Chapter 128

When Li Yaozhi woke up, she saw four beasts licking honey from a basin, especially A Hong, who ate all over her body, and the whole butterfly was stuck to the edge of the basin. She didn't care, she wanted to go in and take a bath again.

"A Feng, A Hong, Yueyue, Bingyu." Li Yaozhi sat in the shuttle and read.

Hearing the sound, the four beasts realized that Li Yaozhi was awake and said happily: "Ayao (master), you're awake!" Then they immediately gathered around her with basins in hand.

"Yes, I woke up a long time ago. I saw you eating honey happily, so I didn't say anything. You see, you are covered in honey after eating. It's not easy to clean!" Li Yaozhi said helplessly as he looked at the four beasts.

"If I jump into the lake, I can eat up all those fish and shrimps. They are especially easy to get rid of." Ah Feng wiped the honey on his chest with his hand, and it was already drying on it. He hurriedly put the pot in the pot to conceal it. In front, trying to block Li Yaozhi's eyes from staring at him.

Seeing A Feng's actions, Li Yaozhi chuckled in his heart.

"You can actually collect so much honey. Is the bee colony so big now?" A wooden cup appeared in Li Yaozhi's hand. He poked a finger into Ah Hong's small wooden basin, dug out a lump of honey and put it in the cup. Add hot water and you have a cup of fine honey.

"Yes, master, do you want to know why the bee colony suddenly became so big?"

Yueyue was too short to see Li Yaozhi in the shuttle. It was so anxious that it formed two vines under its body as a support to send itself into the shuttle. Its big eyes looked at Li Yaozhi closely, as if to say, ask me soon. , ask me quickly.

Seeing this, she smiled and asked: "Yueyue, why is that!"

"It's because we secretly brought in a hive full of bee pupae!"

"How did you get the honeycomb?" Li Yaozhi asked doubtfully.

"Once when we went into the mountains, we saw a sable being chased by the entire group because it stole honey and provoked the queen bee. Seeing that they ran too far, Bingyu and I picked the honeycomb." A Feng licked He took a sip of honey and then narrowed his eyes happily.

"How dare you do bad things without telling me, and bring monsters into the space!" Li Yaozhi pretended to be angry, fearing that they would bring in bad monsters in the future and ruin the space.

"We...we will definitely report it to Ah Yao next time we want to bring something in." Ah Feng was afraid that Li Yaozhi would be really angry, so he hurriedly promised.

"Okay, I'll believe your words for now, and you should remember it too!" Li Yaozhi tapped the heads of the four beasts with his hand, which was really disturbing.

"By the way, I entered the space without any cover before. I wonder if anyone outside saw us disappear suddenly. Just in case, Bingyu can't go out for the time being." Li Yaozhi looked at Yueyue and said, "Yueyue seems You haven’t followed me out alone to practice yet, Yueyue will come out with me soon! Ah Feng, you will teach Bingyu how to read in the space.”

When she heard that she could go out with her master, Yueyue immediately cheered happily: "Okay, master." She instantly transformed herself into the size of a steamed bun and used the vines under her to lift herself onto Li Yaozhi's shoulders.

As long as Li Yaozhi tilted his head, he could rub the soft fur on Yueyue's body.

"Yes, Master, will I be the one to go out next time?" Ah Feng was a little jealous when he saw how close A Yao and Yueyue were. was his exclusive position before, but now...

"Yeah, Ah Feng will go out with me next time." Li Yaozhi heard Ah Feng's thoughts and immediately touched his head to comfort him.

Hearing Li Yaozhi's words, Ah Feng felt a little happy. He moved the wooden basin forward and said, "A Yao, you also eat honey."

Li Yaozhi looked at the honey in the basin covered with A Feng's glistening saliva... couldn't help but feel a little silent... Are you serious?

In order not to hurt Ah Feng, she raised the cup in her hand and said with a forced smile: "No, I just have honey water...honey water will be fine." She took a sip and almost choked.

"Okay then!" Ah Feng seemed to be really disappointed that Ah Feng didn't eat the honey in his basin. "Well, it's getting late, I should go out." Li Yaozhi put away the empty wooden cup and touched the moon on his shoulder.

"A Yao (Master) be careful." A Feng and Bing Yu said.

"it is good."

Li Yaozhi asked Ah Hong to change her appearance into that of a middle-aged female monk, and the robe on her body also changed into a sword-like blue robe. She carefully affixed an invisibility charm to herself and Yueyue respectively, and came out. space.

"Yueyue, let's go find the monster I killed now." Li Yaozhi sent a message to Yueyue.


Li Yaozhi walked to a weeping tree by the lake, and under the cover of the branches and leaves, he used his consciousness to look for the figure of the monster in the water. Unfortunately, there was only a long animal bone left in the middle of the lake, and the flesh on his body had been eaten away. The beasts in the lake gnawed them all away.

Li Yaozhi, who originally wanted to skin the monster beast, pull out its muscles, pull out its teeth, and then take these weapon refining materials out of the secret realm and sell them for money, was disappointed.

She looked at the long white bones of the monster beast and thought to herself: Could it be that someone had been here when I left, or else why was the skull of the monster beast gone?There are two rows of huge, sharp teeth on it, which can be sold for a lot of money. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring out the beast corpses I killed in the Four Seasons Secret Realm to sell the spirit stones. I can't make this mistake now, but I can't I made a wedding dress for someone else, huh~, it’s best not to let me know who stole my bones!
She raised her feet and was about to leave, when she suddenly remembered that when she was fighting the monster, the monster wanted to return to the center of the lake several times.

Could that be its lair?

"Yueyue, let's go find the monster's water house. There should be some good things in it!"

Li Yaozhi once again probed the bottom of the lake with her spiritual consciousness... In order to see the bottom of the lake more comprehensively, she not only changed a few positions midway... she also released invisible ice jade into the lake to search...

Unfortunately, nothing was found. The bottom of the lake was ordinary, filled with solid mud, and there were no huge caves for monsters to hide.

She fell into self-doubt: Could it be that I made a wrong judgment? Maybe the monster just likes the center of the lake, so it always wants to go back when it is in danger?

At this time, Bingyu, who had once again shrunk to explore the lake, swam out of the lake. Tired, he lay on the palm of Li Yaozhi's hand and said to her: "Master, I found a suspicious place this time. When I swam to the southeast corner of the lake, At that time, I sensed something abnormal in the water there, and there seemed to be a space inside that was convection with the water in the lake."

"Really? I just said I can't make mistakes!" Li Yaozhi said to Bingyu in surprise.

"Yes, Master." Bingyu nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, let's escape now. Thank you for your hard work, Bingyu. Come into space and have a rest!" Li Yaozhi gently stroked the slippery scales on Bingyu's body and said to her. When Bingyu nodded, he She sent into space.

"Yueyue, we are going to find the treasure now." Li Yaozhi excitedly said to Yueyue on his shoulder.

"That's great, Master." Yueyue was equally happy.

They all say that things are like their masters, and this sentence is absolutely true. As the four beasts spent more and more time with Li Yaozhi, not only did they not change at all except for their gluttony, but they got worse. They didn't even know what the spirit stone was at first. They have also become more and more interested in spirit stones.

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(End of this chapter)

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