Chapter 112
Wang Junya laughed at Madam Yan in her heart: You really have a deep memory of her. You can tell it's her just by looking at her back. It's a pity that you couldn't eat her until you died.

She didn't hear any rebuttal. She was really uncomfortable for a while, but I believe she will get better after a while...

"I know this person, are you optimistic about it? She is not a good person, and she probably has a lot of cards in her hand. If you don't succeed, just run away first, and I will look for you later. It will save you money." It dragged me down." Wang Junya said in a leisurely voice.

Of these two people, one was her enemy and the other had nothing to do with her. She was not happy about the fight between these two people, so naturally she tried her best to facilitate it, but she was afraid of hurting herself, so she said a few more words.

"I've taken a good look at it, and I'm very satisfied. The color, appearance, and qualifications are exactly what I want." The voice of the ancient Zhenjun Jade Box said happily.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's do it tonight!" Wang Junya sneered as he watched the two people in the pavilion chatting happily.


Ever since Li Yaozhi passed by Wang Junya, she felt a malicious gaze following her. At first, she thought it was Wang Junya, but later she saw Wang Junya glance at her a few times and then turned back to look at the pavilion, but that gaze was still there. , she knew that the owner of this gaze was not Wang Junya.

This gaze stared at her closely, carefully looking at every inch of her skin, and seemed to like her skin very much!
She was extremely frightened. Could it be that among this cultivating sect, there were also perverts who liked young children? !

Thinking of this, she no longer wanted to take a walk, and immediately released Xiao Baiyun and returned to the cave.

Thinking of the two sets of physical cultivation techniques that she had not had time to practice for a long time, she entered the space to pick some elixirs and herbs and refined them into liquid medicine in the alchemy furnace.

Pour the medicinal liquid into the half-bath of hot water that has been prepared, sit cross-legged in it, and silently recite the practice formula of the nameless technique. More and more ice and fire spiritual energy points in the air enter the body, and flow into the white square inside the body. The spaces are each wrapped around the corresponding spiritual roots, slowly disappearing into it bit by bit.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but every time a group of spiritual energy points disappeared on the spiritual root pillar, Li Yaozhi seemed to see that the spiritual root became more transparent, and even the two gaps on the ice spiritual root became shallower.

It wasn't until the liquid in the bathtub completely disappeared that she woke up from trance and began to practice the corresponding physical skills. She had a guess in her mind that maybe she had not practiced the "Unnamed Body Training Technique" before. Physical skills, that's why the spiritual root value rises so slowly.

From now on, she would have to start practicing the two physical techniques.


Late at night, Li Yaozhi had practiced both sets of physical skills more than ten times, and she was covered in stinky sweat. She lay comfortably in the bathtub sprinkled with flower petals and almost fell asleep.

Just as she was falling asleep, she felt as if someone had entered the cave and was looking at her.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and there were shields floating around her body. She immediately put on a set of robes, holding a black ice sword in her hand. She stepped out of the tub while being alert, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't see that person. Someone who can break in regardless of the formation.

She stretched out her consciousness and scanned the entire cave, and found nothing until she had scanned the entire cave, but the man's gaze was still there.

Such brilliant invisibility!

She swung her sword and slashed around without hitting anyone.

There was no other way, so she could only test out her voice vigilantly: "Senior, may I ask why you came to this junior's cave? Can you show up and talk to me?"

"Blue blood! How strange! Are you a half-demon of mixed blood? But, what kind of monster can you get with blue skin?" Originally, Lord Gu Zang wanted to seize the body as soon as he entered the cave, but when she Seeing Li Yaozhi's blue skin, he hesitated.

Li Yaozhi was a little scared when he heard the man talking about blue blood, thinking that the other person knew his secret. After hearing the next two sentences, he felt at ease.

"I don't know if I have some demon blood. Maybe my ancestors are from some kind of blue race."

"How do you usually appear in front of others when you look like this?" Guzang Zhenjun said with a hint of disgust. "I have a black hat. If I put it on, I can transform into anything." Li Yaozhi followed the voice of the other party and finally found her location.

"I see." True Lord Guzang was hesitating whether to seize Li Yaozhi in front of him.

While she was hesitating, the sword in Li Yaozhi's hand shot straight towards her location.

With a "pop" sound, Li Yaozhi felt as if a balloon had been inserted into the sword in her hand.

The invisibility cloth on Guzang Zhenjun was pierced, revealing her true body.

"Senior, you came to my cave in the body of a soul. What is your purpose?" Li Yaozhi asked sharply.

"I originally wanted to spare your life, but since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude." The invisible treasure was destroyed, and the true king of Guzang was furious.

The soul of Guzang Zhenjun attacked Li Yaozhi. The ball, which was twice the size of her soul, was about to enter the sea of ​​consciousness, but the sword in her hand could not hurt her at all.

She quickly retreated and released the Flame Weaving Technique, but the opponent dodged it with great agility.

Shaking the bell in his hand, perhaps because the difference in cultivation between the two was too big, the other party didn't react at all. Now, Li Yaozhi was really scared.

The cave was only so big, and she had already reached the door, with no place to hide.

For a moment, she thought about everything in her hand, but she couldn't think of anything that could help her.

In a panic, she suddenly thought of the Shen Yunjing that had been bothering her, and made a decision in her heart.

She quickly took out the Shen Yun Mirror in the ring and held it in front of her. She also wanted to secretly open the cave's restrictions, thinking of running away if she couldn't defeat him.

Guzang Zhenjun was just teasing Li Yaozhi. Seeing the terrified look on his face, her inner anger subsided a bit, and she looked at the strange bronze mirror in his hand with contempt.

"Little Blue Baby, you're almost done struggling. Now it's my turn to take action. However, the broken mirror in your hand can't even reflect a human figure. You still want to use her to deal with me. You are really overestimating your capabilities."

Saying that, True Lord Guzang rushed towards Li Yaozhi's forehead.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived in front of the other party, she saw Li Yaozhi holding up the bronze mirror and photographing her. She wanted to smile disdainfully, but unexpectedly, a white light flashed and she was sucked in by the mirror...


The danger was temporarily lifted, and Li Yaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the mirror in her hand, wondering what to do.

This person has entered the mirror world. If the other person passes the test of the Divine Cloud Mirror and then controls the mirror, then he will make a wedding dress for the other person. What should he do?
But it's not very realistic for her to enter it and kill the opponent. After all, the opponent's soul is much more powerful than hers.

If Shen Yunjing was destroyed, she wouldn't be able to bear it!
Is it possible that we can only turn to the head master for help?But that would expose the treasure in her hand, even though the head master might not be able to take a fancy to hers!

However, she always felt that it was better not to show this mirror to others.

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(End of this chapter)

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