Chapter 21: Refining Body Spirit Liquid

In this way, Li Yaozhi started working in the alchemy room every day. He was on duty during the day and practiced at night. He also took the time to brew two barrels of the spiritual wine he had been thinking about, and his life was extremely fulfilling.

Of course Ah Feng also followed, but he went into the space to practice and take care of the spiritual things he had planted earlier.

When he was on duty, Li Yaozhi had a job in his eyes, he worked carefully and quickly, he didn't talk much at all, and he was very good-natured.

Gradually, I became familiar with Senior Brother He, and I was able to speak a few words every day.

Master Danxia will also teach her how to recognize the magical herbs and elixirs, so that she will save herself the trouble of recognizing the wrong ones when she goes to the jade box in the palace to help her get the magical herbs.

When Master Danxia was free, Li Yaozhi would not hesitate to give her advice if he had any questions about alchemy.


On this day, Li Yaozhi went to the jade box to get a spiritual plant as usual. As soon as he entered the alchemy room, he heard Master Danxia thinking in a trance. He didn't even notice her coming in. He only heard her murmuring to herself in distress. : "This Yuan-Building Pill used in the Nascent Soul stage consumes too much spiritual consciousness when refining it, but my spiritual consciousness is not enough. What should I do?"

Because Master Danxia usually treats her well. Although he is Master Jindan, he is very gentle and approachable. Li Yaozhi couldn't help but say:

"If one person is not enough, wouldn't two people be enough?"

When Master Danxia heard her words, she suddenly raised her head and glanced at her. The confusion in her eyes slowly receded, and then she seemed to have thought of something and smiled slightly, "You are right."

Master Danxia stood up and straightened her clothes, "Li Yaozhi, I'm going to visit a friend today. After you clean the alchemy room, go back first and come back in seven days."

"Yes, real person."

Watching Master Danxia go out, Li Yaozhicai followed him and honestly put the spiritual plant in his hand back into the jade box.

After she came back and cleaned up, she took the flying magic weapon to Qingque Street, where she wanted to buy an alchemy furnace.

Li Yaozhi arrived at Qingque Street and went straight to Xianbao Pavilion.

Xianbao Pavilion is a property of Weapon Refining Peak, and there is only one master serving in it.

The master was lying on the counter. He had gray hair and many wrinkles on his face. He looked old, but his complexion was very rosy.

Seeing Li Yaozhi come in, he raised his face with his arms in boredom and forced out a kind smile, "Little girl, what do you want to buy?"

Li Yaozhi hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Master, I want to buy an alchemy furnace."

"You, a little girl at the third level of Qi training, can also make elixirs?" Master chuckled and mocked.

Hearing this, Li Yaozhi pretended to be like a real six-year-old girl.

He said with dissatisfaction and pride: "I don't know how to make elixirs, but now I am working as a cleaning boy in front of the real person Danxia. When I see the real person, I am very powerful. I can easily practice a good elixir."

Yuluo realized that her tone just now seemed to be too much, so she felt a little embarrassed.
"Now I also want to learn alchemy in my own cave, so... I don't want to be as good as a real person. Even if I can refine a few Bigu Pills, I will be satisfied."

"Master Danxia, ​​that's not bad. If you stay with her, you can learn something." She said and took out several animal-shaped alchemy furnaces with jade inscriptions (runes) (the best spiritual jade ≈ the best spiritual stone). Ask her: "Look, which one do you want?"

"Master, how much are they worth? I have only been on duty for a few months and have already saved 100 yuan of spirit stones. They are too expensive and I can't afford them." After just one glance, Li Yaozhi knew that this was an elixir she couldn't afford. furnace.

She thought that these alchemy furnaces were so luxurious and must be very expensive. Wasn't the master trying to deceive her about the spiritual stones?She is just a beginner, so just buy a basic model.

"Let me think about it, there seems to be one you can afford. Wait for me to get it."

"Yes, Master."

The master turned around and rummaged in the warehouse at the back for a while before returning.

"Come on, come on, take a look, is this okay?"

"Master, why is this alchemy furnace missing a leg? And why is it so dark?"

"Just find a stone to patch up the missing leg. What's wrong with the darkness? If you can make elixirs, it's a good alchemy furnace. I'll make it cheaper. How about 80 yuan of spiritual stones?" I heard Li Yaozhi say about his alchemy furnace. No, I felt a little unhappy and choked.

