Chapter 113 Looking for Strangers

How can that be good?

Li Yaozhi was very worried. It would be great if he could draw out the soul in the Shen Yun Mirror and trap it.

"But what can trap a person's soul? I don't have such a magic weapon in my hand!" Li Yaozhi unknowingly said what he was thinking.

"Master, can't space trap a person's spirit?" A Hong, who was squatting in the bedroom eating spiritual fruit, heard the sound of fighting flying out of it. Before it could do anything to help, the battle was over. It heard When it comes to Li Yaozhi, I still wonder why she doesn't remember that the master has such a treasure!
"Yes, space, hahaha." After hearing A Hong's words, Li Yaozhi suddenly realized. He happily picked up A Hong and kissed her, "Thank you A Hong for reminding me."

"Hehe." A Hong shyly hid on Li Yaozhi's shoulder and stood.

"For this matter, it's better to call Ah Feng and the others back, so that they can have a helper in case of emergencies. I just happened to buy them food on the street, and we'll eat together when we get back. Yes, that's it. "

With a decision in his mind, Li Yaozhi repeatedly called the names of the three beasts in his heart, and only heard their responses after calling them twice.

On the way back to the three of them, she explained the whole story carefully.

The three beasts were very worried after hearing this, fearing that she would lose their lives if she entered the Shenyun Mirror and failed to lure people out.

Until they returned to the cave, Ah Feng still disagreed with her approach, but under her strong request, Ah Feng had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

The four beasts silently ate the food that Li Yaozhi took out from the storage bag, and followed her into the space.


In the wooden house in the space, Li Yaozhi was lying on the wooden bed, and four beasts stood in a circle around the bed.

"A Yao, if you encounter danger, don't be brave and come out immediately, you know?" Ah Feng looked up at Li Yaozhi and said worriedly, and the other three beasts also nodded.

"Oh, don't worry! I know that I will come out immediately if there is danger, so that I can trick her out!" Seeing how worried they were, Li Yaozhi pretended to be relaxed and livened up the atmosphere.

"Okay, Master, you have to come out quickly!"

"Yes, Master."

"We'll be worried about you."

The three beasts also expressed their concern for Li Yaozhi one after another.

"Well, don't worry!"

Li Yaozhi placed the Shenyun Mirror on her chest, and a small white ball appeared from her forehead.

As if sensing the presence of the Yuan Shen, a white light immediately appeared on the surface of the Shen Yun Mirror, attracting the Yuan Shen to fly towards it. Then, the Yuan Shen and the white light disappeared together.

Li Yaozhi came to the space inside the Shenyun Mirror.

As soon as she landed, she knew that this was the place she went out last time. She found the straw clothes and wooden sticks hidden in the black grass on the ground, and when everything was ready, she took the time to look for the stranger who came in.

In this space, it was not easy to find that person quickly. She had no choice but to search from place to place.

I wonder if that person already knows how to conquer Shen Yunjing. If he knows, it will be troublesome...

Fortunately, when the person's soul enters the mirror, it will show its original appearance as a human. It is definitely much easier to find such an old person than the soul.

Li Yaozhi searched all the way and killed many black beetles and several long-tailed black scorpions.

She looked at the small basket woven with black grass around her waist. There were more than a dozen gray beads in it. She felt that the time was almost up, so she hid the straw clothes and wooden sticks and left the space. When the soul returned to its place, the consciousness returned. There was a stinging pain, and he managed to fully recover after absorbing all the gray beads brought out. ——

After saying a few words to Ah Feng and the others, she entered the Shenyun Mirror again, put on her straw clothes as usual, picked up a wooden stick, and continued to search for the target.

She looked around and found a dense black forest in front of her.

There must be more monsters in the woods than on the grassland. She didn't dare to take risks and planned to go around quietly.


A harsh sound came, and she looked up. It turned out to be the cry of a group of long-winged sharp-billed birds in the forest. They were covered with sparse black feathers, and one of their wings was larger than the body. He has a long thin neck, a pointed bald head, and a long and pointed mouth that looks very sharp at first glance. This appearance is really ugly!
Since the birds were a little far away from her, she didn't care and continued walking around the woods.

At this time, a long-winged bird with a pointed beak saw Li Yaozhi from a distance, with doubts in its eyes. It had never seen such a strange-looking beast after staying in the Shenyun Mirror for so long.


It quickly informed its companions around it, and other birds also looked at Li Yaozhi.

Li Yaozhi, even a blind person, could feel being stared at by so many bird eyes. She stiffly turned her head to look at the long-winged, pointed-beaked birds. Unexpectedly, when they saw Li Yaozhi's face clearly, they suddenly pounced on her.

Seeing the sharp light shining in the bird's eyes, she ran away.

"Why is that! Although I am not so good-looking that everyone likes me, I am not so good-looking that birds hate me! What are these birds going crazy about now?"

Feeling the wind brought by the flapping of the birds' wings above her head, she knew that the birds she encountered today would not let her go.

Seeing that a bird's claws were about to grab her head, in an instant, almost as the bird's claws touched her head, Li Yaozhi disappeared, leaving only a wooden stick and two pieces of grass on the ground. Clothes.


After leaving the Shen Yun Mirror, she was still scared. Fortunately, she could control herself in and out of the mirror space at will, otherwise she would have been in trouble.

After staying outside for a quarter of an hour, she entered the mirror space again.

As soon as she came in, she saw a long-winged sharp-billed bird using its two claws to pull at her grass clothes, and a pointed beak also pecked twice from time to time.

Li Yaozhi took advantage of the bird's unpreparedness, picked up the stick on the ground and hit the bird's long neck hard twice. The bird's neck was very fragile, and the long-winged and pointed-billed bird died immediately.

She picked up the scattered straw clothes on the ground and carefully wrapped them around her body. Unfortunately, a few pieces of fair skin were still exposed from under the torn out black grass.

Picking up the beads on the ground, she found that the beads were a little whiter than the beads she had gotten by killing black beetles and scorpions before, and the appearance was a little denser. Could it be because there was more energy in it than the beads she had gotten before?

Thinking of this, she felt happy, and the long-winged sharp-beaked bird that had previously looked ugly now became pleasing to the eye.

"Look at how you, like a dog, actually learned to dismantle things. You must have been punished now!" Li Yaozhi said with a smile, looking at the beads in his hand.

She grabbed the black grass on the ground, simply made a small bag and hung it around her waist, and put the beads in it.

Patting the bag with beads on her waist, when she looked at the dense forest, she no longer disliked it but liked it. After all, there were countless beads with sufficient energy waiting for her inside.

She walked into the forest without hesitation with a wooden stick in hand.

Li Yaozhi felt that those long-winged and pointed-beaked birds must have seen someone who looked similar to her, otherwise how could they have such a big reaction when they saw her face.

(End of this chapter)

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