Chapter 157 Healing
Back in the cave, Li Yaozhi spent an afternoon and one night carefully reading the "Medical Cultivation Manual" and "Medical Cultivation Basics". She could also understand some simple medical knowledge, but she couldn't understand the deeper ones. I looked a little confused.

From an article in the "Medical Cultivation Manual" titled "How did my senior brother treat my pain in my veins that year", I learned that the pain in her veins was due to the absorption of too much spiritual power. Domineering, and then being stabbed by spiritual power to hurt the muscles and veins.

Fortunately, the injury is not too serious now. According to the records in the article, if you take a bath with some spiritual herbs, plus two kinds of elixirs, the Nourishing Pulse Pill and the Pulse Protecting Pill, you should be able to recover after half a month of maintenance.

But she could only find half of the spiritual herbs and elixirs recorded on it, so she had to go out and buy the other half.

She also doesn't have these two kinds of elixirs.

It was not appropriate for her to use her spiritual power now. If she went to the market, she would inevitably encounter people who would rob her of the road. Therefore, she planned to go to Qingque Street to have a look.

It was early in the morning on Qingque Street, there were almost no people on the road, and the stall owners on both sides of the road had just set up their stalls.

She hadn't been here for a long time, and everything here had not changed at all. She entered the Yundan Building directly, and saw the same senior brother she had met when she came earlier. After asking him if there was anything she needed in the building, Li Yaozhi It took 1 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones to prepare everything.

After returning to the cave in Xiaobaiyun, she immediately took out all the prepared spiritual herbs and elixirs and prepared them one by one according to the prescriptions.

He took out the alchemy furnace, padded the missing leg with a stone as usual, and started refining.

The method of refining the spiritual grass and elixir is the same as the method she used to refine the elixir.

But one thing is different. The prescription says that you only need to refine the elixir, while the elixir only needs to be put into the prepared bathtub as it is.

Although I don’t know what the reason is, you can’t go wrong according to this recipe. After all, all the jade slips in the "Book Collection Pavilion" have been inspected by the elders of the sect, and there are absolutely no harmful things. , that’s why she was so bold and completely believed in what was recorded on the jade slips.


When everything is ready, put the elixir and complete spiritual herbs into the bathtub filled with hot water.

Take off your clothes and get into the tub.

After soaking his whole body in hot water, Li Yaozhi sighed softly. He hadn't taken a bath for a long time and it was just a good time to relax today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stretched my shoulders, I suddenly felt a burning pain in the muscles and veins in my body, as if salt had been sprinkled on the wound...

She leaned back against the tub, holding the edge of the tub tightly with both hands, her fingertips turning white.


She gritted her teeth and endured the pain, her white and tender little face wrinkled.


After one stick of incense, Li Yaozhi lost all strength and slid into the tub unconsciously.

After a while, I came out of it and put on a new bucket of water. After washing, I put on my clothes.

At this time, Li Yaozhi remembered that the clothes she could wear now, except for the flower dress on her body, could not wear any other clothes.

I still have to find time to buy a few sets.

The prescriptions for treating tendons are changed every three days, and she is ready today.

In the following days, she didn't go out. In addition to taking medicinal baths and reading jade slips every day in the cave, she just slept holding the Shen Yun Mirror to treat the slight tingling in her consciousness.


After being thrown out of the Masterless Secret Realm that day, Wang Junya and Wei Wenqi landed on the outskirts of the forest far away from everyone. They thought they had escaped. Unexpectedly, as soon as they left the forest, they encountered three demonic cultivators. .

One of them is building a foundation, and the other two are both at the eleventh level of Qi training.

As soon as the two sides met, they started fighting.

Originally, Wei Wenqi's injuries were not healed. Even though he had a lot of treasures, he was no match for the two Qi Practicing Demon Cultivators. He was beaten until he vomited blood within two blows and lay dying on the ground.

Wang Junya and the Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivators were fighting equally, and neither could do anything to the other for the time being.Seeing that Wei Wenqi was about to die, he felt a little anxious.

She also knew that she and Wei Wenqi were no match for these three people, so she took the opportunity to get close to Wei Wenqi, then grabbed his hand and tore apart a thousand-mile teleportation talisman in an attempt to escape.

Seeing this, the three people threw the magic weapons in their hands towards Wang Junya.


A thousand-mile teleportation talisman sent two people to an unknown place.

Wang Junya was lying on the ground and just about to get up, she felt huge pain in the left side of her body, as if the bones there were broken.

Thinking of the magic weapon thrown by the three demon cultivators when she tore the teleportation talisman apart, she gently raised her head and looked forward. Sure enough, there was a huge hammer with sharp corners lying on the ground.

She was so angry that she was about to curse when she noticed Wei Wenqi lying on the ground next to her. She closed her mouth in frustration.

I just cursed the owner of the hammer in my heart...

With half of her body unable to move, Wang Junya regretted extremely why she had given the Bone Shaping Pill to Li Yaozhi at that time!

Otherwise, her injury would be healed immediately.

How can this be done?
"Master Wang...sister, are you...are you okay?" Wei Wenqi, who was lying next to him, asked weakly.

Hearing this, Wang Junya felt extremely aggrieved, "Senior Brother Wei, the bones in my left half of my body are broken. Do you... do you have the corresponding treatment elixir?"

"Bone shaping pill? Hey... I don't have it with me." Wei Wenqi said in embarrassment. He felt ashamed that he could not treat Junior Sister Wang's injuries.

Just when the two were at their wits' end, they heard footsteps coming towards them.

Not knowing whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, Wang Junya was extremely anxious.

Secretly peeking out his consciousness, he saw two men, one black and one white, walking towards this side.

The man in white clothes walking in front was very handsome. He had a face as white as jade, gentle starry eyes, thin pink lips, and a bookish look. He was an aristocratic young master from a family that cultivated immortals.

The man in black who was one step behind had an ordinary face and was probably just a guard.

Wang Junya endured the pain and frowned slightly, her sweaty black hair hanging on her shoulders.

At 13 years old, she already has the grace of a girl, giving people a very unique and particularly attractive feeling. Sometimes she feels innocent, and sometimes she feels charming.

Wang Junya lightly opened her thin lips and said sweetly: "This young master! My daughter and her brother arrived here for the first time. They were accidentally attacked by a demon cultivator. I hope you can rescue them. I will be grateful and will definitely repay you. "

The young man in white clothes opened a seemingly ordinary paper fan, and on it was an ink painting that ordinary people couldn't understand. There was a smile on his lips, and gentleness on his eyes and brows.

"Oh~, girl, do you know where this is? Are you... asking me for help?"

Is it...

"May I ask, Master, where is this place?" The spiritual energy here is thin, could it be the mortal world?
"This is Northland." A hint of amusement flashed across the eyes of the young man in white.

"My brother and I were seriously injured. I hope the young master can rescue us." Seeing that Wei Wenqi was speechless and about to lose consciousness, the injuries on her body were becoming more and more painful. Even taking rejuvenation pills could not cure it. She couldn't care too much about the broken bones.


The young man in white stepped forward and gently picked up Wang Junya.

"Twelve, go pick up this girl's brother!"

He lowered his head and said to Wang Junya in his arms: "Don't worry, girl, I will definitely take you back and treat you well."

(End of this chapter)

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