The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 192 Another use of Shen Yun Mirror and visitors from the ghost world

Chapter 192 Another use of the Shen Yun Mirror and visitors from the ghost world
Li Yaozhi returned to the camp with the large army. After bidding farewell to Senior Brother Yunzhong, he entered the tent and found that there were already three beautiful female cultivators meditating on other wooden beds.

She didn't interrupt, just sat cross-legged on the bed like them, seizing the time to meditate and practice.

She needed to fully charge her dantian and white jade bracelet with spiritual power. Otherwise, the spiritual power in her dantian alone would not be enough.


At night, the moonlight is bright, illuminating the earth brightly.

When she woke up from practice, she was the only one left in the tent.

How strange!
Get out of the tent.

I saw lights shining in other tents, and it was obvious that there were people inside.

Maybe they have something going on!
Suddenly I felt a slight pain in my right chest.

By the way, she was stabbed by a ghost soldier in that passage earlier, and she was still not fully recovered. She had to quickly find a suitable place to use the Shenyun Mirror to heal her wounds.

But this is a plain area, there are no hills at all, and there is no hidden place at all.

It would be great if I could live in a tent by myself. Unfortunately, this idea is almost impossible. However, I can build a cabin of my own.

Thinking of this, Li Yaozhi counted the remaining wood in the space to build the small building.

She found that with the remaining wood, it was more than enough to build a small cabin for just her to live in.

After looking around the Taiyimen camp, she finally found an open space in a corner. She immediately took out the tools and wood and started working.

With the help of spiritual power, she quickly and quietly built an 8-square-meter wooden house.

After returning to her tent and packing up her bedding, she sent a message to Yunzhong to inform him of her current location.

After returning to the wooden house, she set up the formation and asked A Hong to perform illusions to ensure that even if the immortal came, what she would see would be her sitting in the room simply meditating.

She took out a futon and placed it on the ground, sat cross-legged, and placed the Shenyun Mirror on her legs.

The moonlight outside the window shines in, is absorbed by the Shen Yun Mirror, and then released.

The white spiritual light shines on the body, slowly repairing the injuries of the soul body.

Since she had used up all the Yin spirit energy in her soul today, she took out two Yin stones to replenish the Yin energy.


Somehow, she felt that the Yin Qi in the Yin Stone tonight was cooler and purer than before.

And soon, the Dantian of her soul body was filled with liquid that was half of the refined Yin spirit energy.

How is this going?

She continued to practice and revealed her spiritual consciousness.

I saw the white light emitted by the Shen Yun Mirror shining on my body. Part of it was used to repair the injuries on the soul body, and part of it was refined and entered the Dantian of the soul body.

This is……!
Put your hand on the mirror and feel the white light.

It was indeed the coolness and purity she had just felt.

Clean up the rubble scattered on the ground.

[After all the Yin spirit energy in the Yin stone is absorbed, it becomes a piece of waste stone]

Run the ghost cultivation technique and directly absorb the white light released by the Shen Yun Mirror. As expected, this white light is comparable to the Yin spirit energy emitted by the middle-grade spiritual veins in the ghost world.

If the moonlight shining into the house today were brighter, wouldn't it be comparable to high-grade spiritual veins? ! !

She thought that after leaving the ghost world, her cultivation would be put on hold. Unexpectedly, she now has such a good treasure, which is her spiritual vein that she carries with her!

that is really good!
The Divine Cloud Mirror is simply an artifact! ! !
No, it's more magical than an artifact! ! !
Li Yaozhi was so happy that she screamed and jumped excitedly in the wooden house.

Fortunately, she had arranged the formation earlier, otherwise, the disciples of Taiyi Sect would have thought she was crazy!

"Master, what's wrong with you? What good things have happened to you?" A Hong's head was full of questions and she didn't understand why Li Yaozhi suddenly became like this.

Li Yaozhi held Shen Yunjing in his arms and said mysteriously to A Hong: "Of course it's a good thing, a huge good thing! Hahaha, but I can't tell you what it is specifically now. Maybe you will know it later. .”

"Yeah." A Hong nodded obediently.


In the following time, ghost cultivators and spiritual cultivators seemed to have reached an agreement, and the battle pattern was repeated every day:

Monks below the Golden Core level need to go out to fight at sunrise every day and come back after sunset. During this time, even if there are no ghost cultivators to invade, they must prepare for war on the battlefield to prevent them from attacking at any time!

At other times, Jindan Zhenren and Yuanying Zhenjun go to battle.

Under such intensity of work, after Li Yaozhi came back from the battlefield every day, he immediately went back to the wooden house to practice and replenish his magic power, without any free time.

Of course, almost all other monks are in this state.

This battle lasted for more than a month, and both sides suffered heavy casualties!