" there anything else? If not, forget it." He was a little frightened and his tone was a little weak. "Of course not. Even the cheapest alchemy furnace in the market costs 200 yuan of spirit stones, which is cheap enough." He spoke very confidently and confidently.

"Okay then." Li Yaozhi said helplessly.

Li Yaozhi paid the spirit stone, picked up the alchemy furnace and put it into the storage bag. He saw the master lying back on the counter again, and then said as if he was forcing business: "I think you are good, come back next time!"

Li Yaozhi: "..."

I thought I would talk about it next time, who knows.

But he still answered honestly: "Yes, Master."


Back in the cave, Li Yaozhi couldn't wait to identify the owner of the alchemy furnace he just got. He found that although the alchemy furnace was dark on the outside, it was clean gold and jade on the inside. There seemed to be a few white spots on it. It looked pretty good. It cost 80 yuan. The spirit stone is also worth it.

Place the alchemy stove on the ground fire of the alchemy room, use a stone to cushion the missing leg, and open the jade box containing the snake scorpion flower, frost flower, moon flower, two-faced flower, golden hill grass and ever-changing stamens. Set aside.

After the alchemy furnace has been preheated, turn down the ground fire, raise your hand and put an ever-changing stamen into the alchemy furnace, make a hand seal with your hands, and control it with your spiritual consciousness to separate impurities.

When it turns into a thick spiritual liquid, several other elixirs are thrown in one by one...

Finally, all the elixirs merged into white spiritual liquid and floated in the alchemy furnace. Li Yaozhi quickly put it into a bottle.

The refining process seems simple, but I don't know how many monks have failed at the step of separating impurities. If the impurities are not separated well, her furnace of spiritual liquid will be a black waste liquid.

The refining process is completely controlled by the divine consciousness. If the divine consciousness is not enough during the process, it will not work, and the refining will be waste liquid.

Of course, there are other important points, but I won’t explain them one by one here.

Li Yaozhi's success in refining this time was firstly due to her powerful spiritual consciousness. Secondly, she had practiced it hundreds of times in her mind. She also asked Master Danxia for advice when she was on duty, and she succeeded in just one try.

She worked hard and refined the other two medicines together. Although she almost used up her spiritual consciousness in the process and almost scrapped the process, she was lucky to be safe.

She took out the two bathtubs she used in the Zichenfeng wooden house and cast water spells directly. Filling each bathtub with half a bucket of water, she used the fire spirit power to heat the hot water and poured a cup of water into one of the bathtubs. The bottle of refined spiritual liquid dyed the water in the entire bathtub white.

Li Yaozhi took off her robe and sat in the bathtub. As soon as she sat down, the water seemed to sense her, and it went into her pores bit by bit. She felt a little itchy. She followed curiously with her consciousness to see where it was going. The water passes through the skin, flesh, and bones, and then moves forward...

Unknowingly, she followed him to a space surrounded by white.

In the middle of the space, there are three pillars formed by mixing impurities and crystals. The pillars are the same size, but each pillar has one color, namely black, green, and red. The red crystal is two points more than the impurities, black and green. There are mostly impurities and very few crystals.

Is this color exactly the color of my spiritual root?Could this be my spiritual root?

Bits of water drifted in and wrapped around the crystal pillar, more and more, until it was completely covered.


Li Yaozhi suddenly felt pain in her upper body, as if someone was hammering her flesh and bones with rhythmic hammer after hammer. Big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and fell into the water. There were splashes of water.

She grabbed the clothes next to her with one hand and bit it in her mouth. She endured the pain and told herself that it would be fine in a moment, it would be fine in a moment, and it would be fine in a moment...

After the medicine was completely absorbed, she put another bottle of spiritual fluid inside and repeated the scene just now...

It took a long time until all three bottles of medicine were absorbed by Li Yaozhi, and then she recovered and the water in the bathtub became the original clear water.

After entering another bathtub and running through the water, Fang put on his clothes. He felt comfortable all over and his skin was a little more transparent.

She said somewhat proudly:

"I don't know how much my spiritual root points will increase after this medicinal bath and practicing the nameless body training method, but even half of it will be fine, hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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