Chapter 86 Jiang Meng’s Wedding
The black Maybach was parked at the door, and Gu Tingyan opened the passenger door. She bent over and sat in, her hair brushing against his chest, carrying a faint peach aroma.

Gu Tingyan leaned over and put his suit jacket on her lap. He paused for a moment and turned his head, "Have you sprayed perfume?"

Jiang Nuannuan leaned back on the chair and fiddled with her hair, "What's wrong? It smells bad?"

"It's okay." He straightened up, tugged on his slightly tight tie, and closed the car door.

As the Maybach drove out of the villa, Jiang Nuannuan took a lipstick from her bag, turned down the sun visor and touched it in the mirror, "Do you know the name of the necklace you put on my bed yesterday?"

Gu Tingyan: "I don't know."

If she wants it, give it to her.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her lipstick, looked at him with a genuine look on her face, and explained kindly: "Eternal love, what Fu Shiliu gave you is a couple's necklace, and the other one is in her hand."

Gu Tingyan narrowed his eyes, "So?"

"Should I give it back to you?" She turned around and said thoughtfully: "I thought about it carefully yesterday. It was wrong of me to get angry at you over a necklace. After all, it means a lot to you and you can keep it. , I only recover the design fee that belongs to me.”

The Maybach braked and stopped at the traffic light. The brakes were too hard. Jiang Nuannuan bounced forward and was pulled back into the seat by the seat belt.

She turned her head in confusion and saw those dark eyes looking at her coldly.

Did you say the wrong thing again?She didn't know why.

"I'll give you a piece of jewelry, and it's yours. Don't test my personal affairs with Fu Shiliu anymore."

The lukewarm fingers picked up a stray strand of hair by her ear and twisted it behind her ear.

Jiang Nuannuan felt her earlobe pinched slightly, and her eyelashes trembled slightly. Knowing that he was unhappy, she whispered: "I understand."

When the light turned green, Gu Tingyan took back his hand with satisfaction, turned the steering wheel, and entered the center of Linggang Jiangnan.

Baita International is the best-run hotel of the Ji family, a four-star luxury hotel.

A small wealthy family like the Jiang family, which is about to fall into decline, is barely a match for the Ji family.

Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car and handed him the suit jacket.

The two arrived at the banquet hall on the central floor together.

Her appearance will undoubtedly push this upcoming wedding into another gossip.

Everyone in the circle knows the gossip.

"Is that Jiang Nuannuan who was dumped by Ji Yansen? She is so beautiful that she is invincible. It's a pity because of her status."

"I said before that she is beautiful, much prettier than the Jiang Meng I recognized."

"Young master Ji is really lucky, both of them are good."

Several young men were whispering to each other, and Ji Yansen, who was standing in the middle, looked proud. When he took the time to look at Jiang Nuannuan, he was also shocked by her bright face and his heart beat fast.

She is extraordinarily beautiful today.

The flame of wanting to support her rose from the bottom of his heart again. Ji Yansen wanted to talk to her, but when he caught a glimpse of the financial boss with a mechanical watch next to her, he took back the foot he had just stepped out in anger.

You can't mess with Gu Tingyan yet, he is his biggest investor and the key to his turnaround.

Gu Tingyan put a glass of juice into Jiang Nuannuan's hand and chatted with the people who came up to compliment her.

"Why don't you go and see your family?" He had time to lower his eyes and looked at the woman who had been holding his arm. There were too many eyes on her, which was unpleasant.

"My family is not here." It's not like Jiang Nuannuan didn't notice that the Jiang family's eyes were always looking here, and there were some peeks, so she didn't have much thought to deal with it.

Gu Tingyan: "I'm not happy that you're still here."

"How can you tell that I'm unhappy?" Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and pinched his arm, "Diamond King Lao Wu is by my side, and I am happy every day." When she said this, she raised her chin, White teeth, red lips, curved eyebrows and eyes, looking pampered and arrogant.

It is indeed worry-free to raise a canary that likes money.

This was Gu Tingyan's first thought. He paused for breath, then took off his suit and put it on her shoulders.

Jiang Nuannuan felt her shoulders sink. Her voluptuous figure was gone. She pinched the edge of her suit and looked at him doubtfully.


"The air conditioner is turned on too low, so don't wear it."

System 66: "Alipay received 100 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 23%."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at the central air conditioner at the top and accepted his inexplicable kindness and goodwill.

The wedding began quickly, and the luxurious set lights slowly dimmed.

Jiang's mother didn't know when she came to Jiang Nuannuan. Taking advantage of the dim light around her, she pulled her hand aside.

Gu Tingyan looked back and saw that it was her mother, so she ignored her.

"Nuan Nuan, why are you here?" Mother Jiang held her hand tightly, her eyes panicked.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at her for a few seconds and said, "Are you afraid that I will rush on stage and ruin the wedding?"

Jiang's mother was stunned, and a guilty look flashed across her face, "I'm worried about your emotional problems. This is the only wedding in Xiao Meng's life."

"Oh, I'm in a good mood." Jiang Nuannuan tried to break away from her hand, but the hold was too tight, and she had no choice but to give up.

Having been her mother for more than 20 years, she was almost used to being so defensive about her.

At this moment, the emcee finished reading the lines, and Ji Yansen stood in the center, looking not too excited, but also faintly excited.

For him, after dumping Jiang Nuannuan, he was about to have a double harvest in life and career, so how could he not be happy.

On the top of the stage, a crystal ball refracted diamond-shaped light in the darkness, like a starry sky, and the heavy banquet hall door slowly opened.

Jiang Meng entered the wedding in a dreamy wedding dress with sparkling sequins.

At this moment, she was like a fairy tale princess, accepting everyone's blessing eyes, stepping on the glass slippers step by step, and walking firmly towards her Prince Charming.

As Jiang Nuannuan watched, her phone vibrated and a text message came in.

[We went up. 】

She thought for a second, realized who it was, and a smile spread across her lips.

It's a pity that this glass slipper is destined to be thrown on the steps, Prince Charming will eventually fall off his horse, and both of them will go to jail to return home.

Jiang Meng was halfway through the journey when a very loud voice came from behind, "The police are on duty!"

The wedding music suddenly stopped, the lights in the entire banquet hall suddenly brightened, the dreamy scene was shattered instantly, and seven or eight police officers swarmed in and blocked the door.

Before Jiang Meng could retract her smile, two policewomen on the left and right held her arms.

"What are you doing!" she cried out.

Another male police officer walked up to her, picked up a microphone from somewhere, opened his police ID card, and said via loudspeaker: "Jiang Meng, you are suspected of plagiarizing the studio's tens of millions worth of design works, which has constituted a crime. You are now being taken back to the police station for investigation and please cooperate with the case."

The words spread to every corner, and the whole place was in an uproar.

Jiang's mother's eyes darkened, she let go of her hand and fainted on the spot. Jiang Nuannuan didn't care at all. Only Jiang Yan hurriedly ran to hug her mother, and her tone was not good, "Nuannuan, you were raised by my mother after all. of."

(End of this chapter)

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