Chapter 127

"By the way, Ah Hong, do you want to learn from it too." Li Yaozhi smiled evilly.

"I, I don't need it. I have to follow the master every day. I don't have time to study." A Hong saw Li Yaozhi smiling maliciously, and reflexively rejected her.

"This is easy to handle. Just go into the space and learn with them when we are not outside." Li Yaozhi didn't want to let her go. She felt that it was too embarrassing for a spiritual beast as big as A Hong to be illiterate.

"Ah... the master is evil!" A Hongfei complained with an aggrieved face in front of Li Yaozhi.

"A Hong, think about it if they can write, they will definitely laugh at you, so you must learn it and learn it better than them. I believe you can do it." Li Yaozhi gave A Hong a thumbs up. , regardless of whether the other party could understand her meaning, she just started to lie to herself.

"Ahong, let's come together!" Bingyu persuaded without thinking it was a big deal.

"Hmph~." Ah Hong snorted heavily, expressing her dissatisfaction with them, but she still agreed.

Li Yaozhi raised his arms and hair and put them under his nose, and nodded with satisfaction after smelling the pleasant fragrance of flowers.

Get out of the bath and put on clean disciple uniforms.

Use the same method to clean the cassock you wore earlier with spirit flowers, dry it with magic and replace it.

After pouring out the water in the bathtub and cleaning the bathtub with clean water, she put the bathtub in the ring. She now realized the convenience of bringing a bathtub with her at any time.

After the incident where the wooden house was burned down, she believed that space was sometimes unreliable, and it was better to keep good things with you for safety.

She looked out of the space and saw only a dark area. She thought this was because they entered the space from the monster's mouth. What they saw now was naturally the scene in the monster's mouth. It was just that the monster's mouth was closed now, so Nothing can be seen.

She put a protective shield on her body to create space. Because the protective shield separated her body from the mucus in the monster's mouth, she felt better.

Since the Black Ice Sword fell somewhere in the lake, other weapons can only be used now.

She took out the Qingyun Sword and unsheathed it, and stabbed the sword into the monster's cheek. The monster roared in pain and threw its head up, trying to throw the thing out of its mouth.

Li Yaozhi in the monster's mouth was suddenly thrown diagonally upward, where a long fang was growing.

Seeing that the fang was about to stab the back of her head, she hurriedly leaned forward and entered the space at the same time.

Li Yaozhi fell heavily into the space.

Ah Feng quickly transformed into a big beast and threw himself on the ground to catch her, "A Yao, but the monsters outside are difficult to deal with. Do you want me to..."

Li Yaozhi got up from Ah Feng and interrupted him, "It's okay Ah Feng, I will definitely be able to deal with it. You can't go out now. It wouldn't be a good thing if people outside the secret realm see that my strength is too strong." .”

After saying that, she added two layers of defense to her body to create a space. The Qingyun Sword stuck in the monster's mouth was gone. She felt relieved when she learned through induction that the Qingyun Sword was still in the lake.

It seems that the sword's damage is still too small and cannot hurt the monster at all.

Thinking of this, she took out her long bow and shot a fire dragon and six arrows upwards. The monster shook its head and tail and roared in pain. She was unsteady on her feet and fell on the monster's tongue. Movements tumbled in its mouth.

What was particularly thrilling was that while she was rolling, she had to be careful not to be hurt by the long animal teeth.

She gritted her teeth and put away her long bow, made a hand with her hands, and cast the spells Flowing Fire and Flame Weaving.

A raging fire burned in the beast's mouth. Afraid of being hurt by the fire, Li Yaozhi summoned a jade ruler and floated it beside him.

The monster finally couldn't bear the pain in its mouth, so it spit out Li Yaozhi in one gulp, and then it sucked the water from the lake to extinguish the fire and relieve the pain. With a "pop" sound, a big splash appeared on the water.

Li Yaozhi fell into the water and wiped her face. She swam to a distance with a dog paddle. She cast her eyes on the lake and finally sensed the Xuan Bing Sword. She silently recited the mantra. In the blink of an eye, the Xuan Bing Sword automatically flew to her. In her hand, she put away the Xuanbing Sword, released the shuttle and stood on it, clasping her hands together to cast the fire spell - Sparkling Fire.

I saw little dots of small flames gradually lighting up in the center of the lake. The flames were so small that a breeze could blow them out. They gradually approached the monster beasts that had just extinguished the fire in their mouths and were panting. Some fell into the water, and some Falling on the monster.

The water gradually became warm, and smoke began to rise again, and then the smoke became thicker and thicker.

At the same time, the monster beast saw the small flames falling on its body and did not feel any warmth. Instead, it felt warm and let it go. Unexpectedly, as the flames on its body increased, smoke started to appear on its body. .

"Burn!" With Li Yao's scolding, a raging fire broke out on the monster's body, and the surrounding lake water became boiling hot.

The monster saw Li Yaozhi and rushed towards her.

"This is the time!" She twirled her fingers and recited the mantra silently, mobilized the spiritual energy in the white jade bracelet on her wrist to release the ice spell - Ice Cone, hoping that the other party would like the feeling of ice and fire.

The huge ice cone flew towards the monster's huge head like an arrow from a string.

With a loud "bang" sound, the fire and ice bloomed a flower on the monster's head. The ice cone broke and half of the monster's head was broken. The other half was blocked by a shell, so it didn't immediately Lose your life.

Li Yaozhi saw the vines and white shells on the monster beast's body trembling slightly, and then disappeared immediately. Without the extremely powerful vine weapon, the black monster beast was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

She held the Xuanbing Sword and injected enough mana into it to perform the ice sword technique Lihua Wenxin.

The sword flew away from the hand, flying up and down on the monster beast and slashing at it. Even if the monster beast's tail vigorously attacked the sword body, it was of no avail. The Xuanbing Sword finally found an opportunity and pierced its seven inches with one sword.

The demon beast, whose upper body was still upright just now, suddenly fell into the lake, and gradually disappeared into the water. It caused a huge splash, drenching Li Yaozhi's whole body, and the shuttle was almost knocked over.

She released the ice jade and swallowed two spiritual recovery pills.

"Bingyu, please push me and the shuttle to the shore. I've used up all my magic power." Li Yaozhi wiped his face and said coquettishly to Bingyu.

"Yes, Master, are you okay?" Bingyu gently grabbed the edge of the shuttle with her tail and pushed it towards the shore.

"It's okay, I'm just a little too tired. I feel like I'm sleeping!" As he said that, Li Yaozhi lay motionless in the shuttle.

In half a cup of tea, the shuttle and Li Yaozhi inside were brought to the shore by Bingyu, "Bingyu, you are so kind!"

She said something moved, took Bingyu and the shuttle into the space, and then lay down on the shuttle and fell asleep sweetly.

Li Yaozhi was like this just because he had just cast a large spell, which caused the spiritual energy in his body to be exhausted and his consciousness to be slightly damaged.

The four beasts couldn't bear to disturb her, so they went to the orchard to collect honey.

They definitely didn't pick it because they wanted to eat it, but because they thought that when Li Yaozhi woke up and drank a cup of sweet honey, they would feel better.


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