Chapter 92
"Oh." Gu Shizhou withdrew his hand and ate a basket of xiaolongbao in two or three minutes.

The group of people finally met in the car. Lu Ling specially gave up his seat and asked Gu Shizhou to sit down, and immediately noticed the jewelry on his ears.

She glanced at Jiang Nuannuan in the back seat in surprise, not sure if the thing she gave her was actually worn by Gu Shizhou.

Until boarding the plane, Lu Ling still had something on her mind. She couldn't help but quietly asked Gu Shizhou, "Jiang Nuannuan was bought a black copy before. Did you use my black copy to suppress her?" .”

"I look very idle?" Gu Shizhou replied simply, but his eyes unconsciously glanced back. He didn't know about this, and he didn't hear Jiang Nuannuan take the initiative to tell him.

Did she think it was unnecessary, or did someone feel sorry for her and help directly?
His eyes were dim and his thoughts were unclear.

Although he gave up on Jiang Nuannuan in the club at that time, with this person hanging in front of him, his thoughts began to grow like weeds.

This face was worth snatching away from Gu Tingyan. After all, he had snatched it away from him so hard that he still remembered the heart-wrenching pain.

The group of people were all in first class. He stopped at his seat and saw that it was a bit difficult to put the suitcase in Jiang Nuannuan's hand, so he took the initiative to put it for her.

"Thank you." Jiang Nuannuan thanked her and saw him sitting down next to her.

This seat originally belonged to the amateur. The other person didn't say anything and politely sat next to Lu Ling, but the latter looked ugly.

Did he deny it, or did he realize that she bought the notice and was too lazy to talk nonsense to her?
No matter which one it was, it was enough to make her feel guilty and uncomfortable.

This time the program was recorded in the small town of Bath, England, a town full of medieval artistic conception and cultural heritage.

Members were asked to open a restaurant on such a street, and all raw materials would be picked by themselves from vegetables cultivated by nearby farmers.

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath when she saw the garden full of vegetables waiting to be picked and the rolling green mountains behind her.

The fragrance of nature.

Having experienced the seaside scenery, and now watching the natural scenery, this program really satisfied her desire for a vacation from a certain perspective.

"This issue is even worse than the last one. Not a penny of funding will be given. The program team is really going to go bankrupt. We have to go out to pick vegetables on the first day of opening." Lu Ling spoke with a smile, clearly teasing.

In fact, she has known this process for a long time and has been learning how to cook vegetables at home for a long time. Jiang Nuannuan will no longer be able to compete with her at this time.

Jiang Nuannuan was holding a small basket, squatting on one side and picking peppers neatly. Lu Ling was next to her, and two machines were shooting at her face, one on the left and the other on the right.

She suddenly pointed to a pile of green grass and asked her kindly: "Nuan Nuan, do we want to pick some onions? It will be better for cooking when we go back and stir-fry the onions and garlic at night."

Let the audience see that she has improved.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the piece of land she was pointing to, "That's leeks."

Lu Ling: "."

Her smile was almost unbearable, and she pulled out a green onion. It looked like the thing she had pulled out in the farmland herself. She said suspiciously, "You admit it right?"

Jiang Nuannuan resisted the urge to roll her eyes, "Leeks are hollow in the middle and a bit flat. Onions are not that long and not flat. Do you think they are the same?"

Lu Ling's face turned dark after taking a closer look. The cameraman couldn't hold back his laughter for a long time, knowing that he had enough laughs in this issue.

People in the city couldn't tell the difference, so Jiang Nuannuan figured it out. After all, the living conditions were better, and the young people had lived in fine clothes and food since they were young.After picking the peppers by herself, she turned around and saw Gu Shizhou digging the soil for taro with his bare hands, looking very diligent, and the little hoe lying there alone next to him.

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Forget about one stupid roe deer, there is a second one.

She endured the discomfort of her eyelids bouncing and went to see Uncle Shen Yang again. She suddenly felt much more comfortable. She still knew how to live as an elderly person, and the green vegetables were all neatly and beautifully pulled.

When Hang Panxia came, unlike Lu Ling, who knew in advance that she was going to go to the ground, she awkwardly dug a cabbage that was not fully grown, and said to Jiang Nuannuan with a sad face: "I seem to have dug the wrong thing."

"Don't be too big or too small. The bigger one in the middle. Just remove the two or three layers of bad leaves on the outside." After Jiang Nuannuan gave the instructions, she glanced at the cute amateur who knew how to dig vegetables. He seemed to just want to show his face. Very diligent and doesn't talk much.

"Lanshan, you did a good job." She praised the unknown boy.

He smiled at her, clear and bright.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that she had misjudged his age. He looked like a college student and was quite cute.

Gu Shizhou glanced at her and twitched the corners of his lips.

After almost finishing digging the vegetables for the past two days, everyone's baskets were full. Jiang Nuannuan went to Gu Shizhou again, her pupils narrowed, and she asked Hang Panxia to help get the basket, and then she walked over quickly.

He was still digging taro, but his tools and hands were working together, and his fingers covered with black soil were red.

"Stop digging, are you allergic again?" Jiang Nuannuan took the tool from his hand, held his wrist and pulled him up.

"No, it's just a little itchy." Gu Shizhou motioned her to look at the basket nonchalantly, "Is this enough?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the almost full basket, nodded, and then dragged him to the sink. Cold water rushed into his hands.

Gu Shizhou didn't struggle, and just watched the woman in front of him lower her head and wash her hands for him, her expression focused.

He thought about it, and from time to time his fingers would deliberately tickle the palm of her hand.

This kind of teasing cannot be caught on camera and gradually becomes blatant.

His red fingers were entangled around him, and he always pinched them secretly. Jiang Nuannuan's ears turned a little red, and she glared at him secretly, "Now you think your hands are okay, just wait and see." "

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to praise me?" He lazily asked for credit, "I dug so many things, Captain."

The sound of "Captain" is long and ambiguous at the end.

Sure enough, a playboy like Gu Shizhou would never stop flirting with her.

Jiang Nuannuan helped him rinse his hands and confirmed that he had caught the eye-catching red spot she just saw, so he left it alone.

The interaction between the two was very heartwarming, and even pink bubbles were added to the scene later.

(End of this chapter)

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