Chapter 148 Chance
Seeing Li Yaozhi cutting the dragon's horns with a sword, he was infected by her. Zhong Yiming, who originally had no interest in dragon bones, also picked up two of the ones he liked and put them away.

After cutting it for a long time, there was no trace left on the dragon's horn. Li Yaozhi didn't want to give up, so he simply put away the entire broken dragon head.

Fortunately, her storage ring has a large space, otherwise she would not be able to take it with her based on the capacity of the storage bag.

She looked at the huge keel, tried hard to suppress the longing in her heart, and shouted to Zhong Yi who was waiting for her: "Senior Brother Zhong, let's go!"

The two boarded the Keel Bridge.

Looking under the bridge, I saw nothing but black mist and a bottomless black abyss.

As they walked to the center of the bridge, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, blowing up their dresses and black hair.

There seemed to be a dragon roar coming from ahead.

There is a situation!
"Junior sister Li, let's go quickly." After saying that, Zhong Yiming rushed forward.

"Yeah." Li Yaozhi used his body skills to quickly follow up.

After getting off the bridge and walking over the messy rocks, the two of them continued moving forward.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yiming, who was walking in front, stumbled and almost rolled out. He quickly turned back and managed to keep his balance, stopped his steps, and turned to face Li Yaozhi who was catching up:

"Junior Sister Li, stop first, we are on the top of a mountain, be careful where you step."

"It's okay, I have a count."

Li Yao couldn't help laughing and stepped forward, just in time to clearly see the entire scene at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, there were four people at the foot of the mountain, namely Wang Junya, Wei Wenqi and the two female monks from Bilinggu. The two female monks from Bilinggu were not in good condition. One of them was lying down and the other was sitting next to him to heal his injuries.

Wang Junya stared straight ahead, and Wei Wenqi followed behind her.

Li Yaozhi followed Wang Junya's gaze and looked forward, and was suddenly shocked.

Looking up, rows of tall stone tablets shot up into the clouds like thousand-year-old trees. They were engraved with large and small characters. She had never seen such characters before.

Although she couldn't understand what was written, she felt vigor, majesty, majesty, and a hint of mystery from the words.

where is this place?
Why does it look like the place in the novel where Wang Junya got the Sky-shattering Bracelet!

"Senior Brother Zhong, let's go down and have a look." Li Yaozhi sent a message to Zhong Yiming.

"it is good."

She spread her arms and flew down the mountain. When passing by the two female cultivators in Biling Valley, she took a special look. Seeing that they were pale, in low spirits, and not wanting to be disturbed, she did not step forward to ask for trouble.

Seeing Wang Junya and Wei Wenqi entering the Forest of Steles again, they immediately followed them.

Li Yaozhi's eyes were fixed on Wang Junya's figure disappearing and appearing in the forest of steles.

In the novel, Wang Junya was directly transported here and got the Sky-shaking Bracelet. At this time, the plot changed. I wonder how she would get the Sky-shaking Bracelet?
The running Wang Junya stopped, and Li Yaozhi also stopped immediately, grabbing Zhong Yiming and hiding him behind the stone monument.

Passing through the gaps between the stone monuments, I secretly looked ahead. My line of sight suddenly widened. It turned out that the center of the Forest of Steles was a circular open space the size of a basketball court.

In the middle of the open space, there is a teleportation array that can accommodate hundreds of people standing at the same time, hidden in the mist. There are two figures, one black and one white, standing motionless on top of the teleportation array, letting the wind blow to lift their clothes.

Feeling the coercion coming from the two of them, could it be Nascent Soul cultivators?

She hurriedly took back her consciousness, fearing to offend the two high-level monks.

"Junior Sister Wu, Senior Brother Zhong, why are you here?" Wang Junya turned her back to the two of them and lightly opened her red lips. "Junior Sister Wang, didn't we agree to practice together a long time ago? We promised you at the beginning that if you encounter a treasure, you should pick it first, but you have forgotten it?" Zhong Yiming came out from behind the stone tablet and said.

"I haven't forgotten, Senior Brother Zhong, have you seen the two people on the teleportation array? Those two people are already dead, and there must be treasures on them. The promise you made to let me pick the treasure first is now invalid. You two People, do you want to go take a look?"

Li Yaozhi walked out from behind Zhong Yiming, "Senior Sister Wang, why are you so kind? Why don't you go?"

Wang Junya couldn't wait any longer when she heard the man in white calling her with a treasure on the teleportation array, but her feeling told her that there was danger over there and she couldn't go there easily. She said coldly: "You don't want to go? What if? I won a treasure, so don’t blame me for not giving you a chance.”

"Wait, I'm willing to go!" Li Yao said.

"Oh~, Junior Sister Wu is still brave." Wang Junya had a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold.

Zhong Yiming on the side looked at Li Yaozhi and said: "Junior Sister Wu, I'm with you."

"No, Senior Brother Zhong, please wait here..." She changed the second half of the sentence to a voice message: Look at her, if something bad happens, you can help me in time.

"Okay then!" Zhong Yi shouted.


Li Yaozhi held the Xuan Bing Sword and walked step by step towards the two figures, one black and one white. She was both happy and worried. It was the heroine Wang Junya who was teleported to this teleportation array, and was recognized by the Sky-shattering Bracelet on the man in white. , now that this person has been replaced by her, the bracelet must also be hers.

Thinking of this, she resisted the pressure from the black and white people and continued to move forward. She was relieved until she saw their appearance clearly.

The two men were already mummified, holding swords in one hand and stabbing each other into the heart. The blood flowing on their cassocks had turned black, and they could no longer die.

There is nothing dangerous about this!Why didn't Wang Junya dare to come in person?

No matter what, the Sky-shaking Bracelet must not fall into Wang Junya's hands anyway. She wants to change the plot. The heroine already has too many treasures in her hands, and she cannot add any more help to the heroine.

The coercion is getting bigger and bigger.

She cast a spell to put two protective shields on her body, and continued to approach the man in white. When she got to that man, she saw that even though he had become a mummy, he still gave people a sense of justice. She couldn't help but bend down and bow twice. If the man had Ling, I hope that because she is so polite, I can let her go.

Looking up, she saw a golden storage ring on the hand of the man in white who was not holding a sword. She touched it with eagerness in her heart.

On the way, she accidentally touched the broad sleeves of the man in black blown by the wind. She didn't pay attention, but a huge black tiger appeared in front of her and grabbed her with its claws. Seeing this, she immediately used her body skills to retreat. One of the spiritual shields on his body was also broken.

This black tiger is five meters tall and nine meters long. It looks like an adult tiger.

This tiger is made from the soul of the black tiger and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It has no entity and is just a shadow. If you want to hurt it, ordinary magic weapons will not work.

Black Tiger got out of the formation and walked towards the four of them.

"Senior Sister Wang, we can only get those two people's things by joining forces to kill Black Tiger." Li Yao said anxiously.

"Okay." Wang Junya agreed.

Li Yaozhi's eyebrows were serious, and the black ice sword stabbed at the black tiger with an icy air. The other three people showed their abilities and attacked the black tiger almost at the same time.

As soon as the attacks from several people hit Heihu, Heihu disappeared.

The four of them looked around cautiously.

The black tiger suddenly pounced from the direction of Li Yaozhi. She ducked and barely avoided the black tiger's sharp and thick claws.

Li Yaozhi was angry: He would bully me for my low cultivation level.

(End of this chapter)

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