Not long ago, when Li Yaozhi was fighting alone with a ghost soldier with an intermediate cultivation level, he suddenly felt an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Fortunately, she had the protection of Yun Zhong and other senior brothers, so she was successfully promoted, so she is now a monk at the twelfth level of Qi training.

The Ghost Cultivation Technique, Xiu Huang Jue, also progressed to the middle stage of Evil Ghost.

Today, she came out of the wooden house early to gather and saw a group of female practitioners gathering together to chat. With the intention of eating melon, she bit a spiritual fruit and quietly approached them without leaving any trace, so that she could hear clearly what they were talking about.

"Hey, have you seen Zhenjun Jiuli in these days?"

"Of course I have seen it. One day I went out to look for Huan'er and happened to see all the True Lords coming back from the battlefield. One of them, the True Lord in purple clothes, was particularly handsome. He looked so beautiful! He is truly worthy of Noden. The top ten beautiful men in the painting!" Jun'er, the female cultivator in green, said with an intoxicated expression.

"Really? I will stay here when I come back today. I must see how handsome this true king is! You are actually allowed to say these words." The woman in red, Ming'er, didn't believe it.

"Jun'er, how come I haven't heard of the top ten beauties in paintings you mentioned?" Xiu Zhu'er, a woman in yellow, asked doubtfully.

The female cultivator in green tapped the tip of Pearl's nose and said with a smile:
"Oh, of course you don't know, you are a person who only knows how to practice all day long.

The ten most beautiful men in the painting were selected privately, and few people knew about it.

Let me tell you quietly, now only Lingyun Pavilion sells pictures of Zhenjun Jiuli's handsome men!

Earlier, as soon as the portrait of Zhenjun Jiuli came out, people in the public were amazed!Later, I heard that some people repainted the paintings and then sold them in the mortal world. A painting cost 100 taels of silver and was robbed by mortals. "

"Really? As you can tell, I also want to meet this true king!"

"Shuang'er, you have to take a good look today, hahaha." The female cultivator in green suddenly came over and whispered in Shuang'er's ear.

"You! You're naughty again."

After listening to what they said, Li Yaozhi thought that he was a bunch of nymphomaniacs again, hey...

Isn’t it just that he looks more handsome?

Now, for them to treat a somewhat handsome male cultivator like this, he really has very little experience!

I have seen beautiful men of all ages, such as Feng Bai from Tianyin Sect, grandson Xiao from Guiyi Sect, Wu You from Immortal Sword Sect, male cultivator among the top ten heroes from Taiyi Sect, Wei Wenqi from Wanfa Peak, Zhongjie You Zongze...

These male cultivators each have their own characteristics and belong to different types of handsome men. Could it be that Zhenjun Jiuli is even more handsome than them? ?

She shook her head. The answer to this question was negative in her mind.

After eating the spiritual fruit, use the Water Diversion Technique to clean your hands, then use the Wind Gathering Technique to dry your hands, and return to your usual standing position.

I don’t know what confidential matters Senior Brother Yun has been doing in the past few days, and I haven’t seen him yet.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go!" the leading uncle said loudly.


When they arrived on the battlefield, after waiting for a while, they saw the army of ghost soldiers on the opposite side pressing towards them like black clouds.

Li Yao's expression did not change, and he was even used to it.

She tucks the Nine Turtle Flag into her clothes to prevent the opponent from attacking, and she can quickly resist it.

As for her plum blossom handkerchief, it had been torn in half and completely ruined.

The blue cassock he was originally wearing, as well as the disciple's uniform outside, were also damaged and lost their defensive capabilities.

"Come on!" The foundation-building master uncles in front shouted loudly. "Come on!" the qi training disciple at the back continued.

Li Yaozhi met three ghost soldiers.

The Xuanbing Sword, Phoenix Bracelet, and Rope came out at the same time, quickly killing two ghost cultivators. As for the other ghost cultivator whose legs and feet were tied, she also pierced the Dantian with her sword.

Seeing this scene, the other ghost cultivators around him hesitated and did not dare to step forward, but Li Yaozhi took the opportunity to defeat them one by one.


The two sides were fighting fiercely.

Suddenly, a huge black spaceship came from the front, with densely packed ghost cultivators standing above it, many of them high-level ghost cultivators.

The ghost soldiers on the field burst into cheers when they saw it, but the spiritual cultivators who fought against them seized the opportunity and died easily.

The spiritual cultivators were extremely surprised. While killing the ghost soldiers, they said:

"What's going on? Why did the other party suddenly arrive with reinforcements?"

"Uncle Master, call the real masters quickly, we may not be their opponents."

"This must be their conspiracy. Why don't we withdraw first?"


The uncles at the front were also very surprised by this incident and hurriedly sent news to the camp.

"Don't be afraid, I have reported this matter to Zhenjun, and they will be here soon!"


"That's good."


The spiritual cultivators were talking among themselves while killing the ghost soldiers.

