Chapter 147 Dragon Bone
Looking at the Winged Fire Snake flying toward her, Wang Junya calmly took out two black balls the size of basketballs, threw them at the Winged Fire Snake's chest, and then quickly flew away from the place.

Seeing this scene, Li Yaozhi hurriedly covered his ears with his hands, frowned, and prepared himself for the thunderous explosion.

"Bang" was a loud sound that could shake the world.

The winged fire snake's chest was blasted with a hole by the sky-shaking thunder, and flesh and blood scales flew everywhere.

After three breaths, it fell heavily to the ground.

A sword appeared in Wang Junya's hand. She stepped forward and effortlessly cut off the head of the Winged Fire Snake, and took out a red inner elixir the size of a child's fist from its body.

Seeing this, Li Yaozhi shrank back, her heart like thousands of horses galloping, and sighed secretly: Wang Junya is indeed the biological daughter of Tiandao. What she has in her hands is too powerful. She must have more trump cards in her hands now. If I fight against her , the ending may not be that much better than that of Li Yaozhi in the original book.

They are all short-lived people.

She was about to leave when she heard Wang Junya's voice behind her, "Junior Sister Wu, why are you here?"

Wang Junya could actually see her. She was confused and looked at the invisibility talisman on her chest. For some reason, the invisibility talisman was broken.

"Oh, yes, I just arrived here, and then I heard a huge thunder, which scared me to death. May I ask Senior Sister Wang what happened?" Li Yaozhi raised a card full of fatigue and vicissitudes of life. His face turned yellow again, and he said doubtfully.

"I see, it's nothing. We were just fighting with that fire-winged snake and the noise was just too loud." Wang Junya replied lightly.

"Oh, that's right!" Li Yaozhi nodded and smiled harmlessly.

Wang Junya seemed to be hurt by Li Yaozhi's smile, so she turned and left.

Li Yaozhi lay on the stone, watching the other party leave, feeling relieved.

How could she not be afraid of an enemy who could kill her at any time? What's more, she was really no match for Wang Junya.

At this moment, a queen bee sent her a message: Master, he has been found.

She bent down and retreated into the cave. As for Wang Junya's affairs, she didn't want to get involved at all.

Because of the master-servant contract, she can accurately grasp the location of every spirit bee.

Now she only needs to follow the route given by Queen Yu Luo Bee.

She learned from Jade Luo Bee that there were black snakes guarding these passages on the route. Even if she had an invisibility charm attached to her body, it would be useless as she could not hide it from their eyes.

The only way now is to ask A Hong to help.

Li Yaozhi gently woke up A Hong, asked A Hong to turn her into a huge black snake, and applied some snake-repelling powder on her body.

Even if there were snakes who doubted her identity, they couldn't believe they dared to get close to her after smelling this smell.

Entering the next cave entrance, she successfully passed by the black snake guards guarding the cave. I don't know if those black snakes were afraid that her body was too big, or they didn't like the smell of her body. In short, every snake came close to her when they saw her. The stone wall stood straight.

It wasn't until she felt like she was about to faint that she finally came to the cave where Zhong Yiming was.

There were two black snakes standing guard at the entrance of the cave. She walked by naturally and came into the cave. The queen of Yuluo bees immediately came to greet her, and then landed on her head, as if she had inserted a small snake in her hair. Jade hairpin.

Inside the cave, there are many snakeskin bags of various colors hanging densely above, some are bulging and some are deflated.

After scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he found that there were people in each snakeskin bag. However, except for Zhong Yiming, the others were all dead. Some had bones wrapped in cassocks, and there were signs of gnawing on the bones. Some, only the remains were left. Clothing.

She didn't have time to think too much, so she went straight to the snakeskin bag containing Zhong Yiming, "He's actually sleeping!" She shook the snakeskin bag violently while transmitting a message to Zhong Yiming: Brother Zhong, wake up quickly, are you okay?
Hearing Li Yaozhi's voice, Zhong Yiming sat up suddenly and was so moved that he almost cried, "Junior Sister Li, you have really found me, that's great."

"Shh, don't talk, you might attract the snake." Li Yao said.

Zhong Yiming changed his voice to: I know Junior Sister Li, please rescue me quickly!

Li Yaozhi's voice: Yes.

She looked up at the snakeskin bag in front of her. It turned out that the snakeskin bag was hung directly on a protrusion like a stone hook on the ceiling of the cave.He flew up and picked up the snakeskin bag with one hand, lifted Zhong Yiming off it, landed on the ground, and sent a message to him: Senior Brother Zhong, don't resist, I'll put you in the spirit beast bag and take you out first.

Seeing him nodding, Li Yaozhi put it into the spirit beast bag that had been abandoned by several beasts for a long time.

When I went out, I saw this snake egg that filled half the cave.

Li Yaozhi was as happy as a mouse in a rice vat, and immediately moved half of the snake eggs into the space.

Anyway, if it is placed in a space, the snake cannot smell the smell of eggs, so she is relieved.

When she comes out of the secret realm, she will definitely be able to sell it for a good price, which will also make up for some of her losses.

I am really happy when I think about it!
Not daring to waste any more time, she ordered the other spirit bees to wait for her outside the cave.

Li Yaozhi quickly walked outside. The other snakes in the cave only saw a huge black snake swimming in front of them, as fast as it was flying.


Outside the cave, there was no trace of the fight on the ground, and there was no trace of Wang Junya and others.

Put away the spirit bees and release Zhong Yi Ming.

The two walked and talked.

"Senior Brother Zhong, I met Senior Sister Wang and the others here before. They must have gone to the front now. Let's go quickly too!"

"Well, junior sister, you have to be careful about Wang Junya. She is very strange. At first, the snake was obviously going for her, but somehow, in the end, the one who was caught was me next to her. You must stay away from her. Far away."

Hey, it turns out that the heroine not only defeats her as the supporting female character, but there are others. I wonder why?

"Okay, I will definitely stay away from her."

Li Yaozhi agreed with him very much. Ever since she entered the secret realm to be with Wang Junya, she had been unlucky. The small fortune she had just made was due to her separation from Wang Junya.


After walking for a long time, the grass on the ground gradually withered and yellowed until it disappeared. The surrounding environment became desolate and foggy, making it difficult to see the scenery in the distance.

Li Yaozhi stretched out his consciousness and looked forward.

Ahead, you could vaguely see a huge set of bones lying across a cliff chasm.

"Senior Brother Zhong, look quickly!" Li Yaozhi shouted to Zhong Yi with his fingers pointing to the bones.

"Well, it looks does it look like a dragon bone?"

Li Yaozhi took a closer look and found that it indeed looked like a dragon bone as Zhong Yiming said.

The total length of the keel was nearly a hundred meters. The dragon's head with two horns lay on their side, and its tail lay across the other side of the cliff.

Even one of her ribs is thicker than her waist.

This is incredible!
There is no living real dragon in the world of immortality today, but there are dragons.

You can see the keel here today, then...

"Senior Brother Zhong, let's collect some dragon bones. We will definitely sell them for a big price when we get them outside."

As she said that, Li Yaozhi had collected two dragon bones and took out the Qingyun Sword. She was going to cut off the dragon's horns and take them away.

(End of this chapter)

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