and gray pants standing not far away, holding a dozen beers in her arms.

She took off her glasses and mask, looked at him, and walked over happily, "You are washing the vegetables so quickly."

"Didn't you say drink milk." He glanced at the beer in her arms. The cardboard rubbed her arms red, making her look fragile.

Jiang Nuannuan replied with a smile: "Occasionally, you need some wine to celebrate in advance." "Celebrating for what?" He shook the water from his fingertips, took the beer from her arms, and put it in the small refrigerator in the house.

Jiang Nuannuan told him without hesitation at all, "To celebrate my success in making trouble at the wedding of the eldest daughter of the Jiang family tomorrow."

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes with an indifferent expression, "Do you still miss that man?"

Jiang Nuannuan patted his shoulder and pursed her lips in displeasure: "Have you forgotten what I said in the library? Are you insulting me now? I just want revenge. This couple of bitches didn't even know how to throw it at me. How much dirty water.”

He stood up, his expression unchanged, and stuffed a box of milk into her hand, "Go sit and wait for dinner."

Jiang Nuannuan walked away holding the milk. The old mobile phone on the table rang. She glanced over and said, "Fei Jinzhao, someone is calling you on WeChat."

The boy washing vegetables outside didn't hear clearly and asked directly: "Whose phone number is it?"

Jiang Nuannuan picked it up, raised her eyebrows, and announced her name, "Rong Zhao."

The sound of rushing water stopped immediately.

The slightly panicked footsteps came quickly, and the phone on the table was immediately taken away from her eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan poked open the milk carton and said wisely, "I'll go to the balcony upstairs and you beat it slowly."

She turned around and left without any nostalgia, nor did she notice the complicated looks cast by the people behind her.

However, the sound insulation of the old house was really poor. Jiang Nuannuan did not go to the balcony on the second floor, but just sat down in the stairway where Fei Jinzhao couldn't see it.

Suck the milk and listen to the fresh plot of the protagonist.

"Sumizo, what are you doing? It took you so long to answer my video." The clear female voice sounded full of energy.

Fei Jinzhao held the phone tightly, "What's the matter? I'm still up so late."

The other side fell silent, and Jiang Nuannuan also pricked up her ears.

Rong Zhao smiled and said a little coyly: "I heard a student from your school said that you are very close to a girl. I just wanted to ask if you are looking for a girlfriend again."

"It's about you?"

The boy's sarcasm was merciless, which stung the little girl opposite her nose. Her voice was choked with sobs, "It doesn't matter, I just don't like you looking for a girlfriend. I'm studying outside and haven't found a boyfriend yet. Why do you just One step ahead of me.”

Jiang Nuannuan sighed softly, poor couple of young lovers, their love after the family is broken up may not lead to happiness.

Fei Jin could not miss the inaudible sigh. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the stairs isolated by the thin wall.

"Jinzhao, did you hear what I said? What are you looking at? Is anyone still home?"

Jiang Nuannuan felt that she had been discovered, so she immediately got up, turned around, and tiptoed upstairs.

Of course, she didn't miss what Fei Jinzhao said.

He said he would not find a girlfriend.

Jiang Nuannuan stood on the balcony holding the milk carton, looking at the people coming and going in the alley below, and sighed again.

She is a social worker who either works overtime or is on the way to work overtime every day. She has never had a serious love affair, and all she encounters on blind dates are all crooked things.
(End of this chapter)

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