At this moment, the spacecraft slowly descended downwards.

Seeing this scene, the spiritual practitioners were a little panicked, but the ghost soldiers were very happy.


The ghost cultivator on the spaceship seemed familiar to Li Yaozhi no matter how he looked at it.

It seemed that some of the ghost cultivators had fought with her in the City Lord's Mansion in the ghost world, while others were ghost soldiers who had surrendered to the City Lord's Mansion.

Yes, it is indeed them!

After looking at it for a while, she came to this conclusion.

Why are they here?Li Yaozhi was extremely confused about this.

"Those ghost cultivators are crazy, how can they kill?"

Suddenly hearing these words, she suddenly raised her head and looked up, and saw the ghost cultivators coming off the boat slaughtering the ghost soldiers.

They are...

"Don't worry about so much. In short, the current situation is very beneficial to our side, kill!"

I don't know who yelled such a sentence.

After hearing this, everyone's confidence increased greatly, and they killed the ghost soldiers as if they had divine help.


The camp is not far from the battlefield. It stands to reason that the Nascent Soul Master would arrive immediately after receiving the transmission message. However, the strange thing is that no Nascent Soul Master arrived at this time.

Just because the lair of these ghost soldiers was finally discovered, the real masters of various sects are fighting with the high-level ghost cultivators in the lair.

Yun Zhong, whom Li Yaozhi had not seen for a long time, was also among them.

Just as they were fighting, a black spaceship also appeared here.

After the ghost cultivators on the ship came down, they began to attack the ghost soldiers.


After a long period of fighting, all the ghost soldiers on the battlefield were gone.

A high-level ghost cultivator who had come down from the spaceship stopped his attack and spread his voice throughout the battlefield. He said:

"Listen to the ghost soldiers here, Wu Yaodao has been killed. The new city lord is Chen Liusheng, and the young city lord is Jin Shaowei. As long as you are willing to surrender, you can return to the ghost world safely."

"Great, I want to go back! Never stay in this barren ghost place again!"

"I can go home! Hahaha."

"I...I surrender, I want to go back!"


The ghost weapons in the hands of the ghost soldiers were taken away by the ghost cultivators as soon as they were released.

Gui Xiufei got on the boat and lowered a long ladder from the top, "Okay, you all come on board, we will return immediately."

The ghost soldiers boarded the spaceship happily, even happier than they had won the battle.

The monks watched the spaceship gradually fly out of their sight, and pieced together a story based on what the ghost cultivators who got off the spacecraft said.

It is estimated that when they return to the Eastern Region, there will be many different versions of the story about the invasion of the human world by ghost soldiers.

Maybe some people will intentionally usurp the story of love, hate, and hatred among the powerful people in the ghost world who compete for power.

The war has been going on for so long, and today it finally comes to an end. The disciples are naturally very happy.

"Uncle Master, the ghost soldiers have retreated, shouldn't we go back too?" someone said.

"Well, let's go back. We just got the news that the real masters from various sects have joined forces to find the ghost soldiers' lair.

Strange black ships also appeared in places governed by sects such as the Divine Beast Palace, Yaowang Palace, and Snow Lotus Valley that were far away from us. The result was the same as ours, and they won. "


"Finally, these evil-doing devils have been driven away!"

"Hey, I can finally go back! I've been on tenterhooks here all day."

"If senior brother was not seriously injured, he would have been able to see these ghost soldiers look like bereft dogs!"


The monks talked non-stop, as if they could talk all day long.

Li Yaozhi smiled slightly and returned to the camp with the others.


Three days later, Li Yaozhi, who was practicing in the wooden house, heard a burst of cheers outside.

Could it be that the real masters who went to strangle the ghost soldiers' lair are back?
There were too many monks here who were higher than her, so she didn't dare to check with her spiritual sense rashly.

He opened the door and ran outside. When he arrived at the field in front of the tent, he saw only Yun Zhong?
"Hey, Senior Brother Yun, are you back? Then...where are the others?"

"All the real masters have gone back to their tents to rest. Junior sister Li, you can go back tomorrow."

"What about senior brother? Aren't you going back with us?" Li Yaozhi felt strange after hearing this.

"I won't go back yet. You see, although the people from the ghost world have gone back, the tunnel they dug through is still there. We have to find a way to make up for it."

"Is it so troublesome? Wouldn't it be better to let the people from the ghost world plug up the hole?"

"This is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Now that the boundary wall between the two realms has been penetrated, it is equivalent to a hole being poked in the sky. It is completely impossible to just plug it with ordinary things. It will not be long before it is blown away by the raging storm. Come on, if there are ghosts with evil intentions coming down to this world, it will be a catastrophe for Cangyuan Continent." Yun Zhong was worried.

"What should we do?" Li Yaozhi frowned, feeling worried.

"This...hey...I don't know either!"

(End of this chapter)

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