Chapter 87 Jiang Meng enters the police station
"Sorry, didn't see it."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled innocently, turned her eyes and looked at Jiang Meng involuntarily. She raised the juice glass in her hand and mouthed: This is your wedding gift, do you like it?
Jiang Meng's expression changed drastically, and she immediately understood who had sent the police. She struggled and shouted, "You've made a mistake! You've made a mistake!"

She couldn't get away from him, so she cried out to Ji Yansen who was stunned in front of her, "Yan Sen! Yan Sen, help me!"

Jiang Jianxiong stood next to the Ji family, and the little red flower pinned to his suit looked particularly dazzling.

"Father-in-law, there is a misunderstanding about this matter."

The scene was full of people from the upper class. If Jiang Meng were really taken away today, it can be expected how turbulent their stock market would be.

The Ji family was not only humiliated, they were also thrown to the ground and trampled to pieces.

Ji Yansen reacted and took the lead to negotiate with the police. Of course, this police officer was from the Rong Bureau and he was also invited to attend the wedding today.

He said anxiously: "Rong Ju, you are trying to save face at my wedding today and make people think it is a misunderstanding. If there is any problem, we will resolve it privately."

Rong Ju only glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, who was standing side by side with Gu Tingyan, and thought in his heart that this was an extraordinary person.

She has a relationship with the eldest son of the Zhai family and has a very close relationship with the president of the Gu family. It is more cost-effective to give her face than to offend the Jiang family and the Ji family.

With his mind spinning, the Rong Bureau held hands with his confused wife and said with an honest and honest attitude, "I don't know about this yet, but the people below have collected evidence and come to arrest the person. It is definitely true. I will go with you. Go to the police station."

This means that Jiang Meng must be taken away in an upright manner.

Ji Yansen's face turned completely dark, and Jiang Meng was also dragged off the stage. Seeing that the situation was irreversible, he could no longer save his face and screamed in the direction of Jiang Nuannuan, "Jiang Nuannuan! You don't have to die well! You don't have to die well!"

Jiang Nuannuan, who was named, was wearing a high-end light gray suit, holding Gu Tingyan's arm. His eyes were raised, and his innocent almond eyes smiled like a fox.

"You did it." Gu Tingyan did not miss her successful smile.

Jiang Nuannuan restrained herself and said obediently: "I gave her a chance before and asked her to pay the design fee, but I didn't expect that she would be so picky and refused to give it."

So no wonder she is.

"What's more." She leaned close to him quietly, most of her body was glued to his arm, acting softly and coquettishly, "You were going to trick them, right? Let me make the best use of it. .”

"Is this how the idiom is used?" His eyes moved down and landed on her V-shaped neckline, where the fabric slid down, revealing a large area of ​​hidden skin.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't realize that she was a little exposed, because she was afraid that he would think that she was thinking too much and was only focusing on being nice to him, "Yeah, you can definitely understand."

Gu Tingyan's eyes deepened and deepened, and he took a deep breath. Finally, he released her juice, held her arm, and pulled her upstairs.

Most people's eyes were on Jiang Meng, and a few were staring at Jiang Nuannuan. They would watch her being taken away. Many people began to speculate on the relationship between the two assistants under the surface.

Jiang Nuannuan was pushed into a smoking room. There was no one inside and the smell of tobacco was strong.

The suit on her shoulders fell to the ground as her body was pushed up the door panel, and was stepped on by the high-heeled shoes that hurriedly retreated.

The door clicked and locked with one hand.

She didn't lock it.

"Gu Tingyan?" Her heart trembled, and her hands were restrained by a big hand pressing on her abdomen.

"Do you really think I'm old enough to be flirted with by you?"

Gu Tingyan bent down and approached, spoke in a low voice, pinched her chin and forced her to look up.

His eyes were dark and filled with emotions.

I just felt a little impulsive towards this canary.

The way she dressed today was entirely to his liking, and that moment of seduction completely aroused his desire.

Jiang Nuannuan only felt the aggressive breath coming towards her face, her vision went dark, and her lips were blocked.Different from the two tentative tastes before, her lips hurt when the calm man turned around and took charge.

System 66: "Alipay has received 500 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 24%, the host competition is high!"

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan heard the sound of the money arriving, she didn't think about struggling and pushing her. She acted like a obedient little white rabbit being chewed, and she was so obedient.

But she was also a little strange in her heart. Taking her away in front of so many people just to do this was not something that this older man would do.

Generally only one conclusion can be drawn.

True love was robbed and accidentally burst out after being held in for too long.

There was a knock on the door suddenly, once or twice.

Jiang Nuannuan's body tensed, and her eyes were filled with panic, "Well, there is someone."

Gu Tingyan's eyes flashed with a trace of impatience, he stopped the slightly excessive kiss, and touched her face comfortingly.

"Mr. Gu, cough." Director Rong cleared his throat, "Ms. Jiang, are you free now? Please go with the police."

There was a shoe mark on the suit jacket. Jiang Nuannuan turned it over and hugged it in her arms. She immediately straightened her hair, put on lipstick and made sure it was normal before opening the door and going out.

The two of them were very serious when they came out. There was nothing strange about them, and Rong Ju didn't even glance around.

Gu Tingyan walked to her side and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll take you there."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and clearly caught a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The conclusion just reached is stable.

A nice and luxurious wedding became a hub of gossip because the bride was taken away on suspicion of committing a crime.

Everyone pushed down the wall and slandered him one after another.

"Didn't I say that Jiang Meng's jewelry design is very good? It took a long time to plagiarize it. Who did it plagiarize?"

"Jewelry worth tens of millions must have a lot of background, and you dare to plagiarize it. This bumpkin really thinks he is a phoenix by putting a phoenix tail on it."

"I don't know, but when Jiang Meng was dragged away, it seemed that she was calling Jiang Nuannuan."


As Jiang Nuannuan walked down the stairs, she was met with countless eyes.

Due to Gu Tingyan's presence, no one dared to come up and ask her the truth.

The Ji family publicly stated on the stage that if the crime was true, they would never marry a criminal as their daughter-in-law.

The marriage between the two families failed, and all subsequent business cooperation fell through.

Jiang's mother was sent to the hospital. Jiang Jianxiong was so angry that he was clutching his chest and almost unsteady on his feet. When he saw his daughter who had signed the letter of severance of relationship, he hit on Gu Tingyan. Feeling of regret.

Now the two families went straight to the police station, and the black Maybach arrived right behind the police car.

A large group of people entered the police station.

Jiang Meng's wedding dress was too big. When walking on the road, the two policewomen next to her would inevitably step on it. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan got off the station and stabilized, she heard a piercing scream in front of her.

Following the sound, someone accidentally stepped on the back hem of the wedding dress that Jiang Meng was dragging, causing the entire tube top wedding dress to fall down.

When it comes to what it feels like to expose your nakedness on the street, Jiang Meng has the best say at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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