Chapter 193 Foundation Building
On the second day, when the sun had just risen, Li Yaozhi came out of the wooden house, dismantled the wooden house in twos and twos, and put the removed wooden boards into the storage ring.

After bidding farewell to Yunzhong, he boarded the spaceship returning to the sect.

Since there were many monks on the spaceship this time, she shared a room with three female monks.

She also knew these three female nuns. They were the three who gossiped in front of the camp that day, especially the female nun in green. She remembered them deeply.

As soon as the three people entered the room, they were muttering incessantly in one place. Maybe they had set up a soundproof array. She couldn't hear a word of the words, and could only see them dancing and looking extremely excited.

Seeing this, she touched her nose, took out the futon, and started practicing!
Although the spaceship is large, it is extremely fast. Li Yaozhi feels that her shuttle cannot keep up with the speed of the spacecraft.

Five days later, the spacecraft returned to Taiyi Gate.

After getting off the spaceship, she immediately rushed back to the cave and took the time to practice. She wanted to build the foundation as soon as possible.


Hall of Oneness

The headmaster stood in the center of the hall, listening to Master Yunfeng's report. After listening, he let out a long sigh and said:

"After this battle, the strength of the Immortal Cultivation World has been weakened a lot, and our sect has suffered heavy losses. However, compared with other sects, Tianyi Sect is still doing well."

"Yes, especially in Biling Valley, Guiyi Sect, Yaowang Palace and the Rogue Cultivators Alliance, only one-third of the monks sent there survived."

"Where are the disciples who you said were destroyed now, with only their souls left?" The leader asked again.

Master Yunfeng handed over a purple gourd, "It's in this soul-nurturing gourd."

The leader took it and looked at it with his spiritual consciousness, "There are 25 disciples' souls in it."


"Put this purple gourd here with me first, and I will help them find a good way out."

"What the leader means..." Master Yunfeng tried.

"Do you and I still need to be so indifferent? You can just call me uncle. It doesn't hurt to tell you. I happen to have a ghost cultivation technique here. If they don't have any objections, they can give it a try."

"Oh, uncle, if they don't want to..."

"Hey..., if they don't want to, it depends on their luck. It would be better if they can find someone who just died and let them seize the body. If they can't find it..."

"If you practice ghost cultivation techniques, as long as you reach the level of ghost general, you will have an opportunity to shape your body. I believe they will not miss it, but have you found a place suitable for ghost cultivation?" Master Yunfeng thought for a while. road.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think those ghost soldiers relied on to practice after they came to the human world?"

"Oh, Yunfeng is stupid, but my uncle is still smart!"



In the space, Li Yaozhi's whole body was soaked in the cold pool, holding a lotus seed of the Twelve Turn Ice Heart Lotus in his mouth, and at the same time running the Nine Nether Ice Heaven Scripture.

The cold power emanating from the cold pool and lotus seeds made her almost unbearable.

Veins burst out on her forehead, and she gritted her teeth and told herself that it would be over if she endured it, and only by enduring it could she become a master.

If she were to relax a little and stop the running technique, I'm afraid she would turn into a thick ice sculpture in the next second, and A Feng and the others would have to come to save her.

Unknowingly, the lotus seeds in his mouth were completely refined and disappeared.

Hantan doesn't seem that cold anymore.

However, it is always just a little short of foundation building.

Why is this?

She put on her clothes, left the space cave, and went to the library to find some books and jade slips to read.

After reading it, she felt like she had found the reason.

Now, the ice spiritual power in her Dantian is much more than the fire spiritual power, and the two are unbalanced.

Therefore, she now only needs to increase the fire spiritual power, and then supplement it with two types of spiritual objects to successfully build the foundation.

As for the Foundation Establishment Pill, she was unwilling to eat it.

She wants to build the foundation perfectly!

But what she lacks now is the fire element.

Looks like I have to go to Lingyun Pavilion!

Thinking of this, she immediately left the sect and came to Huatianfang City. After selling the things she specially bought in the middle world, she got a large amount of spiritual stones.

Then we went to Lingyun Pavilion.

As soon as she entered the door, she directly stated her needs. After hearing this, the shopkeeper said that she was lucky, and two treasures came to her today.

The shopkeeper brought three jade boxes, which were filled with fire-type spiritual objects.

They are the seventh-level spiritual object fire grass, the eighth-level spiritual object guncotton, and the ninth-level spiritual object fire thorn.

One of Li Yao took a look at it, asked the price, and decided to buy all three treasures.

Not only did she spend all the spiritual stones she had just exchanged, but she also lost the Millennium Sea Ganoderma lucidum, Jiuqu Qinglian and 5 barrels of medium-grade spiritual wine.

After the transaction between the two parties, Li Yaozhi said goodbye, and the shopkeeper enthusiastically sent her out the door.

