The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 178: Enlightenment and Introducing Qi into the Body

Chapter 178: Enlightenment and Introducing Qi into the Body

No wonder I am now a real ghost in the eyes of several beasts.

Could it be because there is a boundary between us, but now we are not in the human world but in the ghost world!

This is the territory of ghosts!
Thinking of this, Li Yaozhi suddenly realized something in his heart.

Therefore, there is a boundary between life and death, and a boundary between Yin and Yang. When certain conditions are reached, the boundary is broken. At this time, life and death can transform into each other, and Yin and Yang can also transform into each other.


"Brother Qi, what's wrong with eldest sister? Why is she motionless?"

With that said, Yaya was about to reach out and call Li Yaozhi.

Fortunately, Qi Yu caught Crow Crow's little hand in time.

Li Yaozhi here only felt that the spiritual platform was clear and bright. He seemed to have realized something very important, but he seemed to have realized nothing.

Then waves of cool gas poured into the soul.

After an unknown amount of time, she felt that her entire soul was uncomfortable, as if something was about to burst it.

At this time, four small hands were placed on her back and sucked away the things that made her uncomfortable, so she felt less uncomfortable.

Li Yaozhi slowly opened his eyes, "Crow Crow, Qi Yu, thank you."

Qi Yu pulled Crow Crow and walked out from behind her, "You're welcome, you are now an intermediate ghost cultivation base. Congratulations."

After hearing this, Li Yaozhi was shocked and frightened. He didn't want to practice the ghost cultivation technique, but what should he do now.

Qi Yu bent down and sat down and said: "I know your concerns. If you can keep your heart, you will not be deceived. The idea of ​​​​devouring ghosts comes from your desire. If you have no desire, how can you do it? Where is Lost?”

After hearing this, the panic in Li Yaozhi's heart dissipated a little, and she became interested in Qi Yu, who knew the answer no matter what she asked.

"Qi Yu, how do you know so many things? I'm afraid you are not the reincarnation of some great master!"

"No, I just read a few more books." Qi Yu confirmed, and then returned to his room.

Watching the other party leave, Li Yaozhi's imagination widened:

To be able to read such an important book, is he a young man from a down-and-out family?

Are you taking your sister to escape now?

Judging from the fact that these two little ghost children, who are not very cultivated, can live safely in the cabin, they are definitely not ordinary ghosts.

Seeing that Yaya hadn't left yet, she pulled him to sit down and said with a kind smile: "Yaoya, do you remember when you and your brother Qi died?"

Crow Crow thought for a while, but still looked confused, "I don't know when Brother Qi died. I only remember that I seem to have been a ghost since I was conscious and had memories."

Li Yaozhi looked at Crow Crow sitting on the stool, a small bunch of ghosts, and secretly resented that someone could bear to do something to such a young child.

"Then how did you meet your brother Qi?" Li Yaozhi asked again with great interest.

"I don't know, I only know that I met Brother Qi very early!" Crow Crow blinked his eyes.

"Oh fine!"

I thought I could dig out some important news, but I didn't expect to get only such an answer. Li Yaozhi was very disappointed.

"Sister, it's getting late. I'm going back to my room to practice." Crow Crow said.

"Okay, hey, don't you need to light candles to practice today?"

"No, you only need some white wax to practice when you want to make a breakthrough or when you can't calm down."

"That's right! Then go quickly!"

"Yeah." She watched Crow Crow walk towards her own room.

Li Yaozhi took out the black jade slip again and began to study the entire technique carefully.

It wasn't until an hour later that she recited it and understood the meaning of the entire exercise.

Returning to her room, she sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice the "Emperor Cultivation Technique".

Maybe it's because she has introduced the Yin spirit energy into her body, so now she can quickly enter the state by practicing this technique.

For seven consecutive days, Li Yaozhi stayed in his room to practice.

On this day, Li Yaozhi finally woke up and came to the living room. As soon as he left the door, he saw Qi Yu and Ya Ya walking over.

Looking at the fruits wrapped in leaves held in the arms of the two ghosts, she said, "You two are so diligent and have found so many fruits. Do you want to sell them?"

As soon as Yao Yao saw Li Yaozhi, he stepped forward and said, "Yes, big sister, it just so happens that you are awake today. It will be much safer if we go together."

"Okay, it just so happens that I have something to do." Li Yao said.

Because the three ghosts all had cultivation levels, they entered the ghost market much faster this time, taking a quarter of an hour less than last time.

After selling the fruit with the two little ghosts and going to the incense store to buy candles, Li Yaozhi bought a full box of candles with the money in his storage bag.

Thinking of the pile of useless things in the storage bag, she asked Qi Yu to take her to the sundries store to sell them all. The prices of makeup and clothing here were indeed not cheap, and everything in her hand was sold at a good price. .

With the money exchanged, Li Yaozhi bought a few jade slips introducing the elixirs, spiritual herbs, and elixirs of this place.

Because she didn’t have the bigu pill used by ghost cultivators, although she didn’t need to eat very much, Yaya and Qiyu couldn’t go hungry. Thinking that there was still some money left in the storage bag, they planned to take them shopping, hoping that they could Buy some delicious food.


It didn't take long for Li Yao and her three ghosts to finish shopping. Not only was she holding food in her hands, but her storage bag also contained the raw ingredients and cooked food she bought.

There are also some cooking tools and spices. With these, they can cook and eat in the house.

She didn't expect that the ghost world was the same as the human world, with everything. This was very different from what she had said in the novels she had read in modern times.

I think of some people who commit suicide because they don’t want to live. Even if they become ghosts, they still have to work hard for three meals a day. It’s even more difficult than when they were alive. I don’t know what they should think.

Thinking about it, I must regret it very much!
She didn't know if this ghost world was the underworld she knew, but judging from the situation here, it probably wasn't.

Just as the three ghosts were about to turn into another street, they saw a burst of noise from the group of ghosts on the opposite side. They all moved to the side of the road to clear a path in the middle of the road, and then there was silence.

Afraid of any accident, Li Yaozhi also hurriedly pulled the two ghosts to hide on the side of the road, imitating other ghosts and looking down at the ground.

I don’t know what kind of big shot this is coming!

Three majestic nine-tailed golden lions ran in front, pulling a golden chariot behind them.

There were a bunch of guards following the car.

It wasn't until the group was completely out of sight that the ghosts on the street dared to speak.

"It's the city lord!"

"I heard that the city lord is very handsome, but I don't know if it's true. It would be worth it if I could catch a glimpse of him before I die."

"Hey, I heard that the Lord of the City doesn't have a wife of the Lord of the City yet!"

"It's amazing that the Lord City Lord was able to defeat the previous City Lord. You must know that the previous City Lord was a ghost commander."

"I heard that the previous city lord had a daughter, but I don't know where that daughter is now."

(End of this chapter)

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