Chapter 208 This Wei Wenqi is going to rebel

Seeing Wei Wenqi directly exposing Xi Tianxing's identity, Li Yaozhi couldn't bear to look directly at it, so she covered her eyes and thought to herself:
This man is so stupid!You are hopelessly stupid!

Since he didn't expose me, I'd better see if I can save him!
But he was a little far away from me, so I had to move quickly.

"Ya'er, he asked for this!" Xi Tianxing let go of Wang Junya and stared at Wei Wenqi as he took a step closer to him.

"Senior" Wang Junya knew that Xitianxing would not let Wei Wenqi go, "Tianxing, please let me make an oath and then let him go."

After hearing her words, Xi Tianxing said nothing and just smiled.

"Senior brother, please agree quickly!" Wang Junya looked very anxious.

"I will never bow to such a person easily." Wei Wenqi said firmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xitianxing gathered demonic energy in his hands and was about to attack him.

At this time, Wang Junya saw Li Yaozhi's figure disappearing briefly, and then Wei Wenqi also disappeared.

"No! Tian Xing, Li Yaozhi used the Earth Escape Talisman to rescue our senior brother. If the sect finds out, we will be doomed." Wang Junya was very anxious.

"Don't worry, they can't escape." Xitianxing was confident.

Then he used his spiritual consciousness to search for the two people underground.

Here, Li Yaozhi had already used the Earth Escape Talisman to escape directly to the gate of Taiyi Palace. Thinking that there were many people from sects here and they could not discredit the sect, she dragged the struggling Wei Wenqi directly into the palace.

"Junior sister Li, let me go. Let me go first."

"I know what you are thinking. At this time, you still want to protect your Junior Sister Wang?" Li Yaozhi let him go as he was told, and said angrily, hating the iron in his heart.

"I..." Wei Wenqi was at a loss for words.

"No matter what, we must report this matter to the leader, otherwise we will not be able to bear the consequences. Let's go!" Seeing his silence, Li Yaozhi said firmly, and walked forward after speaking.

"...Okay!" Wei Wenqi was silent for a while, weighing the pros and cons in his mind and whispered in a low voice.

He clenched his fists, thinking that the demonic cultivator must have confused his junior sister, otherwise how could the normally well-behaved and weak junior sister associate with that demonic cultivator, and even... even almost become a Taoist couple with the demonic cultivator.

Seeing that he agreed, Li Yaozhi was secretly happy. Now that there was a witness, she couldn't be like in the novel, saying that she framed Wang Junya for colluding with the demon cultivator!

Fortunately, half of the monks in the temple were drunk at this time, and the remaining people were also drunk and talking to the people around them, so not many people saw their actions. Even if they did, they just smiled and thought The two were flirting.

The two walked up to the leader.

Li Yaozhi put out the soundproof cover and whispered: "Master, I want to report to you..."

"Junior sister Li! What are you talking to the leader?" Before she could finish her words, she heard Wang Junya's voice, and she actually came in and followed.

Li Yaozhi's message came just in time, "Master, I just went out and saw Wang Junya with a high-level demon cultivator in the bamboo forest."

Finally finished, let’s see how Wang Junya still quibbles this time.

She raised her head and stared at Wei Wenqi, "Senior Brother Wei, you saw it too, right?"

While speaking, she inadvertently glanced at Wang Junya's unhurried and proud expression, and saw Wei Wenqi's hesitant expression, and she was shocked.

They must have confessed to each other through spiritual communication just now, and now Wei Wenqi is going to betray him!
What a white-eyed wolf! "No, Master, Junior Sister Li made a mistake. Junior Sister Wang was with me just now." Wei Wenqi avoided looking at Li Yaozhi's angry gaze.

Seeing Wang Junya smile gratefully at him again, the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart eased a little.

Hearing this, the headmaster said: "You three, follow me." Then he looked at Yun Zhong aside, "Yun Zhong, help me keep an eye on it."

"Yes, Master." Yun Zhong replied.

As soon as the four of them entered the inner room, Wang Junya knelt on the ground with a pop and said very firmly:
"Master, it's definitely Junior Sister Li who is framing me. I know that Junior Sister Li always looks down on me as a senior sister, thinking that I want to harm her, but you can't say that I am with the demon cultivator... and the demon cultivator." She said this with a face. The expression on his face was extremely aggrieved.

Li Yaozhi was furious: Too much, too much!Disgusting, so disgusting!This Wang Junya was really born in the wrong child. She should have been born in modern times. Her acting skills are at the level of a movie queen!
Also, why is the current plot development...seemingly overlapping with the plot line? !
"Master, I didn't make false accusations. The demon cultivator who was with Wang Junya was the young master of the Demon Sect, Xitianxing. I saw it with my own eyes." Li Yaozhi said angrily.

"You get up first. I will judge in my heart what the matter is." The leader said.

Wang Junya stood up and spoke with sadness in her tone, "Junior sister Li, I don't want to argue with you because of my friendship with you, but why do you still frame me? Are you so intolerant of me?"

"Don't you know whether I framed you or not?" Li Yaozhi glanced at her and said disdainfully.

"Okay, I already know the matter, you can go back first!" The leader glanced at the three of them and said calmly.

"Master, you..." Li Yaozhi couldn't believe it. Wang Junya escaped so easily?
"You guys go back first." The leader patted her shoulder lightly and said through a message: "Yao'er, don't be impatient. Master believes in what you say."

Li Yaozhi was determined, but still had an angry expression on his face, and said dejectedly: "Yes, Master."

Wang Junya felt proud, one corner of her mouth turned up, and she held a salute with both hands, "Yes, Master, my senior brother and I will go find the master first."

Wei Wenqi also said goodbye.

Seeing the three people leaving, the leader picked up the jade plaque around his waist and sent a few messages before returning to the table.

Li Yaozhi, who was sitting next to him, called his master and stopped talking. He just chewed the spiritual fruit in his mouth.

At this time, there were not many people in the hall, and most of the monks had left to rest in the room arranged by Taiyimen.

The four masters and disciples of the Fearless True Monarch of Wanfa Peak have also left.

"Master, what happened?" Yun Zhong glanced at Li Yaozhi's expression in a funny voice and said curiously.

"Yao'er said that she saw a high-level demon cultivator in the sect, and she was with Wuwei's direct disciple Wang Junya. I have sent a message to all the elders. The Criminal Hall has sent high-level monks to patrol and search the sect. Soon You can get the news." The leader also sent a message.

"Then Wang Junya has harmed junior sister many times, and now she does something like this. How does master plan to deal with it?"

"Of course there will be heavy punishment. I think the two disciples Wuwei later accepted are useless." The leader sighed lightly, it was a pity that he had such good qualifications.

He looked at Li Yaozhi and said with a smile: "Disciple, you are now my official disciple. From now on, you will live on the main peak of Taiyi Mountain. Your cave has been arranged. It is next to your senior brother. There is no need to live here. Come to you, let Yunzhong take you to see it."

Thinking that her personal safety would definitely be much higher if she was a neighbor with her senior brother, especially now that a demon cultivator had sneaked into the sect, she agreed wholeheartedly, and her whole body became energetic. She said happily: "Thank you, master. Senior brother, I will invite you later." Thank you for your advice!"

"Well, I will definitely teach you more." Yun Zhong said with a smile.

"Okay, senior brother, senior brother, please take me to see my cave. I don't know what it looks like yet!" Li Yaozhi urged impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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