Returning to the top of the mountain, she put down the futon on the other side away from the cave, sat cross-legged, swallowed the fire Ganoderma lucidum, and used fire exercises to absorb the power of the fire spirit.

The fire spiritual power in her dantian gradually increased until it was equal to the ice spiritual power. At this time, she only absorbed one-third of the fire spiritual power.

Put a lotus seed from the Twelve-turn Ice Heart Lotus into your mouth.

Her body suddenly fell into the realm of ice and fire, and she tried to run the two systems of ice and fire skills at the same time.

Gradually, her heart filled with joy.

The two systems of skills can actually operate at the same time. She was just trying it out, but she didn't expect...

After an unknown amount of time, her Dantian muscles and veins were filled with spiritual energy. She closed her eyes in pain and tried hard to maintain a meditative posture. She felt as if she had changed to a different space.

This space is divided into two halves, one half is the fiery red flame ooze, and the other half is the silver cold mountain glacier.

And neither of them offends each other.

She stood confused where the ice and fire met, not knowing what to do.

What's even more strange is that she doesn't feel any discomfort in this space.

Try to squat down, put your hands on both sides, and touch the flames and glaciers.

At this moment, a strong wind came from nowhere and blew in her face, causing her to close her eyes unconsciously. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was back again.

The spiritual energy gathered around her was swirling around her, as if looking for an opportunity to squeeze into her body.

The muscles and veins in Dantian no longer swell and hurt, maybe they have found another place to stay.


There was thunder in the sky.

A thunderstorm is coming!

"A Hong, set up the magic array!"

"Okay master, don't worry if you leave it to me! I will never let anyone see anything strange about you."


He took out all the nine formation flags of the Nine Turtle Flag and formed a defensive formation to protect her within it.

Put on the best magic weapon, the Glazed Flower Clothes, and the blue robe obtained in the middle realm.

Put the changed green leaf magic weapon into your arms.

He took out a bottle of medium-grade spiritual wine, a bottle of rejuvenating elixir, a bottle of top-grade rejuvenating elixir, and three bottles of hemostatic elixir and put them into the storage bag on his waist.

Everything is ready, waiting for the thunder disaster to arrive.

"Here we come, master, be careful!" Ah Hong exclaimed and immediately hid in the spirit beast bag.


The first purple thunder fell, and the defensive array previously deployed in the cave trembled slightly, almost breaking the formation flag.

[This formation is temporarily called the first defensive formation] The second purple thunder came down, the first defensive formation's suppressing formation flag completely collapsed, and the second defensive formation formed by the Nine Turtle Flags was also almost destroyed.

The third purple thunder almost knocked the Nine Turtle Flag into powder.


Under the blue sky and white clouds, dark clouds gathered on the mountain peak where Li Yaozhi lived, and purple thunder dragons descended with loud sounds that shook the sky.

The disciples of Taiyi Sect saw this scene from a distance and knew in their hearts that someone was building a foundation.

However, seeing that this person was going through the tribulation in the cave where he lived, he must be an ordinary disciple.

Good people gathered together and discussed.

Wanfu Peak

"Hey, do you know who is going through the tribulation?" said a baby-faced disciple.

"I don't know! I don't know!" said the person next to the baby face.

"It should be a disciple of Alchemy Peak! But I don't know who it is specifically!" A disciple in black came over.

Wan Renfeng

"Do you think this person can make it through?"

"It's hard to say. Look at the power of this sixth purple thunder. It is the most powerful sixth thunder I have ever seen in my life." Two steps away, a square-faced man with a knife clicked his tongue twice and spoke. road.

"This person shouldn't be able to resist. Look, the robes she wears are torn into strips. Does this mean she has no defensive weapon?"


The leader seemed to be aware of it and came out of Taiyi Hall, followed by three elders.

Elder Chen from the Alchemy Peak reached out his consciousness and said after only three breaths: "Dong Yi, it's your registered disciple who is going through the Foundation Establishment Thunder Tribulation."

"Oh, let me see." Then, the leader smiled and said: "It is indeed my little disciple!"

"Well, judging from how young she is, is she earlier than Jiuli who established the foundation?" Elder Liu of Wanfu Peak asked.

"Yes, my disciple is only 14 years old this year, and Jiu Li only established the foundation when he was 15 years old." The leader spoke with an obvious intention of showing off.

"The female disciple Dong Yi has taken is good! After seven thunder tribulations, she still has a straight back and is not timid. She can compete with the thunder tribulations with her own strength. She is a good seedling." Elder Sun of Zhongzhong Peak said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I'd like to thank Elder Sun for the compliment on her behalf!" the leader said with a smile.


While the eighth thunder calamity was brewing above, Li Yaozhi hurriedly ate two pills of rejuvenation, rejuvenation, and hemostasis, and drank several large gulps of spiritual wine.

She didn't know if she was drunk, she felt a little dizzy, but even so, she didn't forget to use the cleaning technique to clean up the blood flowing out of her body after taking the medicine, and threw it into the space.

