Chapter 88 She is a fox
The wedding was ruined, her body was exposed, and she almost collapsed when she was wrapped into the police station.

After finally calming down, when she saw Jiang Nuannuan sitting opposite her, she roared again.

Now everyone understood that she had ruined this wedding.

Ji Yansen showed pain in his eyes, punched the table, and asked her with red eyes, "I know you love me, and your love leads to hatred! But not to the point! Not to the point of completely destroying Jiang Meng and me! How could you do this? heartless!"

Jiang Nuannuan discovered that this person's delusion was really serious, and he had heard similar words more than once.

A police officer came over with a stack of compiled information, put it on the table, and asked both families to come over and take a look, "This is the evidence we compiled overnight, including the computer design files provided by Miss Jiang Nuannuan. .”

The four words "design document" made Ji Yansen suddenly stop talking, and his heart fell to the bottom.

"That file is not." Jiang Meng immediately looked at him and said in a trembling voice: "The design file was copied from my computer. My sister went home not long ago. She must have moved it at that time. Hands and feet.”

"We have checked your manuscript. It was just drawn this year, right?" the policeman asked.

Jiang Meng's heart beat faster and faster, her eyes flickered, "Yes."

"Jiang Nuannuan's design files have been gradually transferred to the computer since last year."

The police once again took out the evidence prepared yesterday and put it in front of everyone, "So, Eternal Love is a manuscript that took more than a year to complete. Miss Jiang Meng stole her sister's work and claimed it was her own. Do you agree with this?" Not guilty? The transaction amount is nearly [-] million, and the circumstances are serious. Generally, you will be sentenced to three to seven years and fined."

Jiang Jianxiong was shocked. Even when he was ashamed of his daughter, he also had a doubt. He looked at Jiang Nuannuan and asked, and said with difficulty: "Qiao Lin's jewelry is yours, and it was you who called the police. You chose this time to take revenge on everyone." people."

Jiang Yan was equally surprised. He didn't know that his sister, whom he lived with day and night, had a studio in France.

"It's mine." Jiang Nuannuan nodded. She had also thought about her own personality.

Before the age of 20, everything went smoothly. She spent a little money to engage in hobbies. It was just a trivial matter in life. Until Jiang Meng appeared, she was ostracized and unloved by her family for three years. She was not like others. He revealed that he had opened a small studio.

This is nothing in the eyes of wealthy families, even though the studio's business has grown in the past three years because of her talent.

I have to say that this female supporting role is quite smart, but it's a pity that she met such a fool as Ji Yansen.

"Too cruel, you are too cruel!" Jiang Jianxiong was leaning on crutches and his body fell weakly. Jiang Yan supported and comforted him, "Mom has gone to the hospital. Dad, you can't fall."

Those eyes on her and her father's disappointed eyes made Jiang Meng lose her mind. She struggled on the chair and shouted: "I didn't steal it! It was Yan Sen who stole it for me! He stole it to please me. Give it to me! I only used it because the manuscript was unsigned!"

Ji Yansen gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaomeng, don't talk nonsense."

"Actually, you don't need to argue." Jiang Nuannuan took out a recording pen from her bag, pushed it to the middle of the table, and said softly: "The recordings that were previously posted on the Internet were all deleted by me. The full version is here Here, I once offered to sell you and Ji Yansen the design for 300 million yuan, but you refused, do you remember?"

Jiang Meng looked at the recorder and suddenly wanted to grab it like crazy.

She made such an ugly scene that Ji's family calmly asked Ji Yansen, "Is it true? Are you going to steal Jiang Nuannuan's unsigned design work and give it to Jiang Meng?"

The final evidence is on the table, and opening it will only make the current situation worse.

Ji Yansen lowered his head and said nothing, which was tantamount to acquiescence.

In addition, Ji's family couldn't bear it any longer due to the fact that the recording of him trying to support Jiang Nuannuan was spread online, which had harmed the family's credibility and the stock market.


Ji Yansen's face was severely slapped aside by Ji's father, and he was kicked hard in the abdomen by his own father.

"Disgraceful beast!"

Jiang Nuannuan watched their infighting with amusement, and interrupted by the way, "My only request now is that the entire network publicly declares to everyone that eternal love belongs to Qiao Lin Studio. Ji Yansen and Jiang Meng apologize to me and the entire network, Recycle the eternal love that was sold and compensate me double for my losses." "You're dreaming!" Jiang Meng's makeup was gone and her hair was disheveled. She looked like an evil spirit who wanted to step forward and scratch her face with her nails.

"It's okay not to follow the instructions." Jiang Nuannuan moved her chair back a little, her red lips raised, "The law is always just, and it's not too much to sentence two people to seven years together."

Ji Yansen stood up holding his stomach and growled: "You are so cruel! I always thought you were innocent! I was wrong about you! Bitch!"

Jiang Nuannuan stood up, went over to pat his face, and whispered: "Why are you cruel? You always thought of this day when you did this, right? You are the only one who knows that I make jewelry. I trust you so much, why would you betray me? What’s up?”

She said it was a pity, with a smile clearly in her eyes.

Ji Yansen stared at her, feeling a chill deep in his heart.

The personality and temper of Jiang Nuannuan in front of her completely subverted the past.

"Please ask the two families to write a press release that satisfies me, otherwise I will still make trouble." Jiang Nuannuan walked to the door, turned around and gave them a gentle smile, and turned around to go out.

"Fuck!" Ji Yansen kicked the table and was restrained by his family's eyes. He finally endured it and apologized humbly, "It's my fault, Dad."

Gu Tingyan was in the director's office. Jiang Nuannuan had already adjusted her facial expression, becoming well-behaved and faintly excited.

A faint peach smell wafted in, and he knew she had entered.

The man with broad shoulders and long legs sat with his back to her. Rong Ju said, "I will supervise and resolve Miss Jiang's matter."

Gu Tingyan put down his long crossed legs and stood up, "Please take the trouble."

"You are welcome, Mr. Gu."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't even say this greeting, he stood up and turned around.

"Let's go." He threw the suit in his arms into her hands and motioned for her to take it. There was a dirty shoe print on it.

Jiang Nuannuan turned over to cover the mark, and nodded to Rong Ju, "I'll take Mr. Gu back. Rong Ju has worked hard today."

After the two of them left, Director Rong took a sip of hot tea and told the people below, "Miss Jiang can resolve the matter in her own way privately. If the two families disagree, then we will act impartially."

Ji Yansen took off his suit and threw it to the ground, and made his decision, "Do as Jiang Nuannuan wants! All weddings are canceled today. Find someone to write an apology."

"You won't marry me!?" Jiang Meng's crying face was stunned.

"Marry you? Go ahead and marry me! You're a brainless person, how can you compare to Jiang Nuannuan?"

Ji Yansen simply told the truth, each sentence touching his heart, "You don't have any appearance or brains. I married you because of the Jiang family's wealth, but now it's fine! Get out!"

When Jiang Meng's dream of marrying into a rich family was shattered, he went crazy and picked up an ashtray on the table and threw it at him.

Shortly after Jiang Nuannuan left, Ji Yansen was rushed to the hospital, and the two families broke up unhappy.

The scandal between the two families was exposed in the upper circles overnight, and everyone is waiting for any reasonable explanation they can release later.

In the car, Jiang Nuannuan touched the place where the suit had been stepped on, "I'll put it in the laundry later. You can pull over to the side of the road and let me get off. I won't go home."

"No reply?" He turned to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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