Chapter 144 Snake Cave
After killing the snake, Li Yaozhi put on another disciple uniform and continued walking in another direction.

After walking for a long time, she was unable to leave the territory where snake grass grew. She kept walking along the border of the grassland where only snake grass grew.

She stopped, a water spirit fruit appeared out of thin air in her hand, and she took a big bite angrily.

"When will this end? This place is covered with this kind of grass! Then I still have to swim through the grass?"

Ahead, the Snake Grassland with no boundaries as far as the eye could see looked like a man-eating monster in Li Yaozhi's eyes. It was so terrifying that she didn't dare to enter easily.

"But if I don't go from here, what can I do?" Suddenly, she slapped her head suddenly, "Why am I so stupid? I can fly over from the air! I must have stayed with Senior Brother Zhong for too long It took a few days for me to become stupid. This must be the case. I was obviously very smart before."

Thinking of this, she ate the spirit fruit in two or two mouths, released the little white cloud in a happy mood, stepped forward, and jumped on it lightly.

Small white clouds float slowly in the sky.

Entering the snake grassland, Li Yaozhi curiously lay on it with his butt stuck out and stretched his head to look down. Below, he saw various snakes ranging in size from thumb thickness to thigh thickness walking through the grass.

Li Yaozhi, who was not afraid of snakes, was also frightened by this scene.


She hurriedly covered her mouth, fearing that the sound would disturb the snake below and something unexpected would happen.

She straightened up and cast a spell on Xiao Baiyun with both hands. Xiao Baiyun immediately accelerated and walked forward.


Gradually, she seemed to see a mountain ahead, lying on her path.

Although this mountain is short, only a hundred meters high, it covers a large area, so big that you can't see the end of it. There are low trees and flowers growing on the mountain.

Upon closer inspection, I found that the shape of the mountain was a bit weird, like a large honeycomb, with holes of all sizes on its surface. The big ones were as tall as a person, and the small ones were as wide as the mouth of a well.

This mountain looks so abnormal that it looks like a nest of some kind of reptile.

I hope things are not what she thinks...

She made the little white cloud rise slowly, trying to fly over the mountain. Unexpectedly, as soon as she rose into the sky, she saw a mesh barrier appearing in front of her.

The barrier rose from the foot of the mountain, extending up to where she was, and to the other sides beyond her sight.

Another formation.

Is there any formation underground?
Thinking of this, she stretched out her consciousness to explore the ground.

There is actually a formation underground. What should I do? She can't even go to heaven or earth now.

She continued to rise without believing in evil. Unexpectedly, the barrier also grew upwards, and it was just high enough to block her.

"Hey... have you become a sperm or something! I still don't believe it, you can extend upward infinitely."

With that said, she released the shuttle to increase in size, turned over, collected the small white cloud, and made the shuttle continue to rise.

In this way, Li Yaozhi and the barrier you raised a foot and I stood taller faced each other for a long time, so long that the spiritual stone on the speed was not enough to continue. She truly believed that the barrier blocking her way was a spirit. .

At this moment, I saw a green snake at the bottom of the mountain that was able to pass through the barrier and enter the mountain.

"Why is this? Only living creatures can pass by, but my shuttle is dead, so it can't go in?" she guessed.

She stretched out her hand and tentatively placed it on the barrier, slowly pushing forward.

The barrier didn't move, nor did her hand pass through it.

"Eh~, is it because I'm not a snake that I can't go in? The heroine and the others must have gone a long way, otherwise, my identity jade tag would not be without any movement." She sighed and thought again and again. After a while, he came up with a somewhat ridiculous reason, "Because I am a female supporting character, so I can't go in? Oh my god! It's so unfair!"

Li Yaozhi rubbed his head a little irritably.

I thought to myself: Since the snake can pass under the barrier, let me try it and see if it can work... Yes, that's it. …

The shuttle descended quickly and hovered at the foot of the mountain for a while before finding a small area that was barely clean and free of snakes.

The shuttle stopped one meter above the ground. She jumped out neatly and landed on the ground. The shuttle became the size of a palm and was put into the ring by her.

Looking up, she now hoped that the mountain would be able to pass through it.

On the ground, there was a snake lying lazily on the ground just one step away.

Li Yaozhi used the breath masking technique, affixed the invisibility charm, followed the gap, and cautiously walked up the mountain.

As we get closer and closer to the mountain, the snakes on the ground become more and more dense, so dense that they are one after another, which makes people's scalp numb.

She frowned worriedly, bit her lip lightly, and moved forward step by step on tiptoes.

I was afraid that I would accidentally step on a snake.

It took her about a hundred steps to complete the short distance of more than ten meters, and finally arrived in front of the barrier.

She tentatively stretched her hand forward, and her hand passed smoothly, then her arm.

"It's really possible!" she whispered.

She smiled happily, stepped forward with one foot, and followed with the other.

Turning around to look at the barrier, she snorted disdainfully and thought to herself: You want to trap me, this is impossible, sister, I just passed it smoothly.

Lifting your feet up the mountain, you will see that the snakes on the mountain are obviously much bigger than those at the bottom, and each one is thicker than the mouth of a bowl.

This shouldn't be an ordinary snake, but a python.

As long as a snake is awakened by her, she will most likely die.

At this time, half of the spiritual energy in her body had been used up. She was afraid that something would go wrong, so she entered the space, meditated to replenish the spiritual energy in her Dantian, rested for a while, ate a Bigu Pill, two Spiritual Fruits, and re-attached an invisibility sheet. Fu and went out.


At this moment, Li Yaozhi, who was walking through the mountains, was no longer walking but jumping. He tried his best to follow the snake's tail and jump over the places where the snake's sense was weak.

She didn't know what was wrong with these snakes. They were all sleeping. If they were all awake, she would be in trouble.

When she was puzzled, she suddenly thought:
Could it be that... I have been too unlucky recently, because I want to use all the good luck I have accumulated here?
Maybe so!

Li Yao jumped up, jumped over a red python, and landed gently on the other side of the snake.

She smiled, pleased with her luck in wit.

Blicking off the non-existent soil on her clothes, she raised her feet and walked forward. This was the first hole she encountered.

Just after taking two steps and taking one step closer to the hole, I heard a rustling sound all around. The sound... was like the sound of a snake passing through the jungle.

Her forehead was instantly covered with fine beads of sweat. She turned around stiffly and looked back, and saw various snakes raising their bodies and looking towards her position.

The snake in the distance was swimming towards her.

My heartbeat was beating faster and faster, as if it would jump out of my mouth in the next second.

At this time, besides entering space, she had only one thought in her mind:

There were snakes everywhere, and the only place she could escape was the cave in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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