Two defensive artifacts have been destroyed.

She once again exported all the spiritual power newly generated in her dantian out of her body, forming a thick defensive shield.

The eighth thunderstorm descended with a roar, and she lowered her head to protect A Hong who was in the spirit beast bag under her neck.

The defensive cover was shattered, and the three layers of cassocks on his body were reduced to tattered strips of cloth. There were wounds on his back, and the blood stained the blue cassocks.

There was a buzzing in my head.

Don't get a concussion!she thought to herself.

She immediately repeated the previous operation, swallowed the elixir, drank the spirit wine, and performed the cleaning technique.

For fear of being exposed, she didn't dare to move, so she took out a set of blue robes and a set of disciple uniforms from the ring, and quickly put them on.

Seeing the thunder disaster brewing in the sky for a long time, the purple thunder and lightning twisted and circled, gradually converging towards the center.

This ninth thunder tribulation is definitely more difficult to deal with.

Finally survived the eight thunder tribulations.

Hey, it’s not easy to save this little life!

Thinking of this, she took out the gun cotton fruit, took a bite, put the rest back, and put a lotus seed from Bingxinlian in her mouth.

Run the skills and seize the time to absorb the spiritual energy.

Like a purple dragon condensed into substance, the purple thunder jumped down from the dark cloud-covered sky and flew toward Li Yaozhi with the force of thunder.

boom! ! !
After a loud noise.

Li Yaozhi fell to the ground, her long black hair hanging loosely on her body, and the layers of cassocks were torn into strands and tangled with them.

She felt as if all the bones in her body were broken, and her body hurt as if she had been stabbed.

My eyes seemed to be stuck with glue and I couldn't open them.

There seemed to be millions of bees flying and buzzing in her head, making her unable to hear any sounds from the outside world.

"Master, master, wake up!" A Hong stuck her head out and shouted in her heart. Seeing that Li Yao didn't come back, she was a little scared, and cried out: "Master, master, wake up, your The thunderstorm has passed, did you abandon Ahong and the other brothers and sisters? Ugh..."

Crying?Who is crying?
who is it?

My head hurts so much!
Stop crying, whose child can cry so much!
Hmm... It seems to be Ah Hong's cry!
What is she crying about? I have to go and see!
"A... Hong... A..." Li Yaozhi closed his eyes and shouted weakly, just wanting A Hong to stop crying.

Ahong was ecstatic when she heard Li Yaozhi's voice. She said loudly and happily:
"Well, it's the master calling me. Great, master, you're awake!"

"Yeah." Li Yaozhi tried his best to reply.

My body seemed to have strength and I slowly opened my eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, a dazzling golden light suddenly emitted from the sky, making her almost close her eyes again.

The golden light shone on her body, and she felt that her injuries were slowly getting better.

After a while, her upper body was able to stand up straight.

Raise your stiff arms and place them on your legs, and use your hands to perform the exercises.


Alchemy Peak

"What do you think that is?" the nun in red asked.

"That's divine light!" The woman in brown clothes came over, smelling burnt. Her whole body was in a mess. It was obvious that she had just failed to make an elixir.

"Divine Light?"

"Yes, whenever a monk is seriously injured and survives a thunderstorm, a healing idol will descend. Sometimes it is light, sometimes it is rain, and the range is large and small. If the range of this junior sister's divine light is larger, we can also catch it. .”

"This divine light is incredible. The fact that divine light can fall from the sky means that this junior sister can go further, and at least she can cultivate to the Nascent Soul." The words of the two were heard by the male cultivator in white next to them, and the male cultivator answered. The words said.

"Not long ago, Wang Junya, a direct disciple of Wanfa Peak, did not have divine light when he was building the foundation." The female cultivator in red spoke softly and looked harmless, but the meaning behind her words was not that.


The three of them fell into silence for a while. No one knew how to answer this question or whether they should say what they were thinking.


Bathed in the golden light, Li Yaozhi felt that the broken bones were slowly growing and healing.

The wound on the back was extremely horrific. Not only was the flesh and blood blurred and burnt, but the shape of the crack was as if it had been torn apart with both hands. It was slowly growing pink and tender new flesh. skin.

The wound becomes smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye until it disappears completely.

Half an hour later, the golden light disappeared.

She felt relaxed and comfortable all over, and there was no pain at all.

When he opened his eyes, he saw people standing on the surrounding mountains.

She was startled, looking down and seeing her ragged appearance, she quickly took out a large fox fur and put it on her body, covering herself tightly.

Why haven't they left yet?she thought.

"Thank you for your concern, please come back!" Li Yaozhi said loudly.

"You're welcome, junior sister! Congratulations on establishing your foundation." A familiar teasing laugh came from above her head. She turned around and saw that it was Zhong Yiming!

(End of this chapter)

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