Chapter 207 Angry Li Yaozhi

"I saw you didn't come back for a long time, and I was a little worried, so I came to take a look." Xi Tianxing said, putting his arm around her waist.

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered? After all, you..." Wang Junya held his arm and said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, can you see anything unusual about me?"

Wang Junya looked up and down and said with a smile, "How did you do that?"

"You don't have to worry about it. How about the thing I asked you to do?"

"Tell me first what you want to do?" Wang Junya glanced at him and took out a black fish jade pendant.

"It's okay to tell you that anyone who gets close to this piece of jade and can make it white is a person with a special physique. You also know that I have a natural disease, and I want to find them... to exchange my life!" Speak slowly.

Wang Junya said in surprise: "In this case, Tianxing, you will be saved. For your sake, I don't have to worry about the friendship with the same family. I put the jade pendant on Xiao Jia in the imperial dining room. When he was serving dishes in the palace, I saw When he got close to Li Yaozhi and Shui Qingdan, the jade pendant turned white."

"Do you have their portraits?" Xi Tianxing was very happy and said impatiently.

"Wait a minute, I'll carve their images into the jade slips." After a while, she handed the jade slips in her hand to Xiantianxing.

He got the jade slips, looked at them, put them away, put Wang Junya in his arms again, and whispered in her ear: "Very good, Ya'er, you have helped me a lot. After I am done with the matter, I will definitely I will make you the young sect master’s wife.”

"Don't be like this, Tian Xing. If you fall out with the sect, it will be my fault. As long as I can see you often, I will be very satisfied." Wang Junya's face was full of sweetness.

"Ya'er..." Xi Tianxing called out movedly.

Change your life! ! !There was an uproar in Li Yaozhi's heart.

mdzz, damn Wang Junya, you want to harm me again. Fortunately, I heard it here today, otherwise I wouldn’t know that you were directing it from behind.

However, this person named Xiantianxing seems to be the young demon cultivator who likes Wang Junya in the book, and Shui Qingtan. The Shui Qingtan in the book never came back after going out for training, so he must have been harmed by this demon cultivator. Already?

And judging from the relationship between the two, it is very impure. Does Wang Junya not like her master?Thinking of this, she couldn't wrap her head around it. What the hell kind of plot is this? It's such a mess!grass
No, according to the development of the plot, Wang Junya should not know this young demon cultivator now.

Before traveling through time, she usually didn't have much time to read novels, so she often skipped reading, just like swallowing a date in one gulp. Therefore, in the book, what did Wang Junya do in the North after the middle stage of foundation building, and how he formed elixirs. , she really doesn’t know.

Seeing that the two people in the distance had not left yet, she was a little anxious: It's getting late now, I have to go back quickly, I need to hug him back, it's so cold, so I don't mind being too cold!snort.

No matter what, I'm tired from squatting for so long. Let's go to the space and take a rest!
In the blink of an eye, she was sitting on a chair in the space, holding a spiritual fruit in her hand and chewing on it one bite at a time.

"Come out, I know you are there and I know who you are?"

When she heard this, she was startled, stopped her movements, and looked out through the space carefully, not missing every corner.

who?Are there other people in this bamboo forest?

But after looking for a long time, no one was found?

Suddenly seeing the fresh and tender bamboo shoot she dug, she had the answer in her mind. There should have been a disciple of the wood spiritual root practicing magic here just now, so an inappropriate bamboo shoot was born.

A disciple of the wood spiritual root?There are quite a few wood disciples in the hall today, has this person not left yet?

Wang Junya over there scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness and asked doubtfully: "Tianxing, where is the person you mentioned?"


Seeing the demon cultivator pointing in her direction, Li Yao was filled with fear. Seeing as this demon cultivator had to be above the Golden Core level, he would not end up with a good outcome if he found her. Fortunately, she hid in the space. Even if he had the ability, he wouldn't be able to find anyone.

"It seems you want me to come to you!" There was anger in Xitianxing's tone. "Junior sister, it's me!"

Hearing someone's answer, Li Yaozhi quickly looked towards the source of the voice, and it turned out to be Wei Wenqi!

"Senior brother!" Wang Junya turned around and shouted in surprise, looking at Xi Tianxing again with a pleading look, "Tianxing, he is my senior brother, don't worry, he will definitely not reveal anything about you and me."

No wonder the voice sounds familiar, and I don’t know how he hid it. I didn’t even notice it, Li Yaozhi thought to himself.

Xitianxing walked slowly towards this side, getting closer and closer, and Wang Junya hurriedly followed.

Wei Wenqi obviously realized that he heard something extraordinary. He suppressed the anxiety in his heart and frowned:

"Junior sister, why are you still with him? Although he saved us before, didn't we also pay him? Now he has no good intentions at all, and he even wants to harm senior sister. Junior sister, you just need to promise me not to do it again. By interacting with him, I don’t need to tell my master or sister.”

In a hurry, he threw out a distress talisman, but unfortunately it was burned to ashes by the flying fireball as soon as it came out.

Wei Wenqi was really scared at this time.

"Oh~." Xi Tianxing smiled playfully, his smile making his scalp numb. He glanced at Wei Wenqi intently, almost to the point where he couldn't stand it, and then he said slowly,

"Since Ya'er begged for mercy, of course I can let him go, but I have to put some gadgets on him to feel completely at ease."

As he spoke, a black ball as big as a mung bean appeared in Xiantianxing's hand, with thick black air exuding from the black ball.

Wang Junya's face changed slightly, and she obviously recognized what it was.

Li Yaozhi was shocked: Demonic energy!With such a strong demonic energy entering his body, is he trying to make Wei Wenqi become a demon?It's so cruel.

But at the same time, she was also in a dilemma. She didn't know whether she should show up to save people.

After thinking about it, she still gave up.

Not to mention that the risk was too great, but even Wei Wenqi's own junior sister was unwilling to save him, so why was she so anxious?

Crystal tears flowed from Wang Junya's eyes. She grabbed Wei Wenqi's sleeve and begged: "Senior brother, you must not tell master and sister what you just heard. Otherwise, I will be expelled from the master. You Don’t worry, I will definitely advise Tian Xing in private, and I will never let him take advantage of senior sister.”

Wei Wenqi felt sorry for his junior sister when he saw her crying. Besides, he didn't want her to be expelled from the school, so he asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

“Absolutely true”

"Okay, I believe you."

Seeing that Wei Wenqi agreed, Li Yaozhi roared in his heart: Heartless Wei Wenqi, have you forgotten that Li Yaozhi is included in their plan?Why don't you mention me?I'm also your junior sister. Fortunately, I was thinking of saving you just now. Fortunately, I didn't take action. Otherwise, I might have saved a white-eyed wolf!snort.

The small black ball in Xiantianxing's hand was a little bigger and became the size of a soybean. He flicked his index finger and the black ball sank into Wei Wenqi's forehead and disappeared.

Wei Wenqi saw a black mist in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and said in surprise: "What is this? Like... demonic energy? Junior sister! He... he is a demon cultivator!" His voice trembled in disbelief.

Although he and Wang Junya were saved by this person a few years ago and their injuries were cured, he really didn't know whether this person was a demon cultivator or the young master of the demon sect.

At that time, he was living in a remote backyard to recover from his injuries. There was a formation in the courtyard and he couldn't go anywhere else, such as sitting in a well and looking at the sky. Even when he recovered from his injuries, he was tricked into taking drug and was taken out of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Therefore, he didn't know the details of Xiantianxing.

(End of this chapter)

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