Chapter 145

Without any time to think, Li Yaozhi ran towards the cave.

"Hiss, hiss..." The snake outside the cave uses a snake letter to capture the information of the stranger who breaks in.

"Hmm...what does it smell like?" She smelled a faint fishy smell as soon as she entered the cave.

Turning around, she saw many snakes coming towards her while spitting out snake letters.

She covered her mouth and nose with her hands and continued running inside.

"Rust, rustle..." The sound of snakes crawling inside the cave.

The fishy smell in the cave gradually became a little stronger. The floor was covered with shed snake skins, some of which were new skins that had just shed off, and some of which were old skins that had become broken.

Green and brown moss grew on the walls, adding a bit of moisture to the cave. She felt that the fishy smell in the cave was stronger.

Ahead, two circular openings as tall as one person appeared on the walls on both sides of the cave.

She frowned and thought: I wonder where they lead?It's better than continuing to move forward. If there is a dead end ahead, it's not the end. You have to find a way quickly.

With her spiritual consciousness, she saw the snake behind her with its mouth open and its long snake stretched out, following her figure, sometimes swimming to the left and sometimes to the right, and she instantly had an idea in her mind.

He quickly sprinkled some powder on her body that could mask her smell, took out a piece of her own tattered clothes from the ring, and threw it forward with her spiritual power.

Sure enough, the snake abandoned her and continued to swim forward with the clothes.

She breathed a sigh of relief, added another invisibility charm to her body, and turned around to enter the cave closest to her on the right.

As soon as she entered the cave, she was startled and took two steps back unconsciously.

There were actually two thick black snakes on both sides of the cave entrance, standing there with their upper bodies upright like guards.

She quickly held her breath, used her body skills, and quickly passed through the sensing range of the two snakes.

It wasn't until she couldn't see the two snakes in the distance that she patted her chest in relief.

She stretched out her consciousness and looked forward. She remembered that this direction was the direction out of the mountain. She didn't know how far it was to get there.

At this glance, Li Yaozhi discovered that the cave was not straight, but curved. Moreover, the rocks on this mountain also had the effect of isolating her spiritual consciousness. Her spiritual consciousness could not enter other caves through the stone walls. Check The situation inside the cave.

We can only honestly let our spiritual consciousness enter other cave entrances to check their conditions.

But now she only has the seventh level of Qi training. Even if her spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of monks at the same level, her spiritual consciousness is not enough for her to use, and she cannot reach the end she wants to see.


The cave became wider, even more than twice as big.

Li Yaozhi walked forward honestly. As for the new cave entrances on both sides of the stone wall, she had no time to explore. She just thought that she could get out when she reached the end of the cave.

Unfortunately it backfired.

Two larger black snakes appeared in front of her. The lower bodies of the snakes lay on the ground, blocking her way.

The two snakes swallowed the snake's message and slowly swam in the direction of Li Yaozhi, thinking that she could get by without the two snakes seeing her figure.

Unexpectedly, the two snakes' bronze bell-sized eyes stared at her with a strange red light.

Obviously they discovered Li Yaozhi, the intruder, but they realized that the opponent's strength was too low, so they didn't pay much attention to it. They just raised their heads and looked down at her. The posture was like they had discovered a bold little mouse who came to deliver food. .The two snakes swam toward her leisurely, as if they were mocking her for not overestimating her abilities.

Li Yaozhi clenched the unsheathed Xuan Bing Sword in his hand and stepped back step by step as the black snake approached.

She had no chance of winning against them.

However, she will not give in easily.

The movements of the two giant snakes were getting faster and faster, which made Li Yao extremely anxious. She tried to calm down, took out an attack talisman and threw it at the giant snakes, then used a sword to invite the moon to fly, and the sword was surrounded by Countless white ice and snow, carrying a dense cold air, pierced the eyes of one of the snakes.

After the snake saw it, it just tilted its head slightly and dodged easily.

Then he spit out the snake letter at her, as if to say that if you have any ability, just use it.

The two snakes didn't move much, just looking at Li Yaozhi, admiring her final struggle.

In this case, Li Yaozhi immediately took out all the fire attack talismans and threw them at the black snake, then turned around and ran away.

The two black snakes were hit by the many talismans coming towards them, and a few black scales fell off from where they were hit.

At this time, the two snakes were completely angered and quickly chased Li Yaozhi.

Li Yaozhi ran backwards quickly, saw two snakes chasing after him, and entered another cave entrance in a panic.

Unexpectedly, when the two snakes saw her like this, they stopped chasing her. As if there was something they were afraid of, they didn't dare to come in. In the end, they retreated back to where they were before.

When Li Yaozhi saw this, he thought: Is there a more powerful snake here?Otherwise, how could they be so scared!Then should I go back or go back?
Just as she was thinking about it, the identity jade plaque around her waist began to vibrate!
who is this?
Curiously, he poked his spiritual sense in and took a look. It turned out to be Zhong Yiming. What could be wrong with him? Hum, maybe they had already gone a long way, why did they think of her now.

No, if she had gone far away, how could she use her identity jade token to contact her?

Thinking of this, she continued to look down: Junior Sister Li, you're here too. It's great. Come and save me. I'm... right... right here. Oh my, it's hard to describe my position. Here The caves are all connected to each other, I don’t even know where I am, hey...

After reading this passage, Li Yaozhi, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, fell silent and felt troubled.

Zhong Yi screamed like this, it must have been a matter of life and death, but she wanted to save him, but she didn't know where the other person was. If she didn't save him, she would have a hard time with her conscience.

Furthermore, even Zhong Yiming, who is on the eleventh level of Qi training, cannot escape. If she, a young monk on the seventh level of Qi training, goes to deliver food, wouldn't it be like delivering food? Besides, Zhong Yiming was originally with the heroine and the others, and he ended up like this. So what about the group of people brought by the heroine?
If everyone, including the heroine, is in trouble, should she be saved or not?

Suddenly, Li Yaozhi felt like a scale was placed in his heart, weighing one side of the road to immortality that was much smoother without Wang Junya as a stumbling block, and the other side was the road to immortality with several bottomless pits on the road, and the pits were deadly.

She sighed with a heavy heart, thinking about many things and people in her mind.


"Hey... why are you thinking so much, Li Yaozhi, you will think nonsense all day long, Wang Junya is the heroine, even if you fall into a difficult situation, you will be able to turn the danger into safety, and maybe you will encounter a treasure, why are you worrying there? Now it's better to go find the unlucky guy Zhong Yiming! After all, if he dies, who will pay for the 10 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones..." If the situation is too dangerous, she still has room for a retreat, isn't it?

When she said this, she seemed to have chosen the latter path.

At this moment, she felt as if something in her body had been broken. Her mood suddenly became open and peaceful. Everything in the world became so clear and lovely. She could break through the eighth level of Qi training at any time.

It took a while for her to come out of this wonderful feeling.


(End of this chapter)

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