Chapter 179 The Way of Survival
Li Yaozhi, who was standing in the crowd, heard their words clearly and thought:
City Lord?

Changing ownership of a city is an extremely difficult matter.

It seems that the current city lord must be a ruthless character, otherwise, how could he easily defeat the previous city lord and win the position of city lord.

Besides, the ghost on the street never said a bad word about the previous city lord. Maybe the previous city lord was a virtuous one.

I just don’t know what means this city lord used to steal his position.


Li Yaozhi, who was deep in thought, was suddenly woken up by Crow Crow, "Sister, let's go!"


The three ghosts sneaked into the street and walked forward. Li Yao said: "Qi Yu, do you know what city lord they are talking about?"

"Netherworld Ghost City." Qi Yu said concisely.

"Have you been to that place?" Li Yaozhi asked.

"No, never been."

Li Yaozhi stopped and turned around and said to the two ghost boys: " you want to go there and see the world?"

"Okay, okay, big sister, I want to go." Upon hearing that she was going to the city, Crow Crow was very happy.

"Qi Yu, what do you think?"

"We don't have enough money to go to the Netherworld Ghost City, let alone survive there, which is even more difficult." Qi Yu said.

Hearing this, Li Yaozhi knew that he agreed.

"I'll figure it out about the silver."

Crow Crow was very happy, "Okay, great."

Seeing her happy look, Li Yaozhi was infected and unconsciously curled her lips and smiled.

Thinking that the spiritual herbs in this world must be sealed in jade boxes made of yin jade, she bought a dozen black yin jade boxes from a stall on the street.

Later, they felt there was nothing to see, so they went back.


In the early morning, the ghost world still gives people a gray feeling.

Li Yaozhi looked at the jade slips all night, and when he saw it was dawn outside the window, he put away the jade slips and went to the living room.

There were no ghosts in the hall, so she thought Crow Crow and Qi Yu were still practicing, so she took out the food from the storage bag and put it on the table in the living room.

She left a message to them on a thin board with a blackened stick, saying that she was going to the mountains and not to worry, she would be back later.

After putting the board on the table, she left the house and walked towards the mountain.

The Yin Spirit Qi in the running soul's body was given to the calf, and the speed was indeed much faster.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Li Yaozhi reached the mountainside and began to search for the spiritual herbs and elixirs recorded in the jade slips with his spiritual consciousness.

Perhaps there are not many ghosts living here, and not many spiritual herbs are picked here, so there are quite a lot of spiritual herbs available now.

After a while, many shadows of spiritual herbs and elixirs appeared in her sight. Li Yaozhi was as happy as a little squirrel who had found food for the winter and began to run around the mountain digging for spiritual plants.

As she dug, she muttered, "It's a 10-year-old black primrose. I just dug two 3-year-old ones. If you sell these three together, you should be able to get a tael of silver, hehe!"

Next, she dug up soul-benefiting grass, soul-loosening grass, skull ghost grass, soul-nurturing grass, and later found a soul-thorning fruit tree.

The soul-piercing fruit is highly poisonous. If a ghost touches the liquid in this fruit, he will feel the pain of thousands of arrows piercing the soul.

So she was extremely careful when picking, fearing an accident. She simply pulled out her sword, started from the handle of the fruit, and chopped off more than a dozen purple fruits as big as her fist.Later I dug some other spiritual herbs.

She estimated that these spiritual plants could be sold for a lot of money, and it was getting late, so she went back.


As soon as she opened the door, she saw Qi Yu and Ya Ya sitting at the table, looking eagerly outside. Seeing her come in, Ya Ya hurriedly came to greet her.

"Sister, what did you do in the mountains?"

"I went for a walk in the mountains and picked some spiritual herbs. In this way, we can get a lot of silver."

With that said, Li Yaozhi took out a black jade box and opened it for them to see.

Seeing the contents of the jade box, Crow Crow raised his head happily and said to her: "It's true! Big sister is awesome for finding so many spiritual herbs."

"Yes, hahaha."

Suddenly, Li Yaozhi thought of something. She looked at Qi Yu who was sitting at the table and said, "Qi Yu, you should also know the spiritual grass on the mountain! Then why would you rather go hungry than collect the spiritual grass and sell it to buy things? eat?"

"Yes, I know."

As soon as he said this, Yaya looked at Qi Yu in surprise and felt a little angry. He thought about how uncomfortable he felt when he was hungry, but Brother Qi was unwilling to collect medicine and sell it to buy food...

But then she thought, Brother Qi should have his own thoughts, so she asked: "Brother Qi, why do you..."

"Crow Crow, that's because my brother wants to take you to live for a long time, instead of just coveting a temporary meal. If it weren't for the two of us who are very weak, the house we live in would be in disgrace, and we would still be hungry all day long. It makes the ghosts living around here look down on us, so we can survive until today." Qi Yu felt uncomfortable after saying this.

"Hey... Qi Yu, your brother has done very well, very well, really!" Li Yaozhi patted his shoulder and consoled him.

Crow Crow threw herself into Qi Yu's arms and choked with sobs: "Brother Qi, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

"It doesn't matter. That day, I saw that Crow Crow was really hungry and couldn't find anything to eat anywhere. I was about to take her to the mountain to collect medicine. Unexpectedly, I happened to meet you coming down the mountain. After that, you took us to find a fruit. Only when we have more places can we quench this hunger." Qi Yu said to Li Yao while holding Ya Yao in his arms.

"Well, this is also our fate. Don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements for you before I leave." Li Yaozhi bent down and looked into Qi Yu's eyes and promised.

"Thank you, big sister." Qi Yu lowered his eyes and said softly.

Li Yaozhi was surprised and happy to hear that Qi Yu actually called her big sister like Crow Crow. She smiled and sat down at the table and took out all the cooked food she bought that day.

"Come on, come and have dinner. Tomorrow we will set off to the ghost market to exchange money, and then take a car to the Netherworld Ghost City."

"Yeah, yeah." Crow Crow responded.

Xu Shi was frightened by hunger. When it came to eating, Yayao was more active than anyone else. She quickly got out of Qi Yu's arms, ran to Li Yaozhi and sat down. She took a chicken drumstick that Li Yaozhi handed her and stuffed it into her mouth.

Qi Yu sighed secretly and walked to the table to sit down and eat.


After the three ghosts finished eating and tidied up, seeing that it was still early, the three ghosts started chatting.


"I picked a lot of spiritual herbs today. If I sell them all, I can probably sell them for more than 100 taels of silver!" Li Yaozhi said, thinking about the contents of the storage bag.

"Then we can have a lot of money. This is really great." Crow Crow danced happily.

"Yeah, so much good..."

As soon as Li Yaozhi answered the call, she saw a lot of white smoke coming out of her room opposite. The white smoke was very obvious in the dark interior.

The smoke was definitely not a good thing, so she hurriedly covered her and Crow Crow's mouths and noses.

At this time, Qi Yu also noticed the smoke, and followed Li Yaozhi's example and covered his mouth and nose with the clothes on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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