Chapter 158

Hearing the words of the young man in white, Wang Junya suddenly relaxed and passed out.


The Heavenly Demon Sect is located in the Northland and is the strongest sect among the Northland sects.

The Black Dragon Palace of the Heavenly Demon Sect is the residence of the young sect leader Xi Tianxing, and the young master in white who had previously rescued Wang Junya was sitting in the palace handling official duties.

Obviously this young man in white is addicted to heaven.

"Young Master, that girl is awake!" A maid in green came in to report.

After seeing this, the black-clothed guard standing behind Xitianxing nodded lightly to the green-clothed maid. The green-clothed maid nodded in understanding and exited the palace door.

"Young Master?" The guard in black said softly.

Xiantianxing put down the pen in his hand, stood up and said, "Well, I understand, let's go and see who this spiritual nun is who dares to ask the young master of the Demon Sect for help!"

From the looks of it, he was interested in Wang Junya.

The two of them left the main hall and soon came to Moju where Wang Junya lived. Wang Junya was lying on the bed with a pale face, observing the surrounding environment.

The furnishings here are simple, but elegant. I don’t know where this place is.

When she saw the young man in white who had rescued her come in, she just wanted to get up, but she felt that she had no strength in her body and no spiritual power at all.

She was in great pain, with a small oval-shaped face, two arched eyebrows slightly frowning at the top, and two strands of sweaty hair sticking to her face, which added to her pitiful temperament.

"Sir, may I ask what's wrong?" Wang Junya said weakly.

"Girl, don't move. Half of the bones in your upper body are broken. I have already asked the maid to help you apply medicine. With the medicine I prescribed, I believe that the girl's injury will be healed in a short time."

"I see, thank you very much, sir. Where is this place?" There is a formation that isolates spiritual consciousness outside the house. This is definitely not an ordinary place, let alone the mortal world.

Xitianxing laughed and asked, "What do you think this place is?"

"Looking at how thin the spiritual energy is here, could it be that it's in the far north?" Wang Junya guessed.

"Yes, you are right, this is the Heaven, Demon, and Sect of the Far North." After saying that, Xitianxing looked at her face playfully, hoping to see a look of horror and fear from above.

The Heavenly Demon Sect turned out to be the Demon Sect!A cold feeling suddenly rose in Wang Junya's heart. She was wary, but her face was innocent and charming, and her eyes were full of smiles.

"Young master is joking, how can you be from the Demon Sect? What's more, since you are a member of the Demon Sect, how can you save me? I am a spiritual cultivator. Demonic cultivation and spiritual cultivation have always been the same, but the master is Why are you willing to save me?"

"Although I am a demon cultivator, I have always liked your spiritual medical skills. I haven't treated this kind of injury on your body yet, and I just wanted to try it, so I brought you back. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. , by the way, and your brother, I will also cure him together." Xi Tianxing patiently explained the whole story to Wang Junya.

Hearing this, Wang Junya's guard gradually relaxed. Now she was powerless to prevent the other party from playing tricks. She had to think of a trick to make the other party be on guard.

"Oh~, thank you very much, Master. My name is Wang Junya, and my brother and I are both direct disciples of Taiyi Sect. We will definitely inform Master when we return, so that we can repay Master."

"Then I'll be waiting. By the way, Miss Wang can just call me Tianxing. There's no need to call me Young Master. It'll be too unfamiliar." Xi Tianxing smiled heartily, and he didn't look like a ruthless demon. build.

"Okay, Tianxing." Wang Junya's face was full of gentle smile.

The smile in Xiantianxing's eyes gradually deepened, "Miss Wang, have a good rest, I will go back first."

"Yes." Wang Junya responded obediently.

Xitianxing turned around and left, the smile on his face gradually disappearing.He turned out to be a disciple of the Taiyi Sect in the Eastern Region, which makes it much more interesting!

After half a month.

Li Yaozhi finally came out of seclusion. The injuries on her consciousness and muscles were almost healed. It was time for her to deal with some things.

First, she went to the deacon hall and took out two old disciple uniforms to show her uncle, and then asked her to spend 1000 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones to repair two sets of disciple uniforms belonging to medium-grade magic weapons.

If she were to participate in sect activities, it would be embarrassing if she didn't have a disciple uniform, so she had to make up for it.

After taking the shuttle to Huatianfang City, she still remembered the 21 low-grade magical artifacts that Yang Hui ordered for her.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, they saw Chen An and Yang Hui walking sweetly from the house. Judging from their appearance, Chen An must have obtained Senior Meng's permission, otherwise he wouldn't be so open-minded.

Chen An is still the same virtuous person, he talks non-stop when he sees Li Yaozhi.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you are finally here. If you don't come, I will think you have run away. Hui'er has put in a lot of effort to get those things of yours. Thank you for your hard work! Let me tell you, there was a guest here a few days ago. I accidentally saw your set of tools and wanted to buy them, saying that I was willing to spend [-] low-grade spiritual stones to buy them, but Hui'er didn't even sell them..."

"Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist Yang. I have something to do here, so I was delayed for a while. I'm really sorry, so I came as soon as I finished it." Li Yaozhi stepped forward to explain with an apology on his face.

Yang Hui secretly poked the talkative Chen An, "It doesn't matter, Fellow Daoist Li, as long as it's yours, I will keep it for you no matter how long you keep it, so don't worry."

Li Yaozhi held the gift with both hands and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

He went into the room with the two of them and took out the set of tools.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, can you repair magic weapons?" Li Yaozhi asked.

"Of course, Hui'er's weapon-making skills are very superb." Chen An answered first.

"That being the case, I want Fellow Daoist Yang to help me repair another magic weapon."

"of course can."

According to the rules, no one other than the weapon refiner can know the guest's request and the style of the magic weapon that the customer requests.

Previously, Li Yaozhi was not refining magical weapons related to fighting skills, so he did not have so many taboos.

Seeing Chen An consciously walking out of the room, Li Yaozhi took out the jade ruler and said, "Fellow Taoist, please see, there was a knife on it and it almost penetrated."

Yang Hui took it, looked at it for a while, and then said: "It can be repaired, but the refining materials used to repair this jade ruler are a bit expensive. It costs 5000 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones. I don't know if you may accept it."

"Okay, it would be better if fellow Taoist can change the appearance of this jade ruler."

Yang Hui pondered for a moment and then said: "Yes, I can help you transform it into the shape of a leaf for free. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

"Of course you can. Fellow Daoist's weapon refining skills are indeed superb. I am very relieved to hand it over to Fellow Daoist Yang." Li Yaozhi praised. She took out a storage bag containing 3000 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones. "I will pay the remaining balance for refining the tools and the spiritual stones for repairing this magical weapon!"

Yang Hui took the spirit stone and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, Yang Hui will definitely live up to his trust."

"Fellow Daoist Yang's craftsmanship is worthy of my treatment," Li Yao said.


(End of this chapter)

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