Chapter 93 Business
The group of people got into the car and returned to the restaurant with the basket. Gu Shizhou's clean hands scratched each other. At first, he tolerated it, but then he scratched harder and harder. He responded to Jiang Nuannuan's words of "wait and see."

He couldn't help it anymore and touched her leg with his thigh, "I'm very itchy."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and said helplessly: "So why do you peel the taro with your hands?"

"Convenient." He narrowed his peach blossom eyes and replied confidently.

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Seeing that he was about to scratch his skin, she held down his hand and said, "If you bear it any longer, go back and soak it in vinegar and water. Such beautiful hands cannot be ruined."

Gu Shizhou wanted to grab his hand, but the back of her hand was between him, so he finally endured it.

He glanced at her from time to time, feeling slightly unhappy when he saw that her mood was normal.

Her status as an actor and her beauty in the eyes of outsiders have no effect on her at all.

When they arrived at their destination, Jiang Nuannuan took his wrist and went to the kitchen.

Lu Ling looked at the backs of the two of them, his face a bit ugly, and he hurriedly put on a smile that said I'm okay with the camera, "Our captain is too kind to Shi Zhou, I'm even jealous."

Hang Panxia passed by her and said, "Thanks to Nuannuan, otherwise he would be itchy all day long."

Lu Ling's words that she originally intended to deceive were cleverly reversed by her.

Jiang Nuannuan mixed the vinegar and water, put the basin on the small wooden table in the kitchen, "Come here, dip your hands in it."

There was no one in the room at this moment, except for the cameras on the four corners. Gu Shizhou turned off the microphone and soaked his hand in it, "Did you ask my brother to resolve the black draft that Lu Ling bought for you?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked puzzled, "What black draft?" Why didn't she know?
Gu Shizhou frowned, "Are you trying to show off to me?"

Jiang Nuannuan was even more surprised, "I didn't know I had a black draft, let alone Mr. Gu. I don't see him very often. How could he help me solve such a trivial matter?"

That means some kind-hearted flower protector came forward.

Gu Shizhou lowered one shoulder toward her, tilted his head and asked, "Is it the waiter you like in the club?"

Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was even more outrageous. How could Fei Jinzhao care about her tidbits.

She bumped his arm and asked him to stand up, "What does it have to do with you? Stand still."

"Of course it's relevant." He lowered his eyes, his peach blossom eyes full of affection, "I like you."

Some people are naturally attracted to each other. Just by looking at you and saying love words, it is easy for people to think that they really love you. But Jiang Nuannuan, who has been in the workplace for too long, has seen a lot of people's hearts and all kinds of rubbish parties. She I clearly understand that the cold heart under such a skin is dark and numb.

Deep down, the two brothers are the same.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, her almond-shaped eyes curled up, and she raised her hand to tap his heart, "Gu Shizhou, don't keep talking nonsense. When you love someone, you must clear your heart first, you know?"

"My heart is very clean." Gu Shizhou smiled with a smile on his lips and a slightly deeper look in his eyes.

"Oh, then before you say you like it, you should learn to chase people in a serious way."

She retracted her hand and turned on the hidden microphone for him so that the program crew outside could continue to mute the sound. She turned around and took the vegetable basket that she had brought in to wash the vegetables.

Gu Shizhou's smile disappeared and he clicked his tongue.

The chef tonight was naturally Jiang Nuannuan. In order to prevent her wrist from being injured like last time, she had applied plaster in advance.

Today there are also assistant chefs, Lanshan and Luling.

Lan Shan has been shy from the beginning, doesn't talk much, and is very diligent when people are around her. Lu Ling next to her does whatever she says in order to restore her image in the last variety show.On the first day of business, there were only vegetables. Although the taste was good, the business in the store was very poor, and it only received three tables of customers in total.

After everyone finished dinner, Jiang Nuannuan sighed sadly, "No, the little money we made today is only enough for us to buy a chicken. We have to find a way to make money to buy meat."

Lanshan raised his hand and suggested, "Sing in small towns."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "You can sing."

Lan Shan nodded shyly, "Yes, I have released the song "Lemonade"."

Hang Panxia knew, "This song belongs to you. It's so popular recently."

Lan Shan smiled and said, "I'm good at singing. I just saw one in the store. Maybe I can make some money."

He got up and got the guitar from behind the counter, opened the bag and looked at Jiang Nuannuan, "Shall I try here?"

He was a little eager to give her a try. When he first met her, he thought that this woman was just as miserable and unapproachable as what was said on the Internet, but the gentle eyes and encouraging words he looked at her in the vegetable field made his heart beat uncontrollably.

Jiang Nuannuan was very beautiful, gentler and more beautiful than many celebrities he had seen.

"Okay." She clapped her hands and encouraged: "Looking at you, I feel like you are a musician. You must be good to listen to."

Gu Shizhou sat opposite her. Seeing her eyes shining with anticipation, he leaned back in the chair and touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue.

Lan Shan tuned the strings, shifted his sitting posture slightly, faced Jiang Nuannuan, plucked the strings and sang the song "Lemonade" that represented summer love.

In her previous life, Jiang Nuannuan had not been surrounded by so many celebrities. Now, not only were they around, but there was also a boy who sang love songs to her.

She rested her chin with her hand, and the smile in her eyes gradually grew a little more.

When she gets the 100 billion in the future, she will have to ask a few beautiful little stars to sing around her.

The singing voice of Blue Mountain is warm and thin, and it really tastes like summer lemonade, refreshing and refreshing. At the end of the song, everyone clapped their hands and said compliments.

"You will be very popular in the future. Really, my sister is optimistic about you." Jiang Nuannuan said very seriously and shook his hand.

Lan Shan's ears turned red at this moment, "I'm actually the same age as you."

Without waiting for Jiang Nuannuan to answer, Gu Shizhou suddenly stood up and moved the chair with his legs, making a sound, and turned around to go upstairs.

Seeing that he was in an inexplicable mood and left, the remaining people also collected their plates and closed the stall one after another.

The idea of ​​making money by singing could not be implemented tonight. Jiang Nuannuan didn't care about Gu Shizhou's temper. She cleared the table and went upstairs to sleep.

The breakfast the next day was made by Lu Ling. It was a pot of porridge with salted duck eggs and pickled mustard that I brought, which was surprisingly friendly to the people.

She glanced at Jiang Nuannuan and whispered: "I don't know if you are used to eating. I wanted to save the vegetables for cooking, but I didn't cook them to save money."

"I'm used to it." Jiang Nuannuan suddenly felt that he had been too good to her before, always trying to beat around the bush to ruin her reputation and popularity.

Lu Ling turned around and served a large bowl of porridge to Gu Shizhou. Only the salted duck egg given to him was shelled, "This bowl is for you."

Gu Shizhou directly pushed open the cut salted duck egg, put it on Jiang Nuannuan's plate, and exchanged the porridge bowl with her, "Exchange with you, I will keep in shape and not eat too salty."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and said coolly: "Are you trying to say that I eat too much?"

(End of this chapter)

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